======================= Martial Artist - Fighter
Fighters are among the most popular classes to play in the game, branching off from the Martial Artist Class. They are able to use Vegeta's entire arsenal of moves, all while fighting with power poles, smashing people in the gut so hard they can't move, and have amazing dodge potential. They're the closest class to resemble Vegeta and Goku, so it makes sense why people gravitate towards Fighters this much. Their playstyle takes advantage of burst damage in 1v1 combat, relying on criticals and dodges to dominate. They have some decent AoE options later as well, though those are trickier to use than other classes.
There's been plenty of general guides of how to make a good Fighter, but one of the hardest and most disputed things for people to do is to make their "perfect" build. I believe there are multiple ways to play a Fighter besides the cookie cutter builds. So I'm here to judge every skill that a Fighter can potentially wield, and explain their potential uses, to help people who struggle finding what they want for themselves.
Plan your own Fighter Build here: http://tools.dboglobal.to/dbo_skill_calculator/?tool=Skill-Calculator&class=Fighter
======== Martial Artist attacks ============
Double strike is a move you'll have by default. It's pathetically weak, but it'll help you level up. Since it's a very simple and fast move, it's great for finishing off those pesky enemies that just barely hung on with a sliver of LP.
I can't recommend maxing this, but putting some points into this before skill resetting at level 29 can speed up the leveling process a bit!
No words can describe how important this technique is. It'll stun your enemy outright, stopping whatever they're doing(Great for stopping a mob/player who's charging a skill) and giving you free reign to ruin their life. I'm not sure I've ever seen a successful Martial Artist that hasn't maxed this skill. MAYBE an "energy fighter" that cares purely about team-PvE can circumvent maxing this, but who knows. Use RP to prolong the stun by 3 seconds, or shorten the cooldown so you can spam it again.
Max this.
The skill that's almost Wolf Fang Fist's equal late-game. Good for finishing off enemies hanging on with a sliver of LP just like Double Strike, except it's a bit stronger and slower. At maximum level this move will confuse enemies for 1 second, which can disorient them a bit. But that'll lower the move's damage, make it success rate oriented which Fighters suck at, and cost you a whopping 8SP.
If you want a slightly weaker Wolf Fang Fist that costs 1 more SP, but is spammable thanks to a 5 second cooldown and does max damage from all angles, then level this to lvl7. Otherwise, keep it at lvl1. Don't bother maxing it.
Yamcha's existence is finally justified thanks to this move. Wolf Fang Fist is FANTASTIC to help you level, and does consistently great damage so long as you attack from behind, unlike Needles.(Which need critical hits to draw out their maximum potential) However, this move's damage calculates from gloves, which will have worse base stats than your pole, and it lacks the 10M distance and crit advantage. Plus, it takes a large 6SP to max out.
For leveling's sake, absolutely max this! If you're a pure physical Fighter that wants a strong tertiary melee move, max this or try Rock Scissor Paper at lvl7! Hybrids and energy fighters really have no reason to max this, as the needles will do fine as physical moves.
As the name implies, this is your fastest attack. Possibly the fastest connecting attack in the game. The moment it's used, the stun will immediately activate as you fly towards your enemy into melee range. It's great for interrupting skill charges, getting to your enemy instantly, stopping your enemy from fleeing, ignoring movement speed debuffs, getting a match's first strike, and as secondary stun.
Arguably this move is more important than Kidney Shot, no matter what build you're rocking. It's an absolute must in PvP. Energy and PvE/leveling Fighters don't NEED to max this, as it only increases stun and cooldown time, but I'd still recommend lvl1 at least for utility.
It's the ultimate luring move! It's damage is negligible, but it is super fast and has fantastic reach. Great for baiting that pesky boss/ultra out of his group of supers for a more fair 1-on-1 battle, or finishing off that annoying fleeing enemy with a sliver of LP, or luring an enemy you need to kill from that field of enemies you DON't need to kill.
Even as a pure physical fighter, I could recommend getting this for leveling purposes. It saves alot of hassle. Just don't upgrade Tunnel Slash. If you want damage, spend 2 more SP to get a "Stronger Energy Barrage" instead.
Crappy damage with crappy explosion range. That said, it's usefulness lies in it's knockdown. Though a fighter will have better skills that can knockdown(Stronger Energy Barrage, Big Bang Attack, Final Flash, Final Effort), they all take longer to cast, leaving time for enemies to interrupt. Therefore, this move is the fastest most reliable way to knockdown, with no afterlag, leaving time for you to do a followup attack!
Anyone who does PvP and wants to knock others down, get it. Energy Fighters should always get it, if only for Energy Barrage. Don't be tempted to upgrade this just because it's the Fighter's only Kamehameha. It's pointless. You're better off being a Turtle or even a Swordsman for those.
It's your first possible move with very reliable and decent fast damage! Good for lending ranged support(without luring a dozen unwanted mobs to you), finishing enemies off, or luring them. It has a longer animation than Tunnel Slash, so be aware that you're giving your enemy a chance to kick your ass during this. Because of that, unless it's a finishing blow, DO NOT to use this in PvP.
A decent strong skill with no cast time. Energy Fighters want this one maxed out for sure. Hybrid Fighters should consider it for giving them more ranged versatility, since this skill won't lure extra unwanted mobs . Physical Fighters should avoid this and anything beyond it like the plague.
Majin Vegeta's move on Majin Buu. This move is the strongest non-HTB spiritual skill in the entire game when maxed out, and a Martial Artist's first TRUE AoE(Area of Effect). I'd shudder to think of the damage Turtles would achieve with this thing.
Don't let the damage go to your head, though. The move severely lacks utility. You'll be floating for 4 to 5 straight seconds in 1 spot with a tiny AoE range. Mobs will be beating on you while you're doing this, players will surely interrupt or dodge you, and ranged mobs will probably dodge it entirely. Sure, you could stun players and then combo into this move, but at that point, you'd be better off using 2 needles. This doesn't make Final Effort useless, but you'll need some way to set it up. Another player, Solar Flare, or a Super Ghost Kamikaze(if it ever gets it's auto-attacks back) luring mobs can help alot.
For most people this move will pale in comparison to Big Bang Attack, and they're only getting it for the sake of getting Stronger Energy Barrage. But when used intelligently, you CAN get some mileage out of it's insane damage. If you're a fan of this move, are an Energy CON Fighter, and think you can handle it's limited versatility, then you should try max this skill and surprise people. Hybrids and DEX-wearing fighters should stick with Big Bang Attack.
This move is basically a slightly weaker and slower Energy Barrage, except it has a small AoE and the ability to knock down! Perfect for chaining with Energy Barrage for distance support, finishing off a group of enemies that survived your AoE, or knocking people down from a further away than your Kamehameha can.
Energy Fighters can get this and max it out for lending better ranged support, but getting it at level 1 for the knockdown stalling is good enough too. Hybrid fighters can get this skill at lvl1 for it's knockdown or as an AoE finisher, but you have to waste alot of SP just to get here.