Would you like to be a volcarona ?
Because you have fire in your pic and you're just a maggot xDDD
Would you like to be a volcarona ?
Because you have fire in your pic and you're just a maggot xDDD:O
You son of a bi....bisharp -
That's pretty cool, not gonna lie hahaha
Do you like Pan ?
How about Pancham ? -
I do not like like Pan.
But you can be jinx -
The one above me is Haunter.
uhhmm Meowth xD
you are a zekrom
A shiny rowlett.
You're a shiny magikarp xD
You're a bulbasaur !!
You're a Tangela...hairy
you're a togepi
b4dass looks like a fusion of ditto and muk (cuz purple+purple = green).
b4dass looks like a fusion of ditto and muk (cuz purple+purple = green).
Okay... Crap! That video was like if "Racist Mario" wasn't racist.
You are a damn Pikachu
That's as low as I can go...
SViper is a Seviper. You aren't fooling me with that Charizard avatar, bi-yatch
Fluffy is Hypno, cuz Hypno is a pedo :))))
Fluffy is Hypno, cuz Hypno is a pedo :))))
All the b!tches love Hypno^Just look at that sexy beast :O
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