Does the server have the Dragonball event that allows you to get dragonballs from hunting mobs ? And does wishing workks?
Dragonball Event
Yes. It does.
O Thanks for the fast reply appreciated
Here are the official times:
the official Dragon ball Hunt Event schedule is finally here. We are going to have the event twice a week. All the times are based on GMT +1 (Germany Berlin)
Event Duration: 2 Hours.
1. Saturday 1-3 PM (13:00-15:00)
2. Saturday 10-12 PM (22:00-24:00)Note:
It can happen that the event will not be held when the server is unstable or when Daneos is not available. -
Thanks for giving me the event duration
Here are the official times:
so why don't they start at that time
they start 1 hour early. why is that? -
so why don't they start at that timethey start 1 hour early. why is that?
Different Time zones?
They start at the times written there. Please make sure you check that you have the correct time zone conversions written down in comparison to those said in the thread.
so why don't they start at that timethey start 1 hour early. why is that?
so why don't they start at that timethey start 1 hour early. why is that?
because the time zone is gmt+1
my time zone is gmt+1
Different Time zones?
They start at the times written there. Please make sure you check that you have the correct time zone conversions written down in comparison to those said in the thread.
because the time zone is gmt+1
it starts at 13 CEST time zone
the clock you see on the top left of the website
ok so my phone says GMT+1, CENTRAL EUROPEAN STANDARD tIme
and my pc is UTC+1, West Central Africa
both pc and my phone are auto set and they are both the exact same time
i just realized what happened there
forgot to compare to gmt+1 berlin
and it looks like i had the wrong time zone on my pc since the dragon ball event started
sorry to bother you
Well i live in the UK which goes by GMT+-0 and the events start 1 hour exactly before those listed above. Perhaps you are reading it wrong. as those times are correct.
Well i live in the UK which goes by GMT+-0 and the events start 1 hour exactly before those listed above. Perhaps you are reading it wrong. as those times are correct.
yeah i said i was comparing it to the wrong gmt+1
also the website says that time in berlin is gmt+2 not gmt+1 and my pc says its gmt+1
that's what got me confused -
To be fair. you realised and posted that 32 seconds before i did so i would not have seen that until after i posted and the website updated
My point still stands though. The first quote i sent you clearly states "times are based on GMT +1 (Germany Berlin)"
yeah i said i was comparing it to the wrong gmt+1also the website says that time in berlin is gmt+2 not gmt+1
To be fair. you realised and posted that 32 seconds before i did so i would not have seen that until after i posted and the website updated
My point still stands though. The first quote i sent you clearly states "times are based on GMT +1 (Germany Berlin)"
yeah i know
how many dragonball can you get in this event can you get them all ?
is it just me or did it seem to end a bit early?
how many dragonball can you get in this event can you get them all ?
Yes, some people get way more than 1 set actually. I used to hunt more seriously back in the day and end up with a usual 13 or so DBs.
The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.
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