Hey guys i'm a newbie please follow me and like please i need ur help guys
and i have a youtube channel its name is :CronoMaster
hey guys i'm a newbie
Hey guys i'm a newbie
please follow me and like please i need ur help guys
and i have a youtube channel its name is :CronoMasterforum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/5681/
You forgot the "TEXT HERE" in your logo man x'D
ah ok thank u
Welcome in, hope you enjoy!
No one stays a noob, so make sure you familiarize yourself with the game
Hi and welcome~ ^^Hope you have a nice time and make some good friends ;3
welcome to dbog if you have any questions the forum is a great place to look and ask. lots of ppl are very helpful and will be glad to answer any questions
if u wish to chat message me in game boomboxbob
Thanks Sooo much Guys
and Welcome to DBOG Community! i hope you Have Fun -
and This my new Logo I Made it With PhotoShop
forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/8967/ -
am intrested of Made some Cool pics and Stuff with PhotoShop well i used to Design some Minecraft Banners and Profile Pics for Youtube but
now i don't i Quit Cause am not Playing Minecraft anyMore it Was hard to Make a Render with Cinma4D ughh old Days but now i Make 6 to 8 sec
AMVs using AfterEffects well i wish i could make it Longer then 6 or 8 sec but am just Lazy to make a 1min edit -
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