Hello Guys.
I’m keeping it slightly more professional than last time.
Welcome to the Dende Guide
. . . . . . . .This guide is not a “build helper” that explains every skill in the Dende kit; however, it does mention every skill that may concern you as a Dende player and will discuss builds that you may be interested in having around. Due to the fairly new weekly reset system which I think everyone is thankful for, you can personally experience with Dende to your heart’s content and have a good time figuring out what you think is the best build. Not everyone plays the same.
- Completely New To DBOG -
- What heals to use and when to use them to maximize your ability as a Dende.
- How to heal without overextending or Wasting EP.
- Played DBOG but new to Dende -
- Gear to use
- Basic Skills explained
- Played Dende but need a better build - Build section will be provided.
(Pictures of the skills discussed are provided at the bottom of every post)
Dendes are a well balanced class with many uses besides just healing. They can be used very easily in PvP as well as PvE, can carry themselves with good gear better than other classes can, and they are very fun to play. Being the only legitimate healer in the entire 12 class cast makes Dende a very wanted class in every level cap. They are tanky due to being a Namekian and they can heal themselves and keep their EP at optimal levels. Dendes are a very hard class to go 1v1 against in PvP with proper gear; unfortunately, they are weak in Prelims, which poses the answer to why there are barely ever any Dende Budokai winners.
Completely New To DBOG -
What heals to use and when to use them to maximize your ability as a Dende.
. . . . . . . .In order to maximize your healing as a Dende, first thing you must notice is your cooldown reduction. Try keeping your CD very neat and organized so that you can almost always heal 1 target ALL the time, this means that you can throw a combination of Healing Waves[1], Divine Healings[2], and Super Healing Waves[3] to keep at least 1 target alive at all times. CD is not a very huge priority though, make sure you are on top of your heals at all times even if you don’t have enough CD.
. . . . . . . .Although usually concerned with healing the tanks who keep the aggro, Dendes must also heal their other party members. To heal others while focusing on your Tank, make sure to use Divine Healing, the move has very good range, very good heals, and, most importantly, is AoE (Area of Effect: can affect more than one target). Usually, you are using 2 Skills, Divine healing to heal the entire group from whatever dmg they took in the past 3-5 seconds and Healing Wave to heal the target keeping the Bosses or the largest number of mobs provoked with their aggro. If the target with the most aggro (usually a tank) happens to take more dmg than they usually do while you heal them, quickly use Super Healing Wave to heal your target without having to resort to a skill with Cast Time (Regular Healing Wave).
. . . . . . . .Kami’s Mercy[4], is pretty much useless unless you really just wanted to heal your team some extra. The skill increases your aggro drastically as well, making it very bad to use in situations where you might get killed if the monsters start attacking you. (Example: using Kami’s Mercy in UD3 to help your team stay alive will almost 100% result in your death, you just don’t have the health to take on all the mobs attacking/stunning alone).
. . . . . . . .Last thing to note are your HoTs, Kami's Hope[7] and Touch[8], both are very good skill, touch being better due to being AoE. Using them conserves a ton of EP and allows you to easily heal your teammates without actually having to target them for a heal.
TIP ON SUPER HEALING WAVE: Never use it with RP effects because that renders it completely useless compared to the regular Healing Wave. The cast of Healing wave is exactly the same amount of RP charging before using Super Healing Wave. You need the INSTANT effect of Super Healing Wave rather than powerful heal from it.
How to heal without overextending or Wasting EP.
. . . . . . . .It’s pretty easy to over use and waste your EP as a Dende, just ask Destrex :winkerino:. With most of your skills using over 500 EP (And your main heal using a whopping 1009 EP per usage) it’s pretty easy to lose all your EP in the matter of seconds. To counter that, I have a few tips.
- Use Kami’s Aurora[5], a skill that Dendes are most known for perhaps. It is an AoE EP HoT skill (HoT: Heal over time) that provides everything you ever wanted. It is commonly used to help your team while they use their transformations (Kaioken, Kid Buu, or SSJ) and you to keep healing. If you have a decently upgraded staff, this skill should automatically heal over 200 EP (Level 45 and 55 Caps, at level 70 cap, it should always be above 300 EP every 2 seconds). Not only that, but you can also use it during Kaioken for an even bigger boost.
- Max your Supporter Mastery[6], it provides ENG (which gives EP) and reduces the EP used in your skills. The “Reduce EP cost by 35” reduces the effects by 35% (Some people found that to be straight forward, while others questioned how much it gives… Understandable when 1 CD = 0.7% -.-)
- Some Dendes fancy Dashing for some reason, simply stop that you bums
[1] . . . . . .[2]
. . . . . .[3]
. . . . . .[4]
. . . . . .[5]
. . . . . .[6]
. . . . . .[7]
. . . . . .[8]