Questions about DOT's

  • Hi all - Been a lurker, first post so please be gentle.

    I recently started a Crane hermit and absolutely love playing it, but I have some questions about the dots and how to gear. What goes into the calculations for the dots? It seems logical that bleeds and abdominal pain would be far as burn or poisons go, I could see either side, but my question is this: Where do the actual calculations come from? Are they all from one or the other? Both? I've been trying to search the forums and haven't had much luck in finding information. I'm sure its out there, and I'm just missing it. Could anyone wiser than myself please lend their sage input?

    Thanks in advance!

  • If i remember, it's based on the enemy physical and energical def, and your physical and energical attack, but Daneos do not share every formula in game, so you just can increase your weapons + upgrades if you want higher dot's, or reduce the enemy def.

  • If i remember, it's based on the enemy physical and energical def, and your physical and energical attack, but Daneos do not share every formula in game, so you just can increase your weapons + upgrades if you want higher dot's, or reduce the enemy def.

    yes exactly currently my guide is out of date since daneos changed the dots calculations right now all I have (not added yet il will add as soon as I get them all) is calculations for the following dots double bleed solid bleed, searing crane, mystical crane typhoon, dodon ray, dodon ray barrage, fiery shout .

    I still need area bleed, gut buster, crane cyclone and posion bleed and destructo disc which I will have tested by next week and then I will update.

    I will also be updating my builds accordingly for the new dot calcs that daneos implemented in january

  • i think that status resistance rate can block the Dot's i'am not sure but i'am like 60 % sure

    no it cant, it can block movement speed attacks like master fan out and fan out completely thou

  • yes exactly currently my guide is out of date since daneos changed the dots calculations right now all I have (not added yet il will add as soon as I get them all) is calculations for the following dots double bleed solid bleed, searing crane, mystical crane typhoon, dodon ray, dodon ray barrage, fiery shout .
    I still need area bleed, gut buster, crane cyclone and posion bleed and destructo disc which I will have tested by next week and then I will update.

    I will also be updating my builds accordingly for the new dot calcs that daneos implemented in january

    I'd read your old guide and it was really outstanding - Thank you for all the hard work on it! I'll definitely check out your updated one. =) Thank you!

  • great I'm glad you like it

    I can second this. :)

    Your guide got me into playing cranes. Also wanted to put out the question if and when I should level up things like Solid Bleed if I get the feeling of having "too many" bleeds and don't necessarily want to level up the Tri-Beam/Dodon Ray/Crane Cyclone.

    But I guess that'll have to wait until next week. :D Nevermind, you already updated it !

  • I can second this. :)

    Your guide got me into playing cranes. Also wanted to put out the question if and when I should level up things like Solid Bleed if I get the feeling of having "too many" bleeds and don't necessarily want to level up the Tri-Beam/Dodon Ray/Crane Cyclone.

    But I guess that'll have to wait until next week. :D Nevermind, you already updated it !

    wow I'm honoured that so many people like and have used my guide, as for your question

    don't waste sp on tribeam only have 1. tri beam takes too long to cast, does little damage compared to other class skills, and it hurts you, it should only be used as a secondary kd or as a secondary aoe that's all.

    solid bleed is a great crane burn skill, either max it or max fiery shout for pvp use, fiery shout is harder for a newer player to use so be warned. but it has some good upside like large aoe.

    crane cyclone is better than mystical crane tyhphoon as I noted in guide due to the fact that it has less animation time to get the skill off it more or less depends on your play style since it has great aoe compared to dodon ray its up to you if you wish to max this or dodon ray.

    dodon ray is not the best overall dot, destructo disk actually is in terms of dot damage and speed of cast being the same (sp amount used is more though in most builds 6 for dodon 7 for destructo since u use 1 sp for dodon to get better skills anyways)

    personally I max dodon ray over crane cyclone due to the damage out in 1v1 that's all. any other questions feel free to ask.

    I should note theres many cranes who are better than me in game like cosmo, sendoku, tienshenhan, kish, b4.da.$$, maskman, emmabb to name a few. I would also recommending asking those players for their opinion on this if they will give it to you

  • Up until now I've used Tri-Beam to little (or no) success. Even the aoe on it seems a bit wonky since it doesn't always hit multiple enemies even after I pulled them. And as you stated, it locks the character in that awkward animation and drains hp. Two reasons why I don't want to use it. :D

    Fiery Shout has always been my "I want to pull large groups of mobs" skill, leading them into both Typhoon skills. I'm only playing pve so the difficulty of landing it on your opponent is not that relevant to me. But it seems as though the damage is pretty relevant, otherwise you wouldn't max it, right?

    After the changes Daneos did, it seems that putting points into most dot skills doesn't amp up the damage quite as high as just using more skills with one or two points. At least that's what I'm feeling and more or seeing when playing/reading your guide.

    Maybe we can have a cool discussion with some of the guys you mentioned? :D

  • Fiery Shout is easily the best PvE Combo move you have. Since you can pretty much grab a floor of mobs, dash in a decent direction and use Dodon Barrage for the win (or maybe another quick DoT, just for the AoE Damage)

    I believe Fiery Shot should be maxed, it's just too beneficial not to max it. The "changes Daneos did" effected the damage of the DoTs. Rather than dealing the exact damage it shows on the skill (Max Fiery Shout would do 145, rather than the usual 700 or so Damage)

    Tri-Beam I think is very useless, unless you're doing Double KDs.

  • Fiery Shout is easily the best PvE Combo move you have. Since you can pretty much grab a floor of mobs, dash in a decent direction and use Dodon Barrage for the win (or maybe another quick DoT, just for the AoE Damage)

    I believe Fiery Shot should be maxed, it's just too beneficial not to max it. The "changes Daneos did" effected the damage of the DoTs. Rather than dealing the exact damage it shows on the skill (Max Fiery Shout would do 145, rather than the usual 700 or so Damage)

    Tri-Beam I think is very useless, unless you're doing Double KDs.

    Regarding the damege numbers: I've been wondering for a while now if it'd be possible to code the game in a way that proper damage numbers could be shown in the damage description. Maybe that's just because I'm a spoiled dude (have been playing League of Legends since its release) and it's somewhat frustrating to see something like 120% state damage + 16 abdominal damage/2s while it does several hundred damage per tick.

    I know that this isn't exactly part of the conversation at hand, but that way everyone could calculate damage output way better, no?

  • Regarding the damege numbers: I've been wondering for a while now if it'd be possible to code the game in a way that proper damage numbers could be shown in the damage description. Maybe that's just because I'm a spoiled dude (have been playing League of Legends since its release) and it's somewhat frustrating to see something like 120% state damage + 16 abdominal damage/2s while it does several hundred damage per tick.

    I know that this isn't exactly part of the conversation at hand, but that way everyone could calculate damage output way better, no?

    You actually touched directly on one of my major points confusion. I see "16 points of abdominal damage" and are pretty much left saying not with the point, only to find out its significantly more than that.

  • You actually touched directly on one of my major points confusion. I see "16 points of abdominal damage" and are pretty much left saying not with the point, only to find out its significantly more than that.

    Completely understandable. It is confusing. Only by playing for hours and hours I can get a vague grasp on my actual damage output.

    Of course, numbers are not always numbers. You have to factor in enemies resistances, but it would be really helpful if we could get some real damage numbers on our skills.

    (and maybe cooldown numbers on our spell icons as well .. ?)

  • You can't get "real damage numbers" simply because DoTs Rely on weapon/subweapon Upgrade.
    Other Attacks do regular damage, let's say 300%, so all you need is 3 x Attack to get the damage (Not exactly, but this gets you pretty close)
    DoTs have Originally set numbers which modify themselves to your upgrades rather than be a % that you can multiply to something you have.

  • You can't get "real damage numbers" simply because DoTs Rely on weapon/subweapon Upgrade.
    Other Attacks do regular damage, let's say 300%, so all you need is 3 x Attack to get the damage (Not exactly, but this gets you pretty close)
    DoTs have Originally set numbers which modify themselves to your upgrades rather than be a % that you can multiply to something you have.

    Okay that definitely makes sense. My next question is do we know what numbers the dots are based off of to calculate the damage? I know a lot of the formal calculations haven't been released yet, but I'm still hopeful lol.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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