Can a ''Pro'' Karma or a well experienced karma player guide me thru a karma majin pure pvp what build,gear,earings,etc thanks. :love: :love:

Need a karma majin PvP Guide
As for gear you should consider buying a wide range variety of items anyway. That means you need to cover a lot of items and builds to counter different kind of classes.
As a Karma majin, your main utility would be to combine the usage of the
lightning fast Intense Rage RP instant , with your point-blank
animation Knock-down moves. If done correctly, can successful KD-lock an
opponent. This requires precisive timing and practice, of course, but
would be the main gameplay of Karma - completely shutting down your
opponent. However, we are focusing on a different kind of build. If you do plan on playing KD-lock though,
I'd recommend to take the skill points of Double Whammy Ball and put the rest like this:…330500245015005100564010/Another tactic revolves around stacking Attack speed equips, and using
it in conjunction with your Attack speed buff along with Kaioken; debuff
- > slaughter. This will prove to provide you much more DpS, but
won't suffice againest bulkier classes such as Mightys/Warriors. Such as this build:…330500245015005100564010/You also have an arsenal of debuffs to choose from, namely Hesitation (
Skill lock), Confusion Beam, Stone Beam, Shout ( your main stun, spans
up to 45m; outspeeds MA's quick attack) , and Mobility Seal as a last
resort. With Hesitation being the most important skill, since no forms
of accessories can nerf it.Top - Con / LP Absorb % / Focus (For Fighters etc.)
Pants - Con / LP Absorb % / Focus (For Fighters etc.)
Boots - Con / Energy Reflect (against other Karmas)Gloves - Attack Speed % / Energy Critical Rate / Energy Critical % /Focus
Mask - Attack Speed % / Energy Critical Rate / Energy Critical % /Hit RateRings - Cooldown Reduction / Focus
Earrings - Cooldown Reduction / Attack and Defense Property
Necklace - Increased Success RateNot to mention you'd need a lot of accessories to counter different classes such as Anti-Fear, Anti- Paralyze, Anti-Candy etc.
Up to the extent of Armor, you need Focus Armor on you all the time to be VERY useful.
Earrings, Necklace and Rings are very highly dependent on your opponent (if you need Anti Paralysis, go for it, if you need CD, go for it... and so on!)
My old Armor back in TW was as such: Just Main Stats (PVP)
Jacket- 30 FOC (legendary)
Pants- 28 FOC (Craft)
Shoes- 28 CON (Craft)
Gloves- 31 FOC (Legendary)
Mask - 216 Hitrate (Regular) and had a 29% Energy Critical Damage Increase (Legendary)My old Armor back in TW was as such: Just Main Stats (PVE)
Jacket- 28 CON
Pants- 27 CON (had that 1 FOC which made me cry, but I wasn't about PVE Karma)
Shoes- Movement Speed Increase Shoes for Pure Form
Gloves- 31 FOC (Legendary) or Level 65 Attack Speed (19%) for speed parties to go Speed Pure Form.
Mask - 29% Energy Critical Damage Increase (Legendary) or Level 65 Attack Speed (19%) for speed parties to go Speed Pure Form.Playstyle:
Playing Karma is all about shutting down your opponent, so you need reliable ways to stop the opponent from hitting or harming you in any intention! You should never Start by buffing, because that's the dumbest thing you'll do in your life. So in a way.. most buffs are useless to you, unless you actually land your Confusion, in which case you're gonna apply FOC buff Normally to end it quickly!
Combos you can Regularly use to win a match easily:
Shout --> Confusion Dark Beam --> MaskLight for KD out of ring!
Shout --> Hesitation --> (Double Whammy Ball --> MaskLight) Repeat that until the die, which is really easy to do xD (sometimes I use this against Ultimate Majins so I know how much they can resist (Double Whammy Ball Paralysis has nice Successrate)Match Ups:
------Hard Matchups:-
Ultimate Majin (If they run Full on DEX armor and Resistance increased by 302%, you pretty much barely landing anything!)
Fighters (They have high resistance rate and dodge rate, which makes them very irritating, but compared to an Ultimate Majin, they can't remotely meet the Resistance Ultimates have, which makes them much easier to deal with!) Fighters are no where near the nightmare of Ultimate Majin though!
------Normal Matchups:-
Shadow Knights (They have High DEF and High Health, and a good SK will start a match by dashing towards a Karma, which makes them purely difficult to take out or Knock Down, but still they dont have high enough Resistance to even match up to you! And their DoT can be very irritating if you let them land it! SKs can sometime Stall you after they use Bold Strike. If the Axe is good enough, the Effects have very high damage on you, but you still shouldn't use your Bleed Duration Buff because that gives them too much time)
Swordsmen (Their Scintillation can be a death sentence, but if you play your cards right, you should easily land Shout and kill them)
Grand Chef Majin (Their high Health and their Ability to Spam you with KDs can be a little conserning, but not a big problem, they aren't anywhere near Fighters or Ultimate Majins when it comes to Resistance)
Turtles (Female)(You just need to be a tiny bit of intelligence to go against them and not give them the chance to molest you!)------Easy Matchups:-
EVERY OTHER CLASS: all other classes simply don't have an advantage on you in any way, and they probably have little to no resistance, which leaves you Jumping happily.My Winrate was 99.1% out of 1400 Matches, I lost mostly against Ultimates, some against fighters and some against SKs, but I don't think I lost against other classes.
This build is pretty much full on Hybrid of PVE and PVP and it works perfectly for both in all situations (Speed Parties are dead, so stop thinking about it!) -
No mobility seal, unbreakable elastic, rara eruption, 6 points on mask light lol.
I seriously wonder how you managed to win that often using such a build that lacks the good skills, especially unbreakable elastic
No mobility seal, unbreakable elastic, rara eruption, 6 points on mask light lol.
I seriously wonder how you managed to win that often using such a build that lacks the good skills, especially unbreakable elastic
1- You dont need Mobility seal due to how low in Successrate it is and the fact that it doesn't fit the Karma Shutdown style. You used 5 SP on it instead of 4 SP on Doll, which is outrageous but whatever.
2- Unbreakable Elastic is a good skill when used properly, but you don't even need to use it if you know how to play with common sense because it's a waste of time!Hey, at least I am not the one using Serene Focus in a PVP build, Have MAX Kaioken, and WTF is up with Playful Doll....have you ever played Party PVP? And also, we all know that Speed is not PVP, it just isn't!
Maxed Whammy Ball is very important to stop Those Milisecond Attacks that come with RP Charges (KD and Such)
RP Charge at max is just very ineffective and useless, you only need the RP charge once, and dont forget you can Lock your opponent down forever if you know how to play!
Unbreakable elastic is VERY useless when you're trying to shut down your opponent.
Karmas should never Hold back from attack, you'll not use it at all (Unbreakable Elastic) -
Just lol. Absolutely no comment, but hey heads up
1- You dont need Mobility seal due to how low in Successrate it is and the fact that it doesn't fit the Karma Shutdown style. You used 5 SP on it instead of 4 SP on Doll, which is outrageous but whatever.2- Unbreakable Elastic is a good skill when used properly, but you don't even need to use it if you know how to play with common sense because it's a waste of time!
3- Rara Eruption was made for UDs and other uses, but it can also be utilized as a High Success KD.
4- Maxing Mask Light is very powerful due to the KD effect and the fact that the cooldown is low and it has very short animation time.Hey, at least I am not the one using Serene Focus in a PVP build, Have MAX Kaioken, and WTF is up with Playful Doll....have you ever played Party PVP? And also, we all know that Speed is not PVP, it just isn't!
Maxed Whammy Ball is very important to stop Those Milisecond Attacks that come with RP Charges (KD and Such)
RP Charge at max is just very ineffective and useless, you only need the RP charge once, and dont forget you can Lock your opponent down forever if you know how to play!
Unbreakable elastic is VERY useless when you're trying to shut down your opponent.
Karmas should never Hold back from attack, you'll not use it at all (Unbreakable Elastic)Scrub build
It's just that you haven't played Karma long enough to realize what actually works and what doesn't.
it's pretty funny that you both say such things and give 0 explanation upto what's going in your minds.
IF you have played Karma long enough, you'll know that Mobility Seal has Lower Base Success Rate than all your other skills, so using it is like using instant transmission in PVP...
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