A.F.K player in the server

  • This is the Same Problem with Personal Shops sometimes theres 20 of them Near Arena (Tatami) afk for Hours xd each Player on your Screen Increases Lag count esp if you have a Shitty pc, so imagine 20 of them just There afk for hours >.<

    just fyi its no one's fault if you have a bad pc,yeah the rest you can blame it on them but the pc part? that is all on you.

  • Lol those guys really ?

    people want to get Dogi thanks to token because they don't have Millions of zeni to get dogis , when we know how long it is to have 3200 token points , you really think people have to Always be actif ?? Some breaks are good , and they stil can earn tokens by bein at school or work , Servers are getting better and better soon it won't be a problem.

    Come on guys just plz stop complain.

  • Lol those guys really ?

    people want to get Dogi thanks to token because they don't have Millions of zeni to get dogis , when we know how long it is to have 3200 token points , you really think people have to Always be actif ?? Some breaks are good , and they stil can earn tokens by bein at school or work , Servers are getting better and better soon it won't be a problem.

    Come on guys just plz stop complain.

    but thaere are a lot of player A.F.K and i think they already have goku gi because they are lvl 50 or higher and they also have dogi better thank goku gi , will if the player are A.F.K for goku gi it isn't a problem

    MHMDSYN99 / Arabian player / Human / martial artist ranklogo-0.png / Fighter / guild <Arabian Warriors> <3


  • yeah bro, events that gives mudeso points aren't working...

    Token shop should be remove anyways, makes it easy to get tmq1 +15 gear for kid tourny. Lets see what people buy from token shop: 80% stones, 5% food, 5% inventory, 10% Dogi/accessory. Add stones to mudeso unbind, food can be webdepot, inventory from merchant with x amount for y days, and the goku dogi and glasses well idk medeso or ccbd shop.

  • This is exactly the point i've been trying to tell you... he's not going to change it in the Pre-Beta server... Big changes like this aren't going to even be thought about properly until the Beta or after Beta sever goes up :P

    Literally every other game I played has a auto disconnect function after X amount of minutes, and Daneos has stated twice the token system is getting reworked before Beta, so no I don't understand what you were trying to say and don't understand why u are against a feature that would make the game better for everyone while not punishing anyone.

    People would afk before they go out in real life, and come back with tons of tokens and buy upgrade stones and shit on everyone in Kid Budokai. AFK wouldn't be an issue because of server stability or capacity after pre open-beta but people would abuse this.

    You even said in your other post the token system won't be changed, then you say it wont be changed in pre open-beta, then Daneos says it's gonna be changed soon.

    There would be no punishment or downside for having an auto-disconnect feature for anyone besides people who would want to abuse the system and get easy Kid Budokai wins. You shouldn't be able to dumpster people in tournaments and ranked battle just because you logged in hours before they did and got easy upgrade stones.

    The system to receive tokens while being afk is going to be changed soon anyway.

    Either this or an auto disconnect function would fix all the issues with the system, because when budokai and ranked battles are implemented, Kid Budokai will be determined who was AFK the most. I honestly think that a Auto-DC would be great because it would be easier to implement something like Raiden suggested:

    Anti-afk check every 3 hours:

  • Token shop should be remove anyways, makes it easy to get tmq1 +15 gear for kid tourny. Lets see what people buy from token shop: 80% stones, 5% food, 5% inventory, 10% Dogi/accessory. Add stones to mudeso unbind, food can be webdepot, inventory from merchant with x amount for y days, and the goku dogi and glasses well idk medeso or ccbd shop.

    i would be okay with this if we can also get mudeso points by farming mobs super,ultra,boss,hero mobs should give more too

    I say add u34-u70 reds and blues only to gambler merchant but purple and green drop from mobs,dungeons, cash shop etc

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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