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Cry cry coringa same thing you do ... besides a trap in events
Always the same, coringa crying for everything, even when you also use that bug, we all know that you are a noob, with this you confirm once more.
You two do realise that you are not actually helping the situation. If you want to call him out then call him out in-game while recording your screen of him using this bug. This will likely lead to him being cautioned or banned depending on how he uses it.
You could very we;; be lying about him using it (not saying you are liars but other people have done this in the past to get other users unfairly banned) if you wish for him to be suspended or have action taken record him using the bug and post it in the player report section and if Daneos sees it so he will be punished in the next update.
Cry cry coringa same thing you do ... besides a trap in events
Always the same, coringa crying for everything, even when you also use that bug, we all know that you are a noob, with this you confirm once more.
However Coriiinga, than you for the bug update. but all i see him doing is running on the plat, doing an attack and dashing off where no one can hit him and then he heals himself. That's not a bug, that's just being annoying and a coward. (boring but not against rules) he is also using his AoE heal to heal members on the platform which you are attacking. Next time it would be helpful for you to add a description of what is happening so that instead of playing guessing games we can look for it specifically.
i'll forward this onto the official bug thread for Daneos to see and it'll likely be removed soon. (in the next few updates)
Video says can't watch unless i sign in.
Make it available to the public.
Thanks for replying, I apologize with you for having to deal with stupid reports like this.
Who thinks this is a stupid report? I don't. This user has given the best kind of evidence of a known bug in the game in the best format possible (video proof) While there was a lack of explanation what matters most is that the bug has been reported and is now known.
Regardless of whether or not the user in question abuses it themselves is irrelevant. If they are caught and reported then that's their fault. I for one a thankful they even bothered to report it in the first place so that those in power can do something about it.
Thanks for replying, I apologize with you for having to deal with stupid reports like this.
Thank you for everything, my friend. I just want it fixed. bug
Quem é que este é um relatório estúpido? Eu não Se oo mais melhor tipo de evidência de um bug conhecida não há jogo melhor formato possível . Ltda.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Se eles são apanhados e relatados, então isso é culpa deles. Eu, por um, agradecido, eles sequer se preocuparam em denunciá-lo em primeiro lugar, para que os que estão sem poder fazer algo. [Quote = 'Aguszak', 'http: //forum.dboglobal.to/index.php? Thread / 15557-bug-pvp / & postID = 113764 # post113764 '] Obrigado por responder, peço desculpas por ter lidar com Relatórios estúpidos como este. [/ Citar]
crycrycry ...
Hold that L for the music you had.
but gj finding the bug
He crying but he does know that his guild did the same thing. If the guys in the vid get a punishment then also the other friends of Coringa should should get one. I'll try to record a video later, CORINGA we all know here that you cry about it whilst using 24/7 bugs yourself. You already got reported MANY times and no action was taken at all because Daneos might haven't seen it. I didn't expect a bug report from one of the biggest abusers himself tho
I get where you're coming from but until evidence is presented (and reported in the PROPER section so it's not public!) all of you could potentially just be lying.
if you see and know he abuses bugs then record and report it. appropriate action will be taken whethers simply writing it in here there or anywhere but the report section or a PM to one of the mods (i don't suggest PMing Daneos himself as he'll likely discard it as someone pestering him or asking for something in-game and likely has a very full inbox so he may not see it anytime soon)
If he is abusing bugs then i wish you luck in recording and reporting it. But until then try to keep the forums civil. This is a thread about reporting a bug, not a game of "who dun it" and "who can i get in trouble"
He crying but he does know that his guild did the same thing. If the guys in the vid get a punishment then also the other friends of Coringa should should get one. I'll try to record a video later, CORINGA we all know here that you cry about it whilst using 24/7 bugs yourself. You already got reported MANY times and no action was taken at all because Daneos might haven't seen it.
I get where you're coming from but until evidence is presented (and reported in the PROPER section so it's not public!) all of you could potentially just be lying.
if you see and know he abuses bugs then record and report it. appropriate action will be taken whethers simply writing it in here there or anywhere but the report section or a PM to one of the mods (i don't suggest PMing Daneos himself as he'll likely discard it as someone pestering him or asking for something in-game and likely has a very full inbox so he may not see it anytime soon)
If he is abusing bugs then i wish you luck in recording and reporting it. But until then try to keep the forums civil. This is a thread about reporting a bug, not a game of "who dun it" and "who can i get in trouble"
Look we all know CORINGA is one of the biggest abusers after Avezla, as i said i'll try to get evidence about him abusing. But i don't think they should be punished. I know it's a bug and shouldn't be abused. But it's a bug EVERYONE could use, < That main sound weird but i try to say it in a different way
Yeah for sure man. I get you completely. It's annoying when people find out bugs that give them advantages over others and then exploit them, thus making ti unfair on those who can't or do not.
As i said in a previous message on various other threads and such . They should be given "Appropriate punishments" "This will likely lead to him being cautioned or banned depending on how he uses it." The key points here are how they use it. For example when the immortality glitch was about a ton of people would go and use it on the Platform and kill a load of people knowing fully well they could not be killed themselves. (Those who were caught and reported with evidence were banned.)
Personally looking at how this bug happens i'd say at most it should be a temporary suspension until the bug is fixed. it's not really a worth a full out ban but i'm not the one who gets to decide that. Abusing bugs that allow you to mess with and/or have an advantage over other players doesn't agree with the community (as you have all blatantly shown by coming into this thread and calling him out on it) along with Daneos too. he wants to make the game fairer for everyone by removing as much P2W as he can (in the future!) and bug wise. so messing with PvP aspect bugs and such it's a good idea
TL;DR - Yes i see where you're coming from, good luck capturing evidence. punishments shouldn't be too serious but not my call.
Look we all know CORINGA is one of the biggest abusers after Avezla, as i said i'll try to get evidence about him abusing. But i don't think they should be punished. I know it's a bug and shouldn't be abused. But it's a bug EVERYONE could use, < That main sound weird but i try to say it in a different way
Look we all know CORINGA is one of the biggest abusers after Avezla, as i said i'll try to get evidence about him abusing. But i don't think they should be punished. I know it's a bug and shouldn't be abused. But it's a bug EVERYONE could use, < That main sound weird but i try to say it in a different way
Bro avezlabuffer keep playing daneos dont ban ip...
And let me guess? you have recorded footage of this Avezlabuffer abusing bugs that merit an IP Ban and submitted it to the report section or to a Moderator in a PM?
Bro avezlabuffer keep playing daneos dont ban ip...
Avezlabuffer = avezla.... Cosmo, If you do not know, do not comment, thanks
You do realise this thread is about a bug report, yes?
That means i do believe you're the one off topic and also the one who should not be commenting and creating unnecessary drama where it need not be.
And no i do not know th name of everyone very many people who abuse bugs. IF you do i suggest you collect video evidence of it and report it so they are deterred from doing it again.
Avezlabuffer = avezla.... Cosmo, If you do not know, do not comment, thanks
If it's not too much trouble i think a moderator should close this thread before things get out of hand (like they always do when someone publicly reports something or someone and anyone who's seen it or heard about it thinks they're an expert)
@arubaru @Ayame @Vegetto @Kirito Sorry to irritate you with the tags but sometimes threads get buried until things explode with nastiness.
I know AvezlaBuffer is Avezla that's kinda obvious but we should wait for Daneos ( i'll ask him on discord ) to check his IP and see if it's the same. I think he using a Vpn to go ingame but still the buffer can be banned once you have proofs of it abusing a bug. Or it can be that one ofhis friends is using the acc lol
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