Hello, i wanted to ask if anyone would love to be my friend?
Im always lonely in dbo and no one to hang out with.. or to do missions and stuff together..
Well if someone feel's interested, just send me a message or reply on this thread! :3
Hello, i wanted to ask if anyone would love to be my friend?
Im always lonely in dbo and no one to hang out with.. or to do missions and stuff together..
Well if someone feel's interested, just send me a message or reply on this thread! :3
Sure, what level are you? If we are around the same I'd be happy to hang out in game some time and do quests or just talk if you like. My IGN is xxTrunks.
The name that i use in DBO is the same name i use here Roseline, and i will contact you right away!
And the level is 36 for now.
Hello, i wanted to ask if anyone would love to be my friend?
Im always lonely in dbo and no one to hang out with.. or to do missions and stuff together..
Well if someone feel's interested, just send me a message or reply on this thread! :3
always looking for new friends so just whisper me ign. ign name under mye signature
Seems like it says your offline
Hello! You can add me but im not currently online yet but i play as a Turtle and his name is Yamigarasu
Oh okay
Seems like it says your offline
ye i am atm. i'll probably be online tomorrow
Oh okay c:
Yo man,
My Ign are Brecht (namekian) and Sbrecht (Human)
I have only been playing for like a week now so my friend list is still a bit empty aswell... Hopefully I'll see you ingame mate
add SSJdumY if u need help or somethins anonce me
1- Welcome to the forums!
2- I have many characters, I'll whisper you with my characters to help you out!
I have a lvl 70, a 56, a 40, and some lower lvled characters.
I am online all the time. I have a lot of work and school stuff to attend to, but I am more than happy to spare my free time to hang out with ya!
3- Hope you have a fun time!
So sorry for replying late, usually i am busy with work, but not school since i finish it, and now im free to get on again, meet you there!
:wink: u can alwasy chat with the pervy sage AKA megeto
Hello, i wanted to ask if anyone would love to be my friend?
Im always lonely in dbo and no one to hang out with.. or to do missions and stuff together..
Well if someone feel's interested, just send me a message or reply on this thread! :3
I'd love to be your friend, I'm currently level 27 and planning to become a swordsman. hmu if you want to slack around! 8D
IGN is Wazz.
You can add me, I have a MA that is L17( Oz ) and a turtle L58 ( Noku1 )
None of them are on
None of them are on
wats ur ign
None of them are on
lol i am on now xD i don't think our timezones are the same
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