my cousin cant open the launcher... we tryed everything that is posted on the forum but it just appears (DBO laucher stopped working)
Help pls...
We have already tryed all, everything posted here before... even firewall but always got that error, he as windows 10 just like me... with framework 3.5 and visualls too...
the only message that appears its that one...
can someone help?? iv been watching in the forum but there's nothing like that...
<Checking>Cant even open the Launcher
Couldja get a better picture of the launcher? You might be using an old one.
Could you look through this thread and give all solutions a go that was posted there and report back here with a list similar the other user did so we can see what you've tried please?
Creating the application is failed.Error Code 0 -
ok... ill print everything
Couldja get a better picture of the launcher? You might be using an old one.
it would be nice, the problem its that i cant even open it... and yes i'v downloaded the most recent launcher
my cousin cant open the launcher...
we downloaded framework 3.5, visual c++.
Last Launcher downloaded
it just appears (DBO laucher stopped working)
i'v tryed with all the possibilities of compatibility that it gives...
he as windows 10 just like me...
iv been watching in the forum but there's nothing like that...Download the image and zoom it
Could you look through this thread and give all solutions a go that was posted there and report back here with a list similar the other user did so we can see what you've tried please?
Creating the application is failed.Error Code 0COSMO there it is the thread u asked for
In compatibility try using windows PX service pack 3. That's what others use
my cousin cant open the launcher...
we downloaded framework 3.5, visual c++.
Last Launcher downloaded
it just appears (DBO laucher stopped working)
i'v tryed with all the possibilities of compatibility that it gives...
he as windows 10 just like me...
iv been watching in the forum but there's nothing like that...Download the image and zoom it
it appears same error with all compatibility options
Have you tried everything in the thread i linked you to?
it appears same error with all compatibility options
Have you tried everything in the thread i linked you to?
now ill try to copy from my computer
and yes iv tryed everything u said
now ill try to copy from my computer
i'v done it, but still not working what should i do??
Well. if you've checked that your computer has all of the same updates and such as your brothers and as the other user in the thread i linked you to used the website to make sure he had all of his drivers and updates installed i'm not sure.
If you say that it works on your brothers computer/laptop and you copy the folder exactly to the same directory and everything it suggests to me that your computer is blocking access to it. That may or may not be the case but i ask you again to read the thread i sent you and try the link the OP sent when he managed to get it to work for him
i'v done it, but still not working what should i do??
Your windows is not fully installed or you didn't install your drivers.
Go search > type "Windows Update" > Open it > Download all the updates.
iv already done it... but still appearing the same error
Your windows is not fully installed or you didn't install your drivers.
Go search > type "Windows Update" > Open it > Download all the updates.
My cousin already checked all drives, all updates, all the hardware, all programs that we need, iv helped him... but still nothing. Iv even gave him the folder that i had in my computer with all the game, he desinstalled, reinstaled and nothing, he used the folder that i gave, replaced it, still nothing... i need help... the worst thing it was that... the ancient launcher oppened, but didnt worked... the new launcher didnt even worked... not even in admin.
If you have given him your folder that works on your computer. make sure he has it white-listed on his antivirus and firewall, is running as administrator and has set up permissions like we have said in the rest of this thread then EsDeath is correct. something on his computer is blocking access to the game.
There are no arguments as that is what is happening. you need to make sure that his windows update is correct, that he has the latest /net framework installed correctly too. also if you are playing on windows 8+ try to run the game in compatibility mode for windows XP or windows 7.
My cousin already checked all drives, all updates, all the hardware, all programs that we need, iv helped him... but still nothing. Iv even gave him the folder that i had in my computer with all the game, he desinstalled, reinstaled and nothing, he used the folder that i gave, replaced it, still nothing... i need help... the worst thing it was that... the ancient launcher oppened, but didnt worked... the new launcher didnt even worked... not even in admin.
If you have given him your folder that works on your computer. make sure he has it white-listed on his antivirus and firewall, is running as administrator and has set up permissions like we have said in the rest of this thread then EsDeath is correct. something on his computer is blocking access to the game.
There are no arguments as that is what is happening. you need to make sure that his windows update is correct, that he has the latest /net framework installed correctly too. also if you are playing on windows 8+ try to run the game in compatibility mode for windows XP or windows 7.
as i said before, we tryed all compatibility modes... same error, launched as admin same error, lastest framework, already have, windows 10 totally up to date, i think its something in the computer that block access, but iv tryed everything i know and still dont work... what if its the launcher that its not compatible?? can it happen??
The launcher is compatible as it is designed for and on a windows 10 computer.
The deal is that there is something on the computer or router settings that is blocking the connection.
as i said before, we tryed all compatibility modes... same error, launched as admin same error, lastest framework, already have, windows 10 totally up to date, i think its something in the computer that block access, but iv tryed everything i know and still dont work... what if its the launcher that its not compatible?? can it happen??
The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.
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