In case some people doesn't know what render means, it means a picture with a transparent background without losing
the image of the character or object on the image. I am hosting a Shop which delivers that for you. Examples will be given below.
And before you dive in my Render Shop~ I would like you to visit a friend of mine that does Avatar and Signatures as well using any pictures. Unfortunately she does not favor renders. I suggest you give her pictures with backgrounds.
Take a look~ Aya's Avatar and Sig Request Shop
Hello everyone! Welcome to Fooni's Render Shop! This is a shop where you can request a forum Avatar/Display Picture or
a Forum Signature based on your character in-game that you have made. This is a long process and could take up to 24 hours
just to complete both the Avatar and Signatures. Sometimes short depending on the requests of the customers.
You can decide to request just the rendered character and not an Avatar or Forum Signature. This process requires you to be online. So i must be online with you to render your character. If you are a low level or child, you may be limited to do certain animations and will end up with less renders. If you are a high level with many skills you may end up having a lot of animation renders if choose to do it. Lets get to shopping!~
Shop Payment Transaction:
To buy in my shop you will need in-game Zennie's. You will trade me the Zennie's in-game and we will get right into work and go from there. After the render process has been completed, I will then get right into work and make the Avatar or Signature for you. After that, i will then private message your forum profile and give you the links to your Avatar, Forum Signature or just the rendered images. Zeni's will be given back if the requests from the customer aren't possible to make in the game.
There are 3 options to buy in this shop currently. Rendered images, Avatar, or Forum Signature.
If you want to buy Avatar or Forum Signature the images will automatically be rendered.
If you just want to buy the Rendered Images then that is fine too.
Rendered Image Price: 1kk/1mil Zeni's for 1 rendered image.
Sample: Rendered images will be rendered from Head to Toe.
Avatar Price: 1kk/1mil Zeni's for 1 avatar image.
Sample: Avatar's are mostly rendered with Head to Chests only. Not a full body render.
Forum Signature Price: 1kk/1mil Zeni's for 1 signature.
Sample: Forum Signatures comes with complete set of any rendered images i got from you.
There will be an application at the bottom to fill up if you want to tell me the designs that you prefer on your signature.
▏ Extra Option: Avatar + Forum Signature bundle Price: 1.5kk/1.5mil for the avatar and signature together. ▏
Copy and paste the Application below if you wish to buy something.
Buying: [put the word Rendered Image, Avatar, Forum Signature or Bundle here]
In-game name: [put your in-game name here]
When are you available?: [put your time schedule here]
Signature designs: Tell me how you want it to look like. Explain and give details.
What is your favorite color?:
Do you like holding your weapon in-game? Yes or No?:
Do you like your character when they close their eyes? Yes or No?:
Do you like your Signature background to be Flashy, Shiny, or Plain?:
Would you like the DBOG Logo in the Signature? Yes or No?:
Would you like your in-game name in the Signature? Yes or No?:
Would you like your Guild name in the Signature? Yes or No?: Ignore if don't have one.
Coming Soon.
Gifs and Rendered Gifs.