Finally found someone who can actually play the damn game

  • This nigga right here:


    ^OP motherfucker. The only person I have fought and who manages to consistently beat me. Beek, Rawya, PJerish, SailorMoon? All huge noobs. This nigga right here can actually put up a fight unlike the aforementioned people.

    Few other honorable mentions go to a Fighter and an SK who I honestly forget the names of. These three people have been the only ones who can beat me 1v1, 3 outta 3 matches. So, yeah, congratz guys. I am impressed ^^ (I look forward to meeting more skilled pvpers in the future)

  • Thx :) i'm really flattered :saint:

  • Anyone can be OP atm lol.
    Besides, there's no merit in beating anyone in the current status of the game.

    There is however, a small group of actual skilled players lurking around.

    I'm awaiting the return of many old members when OB releases. Until then, there's no point bragging about beating anyone.

  • Anyone can be OP atm lol.
    Besides, there's no merit in beating anyone in the current status of the game.

    There is however, a small group of actual skilled players lurking around.

    I'm awaiting the return of many old members when OB releases. Until then, there's no point bragging about beating anyone.

    Come fight me, b/itch. ( I am bored af lol)

  • @Fluffy, you can post achievements or whatever you want related to the game, but I kindly ask you not to call anyone you won against a "noob".

    Beek, Rawya, PJerish, SailorMoon? All huge noobs.

    Will probably lead to a circlejerk or simple flaming, and eventually a closed thread.

    Thank you for your understanding,


  • saiyanknight craft lvl? how much did it cost too?

    i don't craft.

    @Fluffy, you can post achievements or whatever you want related to the game, but I kindly ask you not to call anyone you won against a "noob".

    Will probably lead to a circlejerk or simple flaming, and eventually a closed thread.
    Thank you for your understanding,


    Thx For commenting MR.Noob xD.
    Ban Aru xDD

  • To be perfectly honest, I think the word "noob" is extremely retarded and juvenile. I use it mostly as a way to mock all those whiny MMO dwellers screaming "NOOB" 24/7 on trash MMOs like WoW for example. So, basically in an ironic sense ^-^

    Beek, PJerish, Rawya, and SailorMoon are extremely trashy players if they cannot beat a frail little majin girl with +0 armor, a non-pvp build, and a cosmetic sub-weapon.

  • To be perfectly honest, I think the word "noob" is extremely retarded and juvenile. I use it mostly as a way to mock all those whiny MMO dwellers screaming "NOOB" 24/7 on trash MMOs like WoW for example. So, basically in an ironic sense

    Beek, PJerish, Rawya, and SailorMoon are extremely trashy players if they cannot beat a frail little majin girl with +0 armor, a non-pvp build, and a cosmetic sub-weapon.

    They might be whatever you think they are, but it isn't useful or interesting information for a forum. Most importantly, it goes against one of the main points of the code of conduct: "Keep it civil".

    Being ironic on the internet is misleading, there is no need for that. Be as blunt as you want, but in here at least be respectful please.

    Trashtalk all you want in-game or with your guildies/friends. This forum wasn't made for that.

  • s

    current meta sucks for some classes

    Current meta = level 70 rare crafted and level 60 legendary accessories which is basically level 70 rare accessories, and gift box rings
    Resistance and success is retard, dodge rate to hitrate ratio is wonky

    DoTs don't stack. Reflect and counter attack doesn't work, No legendary level 70 gear or level 70 mudosa accessories, CCBD accessories, Kraken ring, Cellx rings, ccbd aura, budokai gloves etc attack speed%

    Once all that get fix endgame PvP will be overall fine then we can start talking class balance and how SK are to op and needs nerfs and shit like that

  • Quick question: are these matches just done in platform and duels or do you go Rank? I consider Rank to be the only way to actually prove your skill since Duels let you set up the match in your favor and platform is...platform.

    all in all, a real match would never be done in plat or a duel. a real fight is done in ranked. no one start with buffs, or rp, fair and square. if someone wanna prove their skills, i prefer ranked.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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