Please only one server for the Open Beta

  • Hi ich würde mir wünschen für Dragonball Online Global dass es nur einen Server gibt dafür entweder mit mehre Channel wie bei der Taiwan Version Server 1 und 2 nur das man auf Server 1 oder 2 jeder Zeit mit seinen Charackter welchseln kann und selber entscheiden kann ob man auf Server 1 oder 2 Spielen möchte
    da ich gerne auch mit anderen zusammen spielen würde aus anderen Ländern wie früher ich habe zwar gelesen das es für die Closed Alpha 3 Test Server geben wird ist das so geplannt das es für EU Spieler, US Spieler usw später einen eigenen Server geben wird oder wird es so wie auf Taiwan sein?

    Weil ich möchte gerne das es so bleibt wie in der Taiwan Version am besten nur 1 Server oder 2 wo man aber jeder Zeit mit seinen Charackter auch auf Server 1 spielen kann ich will auf jedenfall keine gesplitterten Server haben wo jedes Land ein eigenen Server hat mit nur Deutsche, Amerikaner u.s.w

    Da ich auch gerne mit Spanierer, Engländer u.s.w zusammen spielen möchte deswegen bitte nur 1 Server oder 2 wo man auch hin und her wechseln kann mit seinen Char und nicht an einen Server gebunden ist das wäre super wenn man das umsetzen würde :)

    In English

    Hi I would like for Dragon Ball Online Global that there is only one server for either several channel as in the Taiwan version of Server 1 and 2, only one can welchseln on server 1 or 2 each time with his character's and can decide for themselves whether to want to Server 1 or 2 games
    I would like to play with other people from other countries as before, although I have read that will give it for the Closed Alpha 3 test server that is so-planned that will give it for EU players US players etc later your own server or so as to Taiwan it be?

    Because I would like it to stay as in the Taiwan version best only 1 server or 2 where to but I can play each time with his character's on Server 1 will have in any case no splintered server where each country has its own server with only German, American, etc

    I also would like to play with Spanierer, English etc together so please only 1 or 2 servers where you can also switch back and forth is not bound by his char and to a server that would be great if you would implement that :)

  • I also support this and I only speak English. One server means more communication and socializing with other people. Multiple channels on that server is enough. I'm pretty sure the playerbase only wants one server. It'll help make people stay and play the game seeing so many people playing together. Also, TMQ partying would be easier and faster along with other forms of partying. Not to mention, the pvp would be super active, making people want to stay more and have fun. Thats my input on all of this. #OneServer

  • I get what you're trying to say, But I don't support it, Eventually when too many people start playing the game on only one server, the game will eventually get laggy, and I'm pretty sure no one likes lag.

  • Of course no wants to lag, to assume that its simply not smart. But if there's a way to make it happen without forcing everyone to play with lag it's worth trying, that's all.

    If there's 500 players for each server, you'll basically be playing in a deserted server, no wants that too.
    What the author of the post is asking is for the DEVs to find a solution where everyone can play in a single server, without lag, and other related server problems.

    I think it's not difficult to undestand.

  • I don't care about other countries, I just want an active server with lots of guilds and fighting, lots of dojos wars and scrambles! Which is hard to do if the server capacity is like 500 people. ( I'm basing this number on yesterdays open alpha, where we had over 500 people, and although the server got stable after a period, there was still some server lag )

  • The idea for the 3 servers would probably be: NA, EU and Asian.

    Putting the Asia server apart and focusing only on the NA and EU ones, there's the cons we'll face on both sides of the coin:

    Separate servers:
    - The community will be spread out and people will be torn on which server to choose, regardless of it being closer to them or not, because they want to play with their friends.

    One server:
    - Server hardware will have to be upgraded a lot to be able to support that many players without lagging too much (not that it can't happen, as I'm sure it would).
    - People who are far away from the server location would have a disadvantage against locals, due to this game being very dependent on connection, in order to have the first stun in PvP.

    So, whichever choice is made, a sacrifice would have to be made as well.

    Personally, I'd rather be able to play with all my friends, instead of seeing them go in different ways and forcing me to make a really hard decision. Meaning that a connection speed disadvantage isn't as important to me as that.

    Honestly, I feel like the best approach would be an English Server and an International or Global Server for all other languages and people who can't speak english. But then, there's still the question of where they would be located and who would have a connection advantage. Since both the continent of America and Europe have both fluent english speakers and other native languages of their own, it would also be a hard decision on part of the DBOG team.

    Maybe a poll/vote can be started (by the DBOG team), if they're willing to consider the option, but they will probably keep their decision, since they're the ones who know how it will work best for them to bring DBO back to us and since they must've thought long and hard about this already.

  • They say Dragon Ball Online Global? So it should also give gloabel server and it should be as it was then otherwise I could still imagining EU Server US Server etc but you can also switch to other servers and not linked your account to a server is Or For the Spanierer not speak English so get your own server

  • 1 Server might be alot of lag! We saw that when everybody could play on alpha test lately.. There was absolutely no lag when it was in "closed alpha" state, but when they opend it for all it was unplayable as a healer, or class that uses cast time based skills.. So even if they get the server better, i still think 2 Servers are better! 1 in EU, 1 in US..
    If there is only 1 server it doesn't matter how many channels the server has.. if he is full, there will be lag and/or disconnect.. So it is a good thing to make at least 2!

  • 1 Big Server(high end) cost alot of money.. Not sure if they can effort that for long.. And still even big Server may produce lag if he is full..

    Just pointing this out, and I don't know the exact prices for server hardware, but don't you think both 1 big server and 2 smaller ones would end up costing a lot, too? lol

    But yeah, I'm fine with 2 separate servers, but my issue is it being NA and EU, since it will make the english speakers split up.

  • A server for all players would be best but it costs just a lot of money if dbog would have its own server would it ever easier we let ourselves but überaschen so as to was taiwan I fande best just is not bound it to keep accounts and Charackterer on the server are and at any time can be played on another server so

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