Daily Quest System

  • Daily quest System

    • Task list: a task list will be given to a character upon login, this list will have a couple of quests that he/she can complete to get a random award.
    • Quest difficulty: Quest difficuly will depend on the character's lvl, eg. more mobs to kill, tougher UD/TMQ to complete, less people allowed in a party to complete a specific UD/TMQ.
    • Task list reset: Around a certain servertime (eg. 9 pm GMT+1), the task list gets reset and a new task list with new quests will be given.
    • Quest possibility:

    • Defeat X amount of mobs times character level ( X -> [2,5] ) eg;
      • Lvl 1: 2 - 5 mobs.
      • Lvl 70: 140 - 350 mobs.

    • Complete TMQ A or UD B ( A depends on character level, B depends on character level) eg;
      • lvl 45: TMQ 1 - 3 or UD 1 - 3.

    • Complete X amount of easy/normal/hard/elite quests.
      • lvl 1-69: complete 10 easy or 5 normals or 2 hard quests.
      • lvl 70: complete 1-2 elite quests (elite quests are the end game dungeons such as Cell-x, bacterian, kraken CC 100+).

    • Complete a challenge quest eg;
      • Complete TMQ/UD hard difficulty
      • Complete TMQ/UD elite/godmode difficulty (these will have to be added).
      • Complete TMQ/UD with only D amount of party members ( D = [2 - 4] ).

    • Daily quests: The daily quests will be random and do count towards the complete X amount of quests task. (debatable).
    • Task list completion: Completing a task list will give you a reward. Depending on your character level, it can give you one of the following items:

      • Zeni (lvl 1+ ( Zeni = 10.000 * lvl))
      • Exp boost for killing mobs/Exp boost for completing quests. (lvl 1+)
      • Upgrade stones (2 red/blue or 1 Purple/green). (lvl 1+)
      • CC dungeon ticket. (lvl 50+)
      • 20 Silver devil tokens/ 2 yellow devil tokens. (lvl 40+)
      • rare or legendary Armour/weapon/accessoir from TMQ or UD after completing an UD/TmQ quest from the task list. (lvl 21+)
      • 2 - 3 brown reconstruct boxes. (lvl 45+)
      • 1 silver reconstruct box. (lvl 50+)
      • 3 Brown treasure box with 3 brown treasure key. (lvl 1+)
      • 2 silver treasure box with 2 silver keys. (lvl 35+)
      • 1 golden treasure box or 1 golden treasure key (lvl 50+)
      • 1 - 5 event coins. (lvl 30+)
      • 1 - 2 LP or EP low/med recovery potion. (lvl 1+)
      • 1 - 2 race transformation potions. (lvl 40+)
      • 1 random dogi ball. (lvl 50+) (extremely rare (bound) + debateable)
      • 1 random cosmetic. (lvl 1+) (legendary rare (bound) + debateable)
      • 1 daily task reset item. (lvl 1+)
    • Daily task list reset item: A daily task reset item can be obtained from completing the daily task as a reward or bought from the cash shop with cash shop points. These items can be sold to other players, once they are sold, they become bound. These daily task reset items cannot be traded over your account's characters (aka mailsystem).
    • Event item: If a special event takes place in DBOG, you will have a guaranteed reward specifically used for that event, the amount and what is random and debateable.
  • noice

    did you get this idea from another mmo?

    Yes and no,

    I've played other MMO's that had daily tasks and they are very popular and still thriving to this day (even after 10 years). The main reason would be the daily reward system, where it doesn't feel like you're grinding your way up to the level cap but actually are working towards a goal where you know you will get something.

    The reward could be something small but at least you know you know you have a better chance into getting something that'll help you out for sure.

    So in a way, I've looked upon how the daily system was working and changed the features into a way it would work in DBOG. On the other hand, thinking about being at the level cap on DBO became boring pretty quick, as you need to motivate yourself to do some mob farming or dungeons. With this system I believe it will be more encouraging to go out there and do something.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

    • :)
    • :(
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    • ;(
    • X(
    • :*
    • :|
    • 8o
    • D:
    • <X
    • ||
    • :/
    • :S
    • X/
    • 8)
    • ?(
    • :huh:
    • :rolleyes:
    • <3
    • 8|
    • :cursing:
    • :thumbdown:
    • :thumbup:
    • :sleeping:
    • :whistling:
    • :evil:
    • :saint:
    • =O
    • :!:
    • :?:
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