how many dragonball can you get in this event can you get them all ?
i don't actually know
in mushroom rocks north i used to get at least 9 in 2 hours
and now that i am in mushroom rocks south i hardly get 5 in 2 hours
how many dragonball can you get in this event can you get them all ?
i don't actually know
in mushroom rocks north i used to get at least 9 in 2 hours
and now that i am in mushroom rocks south i hardly get 5 in 2 hours
are dragonballs tradable?
aslong as they not more than 5 lvls higher or lower right or do they have to be 5 lvl higher or lower before they drop?
i don't actually know
in mushroom rocks north i used to get at least 9 in 2 hours
and now that i am in mushroom rocks south i hardly get 5 in 2 hours
now im on mushroom rock south and i can get 5 dbs in 1 hour lol
Mushroom rocks South has areas with the highest concentration of enemies of the entire map. Technically you have the highest chances of collecting dragonballs there as there is a higher concentration of enemies (specifically in wolf land and the narak camp areas)
My best record there was 17 balls in 1 set of 2 hours
Mushroom rocks South has areas with the highest concentration of enemies of the entire map. Technically you have the highest chances of collecting dragonballs there as there is a higher concentration of enemies (specifically in wolf land and the narak camp areas)
My best record there was 17 balls in 1 set of 2 hours
I love the area. Before Draconic Punishment got disabled, I leveled up there like crazy.
What if u lived in America what time would the event start?
What if u lived in America what time would the event start?
next should be start in 2 hours 50 minutes i think
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