New update

  • y tf nameks has to be strongest omfg sick of this shit tanks strongest, tanks bla bla bla. make this game equal i have +9 gear set and cant beat namek with +5 this is bs. they have too many stuns and has ability to stop us from using skills this is absurd they can stun over and over and their lp omg. FIX THIS!!!!. back to old formulaaa!!!!!

    I loved your comment, lol


    Yeah Kazamajr, I have good itens

  • yesterday update my dmg was op ik, but i fought namek maaxpc hes super op. and we ended 2-1 he won that means game had normalization until now i an only take more then half namek hp. DANEOS did right when he updated game yesterday but those lvl 70 spiritualists and nameks had to complain. jeezzz. every1 had dmg increase i dont see any reasons to complain

  • no this recent update was needed cant be having fighters one shot everything takes away from pvp. nameks are tanks meaning they are suppose to be able to tank fighters attacks. You clearly haven't played Taiwan or you would have know this. the update you are talking about where fighters and swords damage was better was submitted by some people who don't know the old games mechanics, .

    i think u never looked that how old game mechanics looked sowrdsman deals 34k attack with blasts. that means that new update was ''old games mechanics''

  • Na the formula is still not really good.. For pvp ok, but for pve?

    A lvl 25 super mob can hit my lvl 26 char with 450 damage - not even crit hit, on 3x +9 armor.. Thats definitely wrong..

    It seems that the old formula only applies to players, but not to mobs..

    Stuns and bleeds from low lvl mobs still way to long(13 sec stun from lvl 7? No way! Used to be 6 seconds or so!) and still lvl 7 mob can stun lvl 70 almost every time.

    Still a long way to go, but i still think someday we will get the right stuff..

    Me fail english? That's unpossible!

    Edited once, last by Muh: should be better to understand now :-) ().

  • Why you all complaining about str and dex giving less dmg, DEX shouldnt even give dmg in the first place, it never did in TW. You crying that you cant one hit mobs above lv65, false, even before dmg was changed, and def fixed kinda, i could one shot every lv68 mob with lv65 items, i took me 1sec for mob, unless i didnt crit then it needed 2 attacks to kills. And for sm that aint that bad.

  • Sorry. But are you done complaining? It's experimental in a development server. It's not "our game" it is a project Daneos is trying his best to code properly for us all.

    If you absolutely can't play solo you can try teaming up with other users for faster completion of quests or TMQ runs. Damage and defence is being worked on so wait. The update yesterday was extremely overpowered to the point where the lowest damage classes could solo dungeons easily.

    Wait for the next update if you want things to be more balanced. stop whining about something that isn't going to be reversed as it was a wrong change.


    I didn't understood you Muh, sorry

    Daneos destroyed our game with this low str and dex.

    Now I dont see why lvl up a physical class, energy damage is higher, 1 hit kill all 30 mobs

  • Why you all complaining about str and dex giving less dmg, DEX shouldnt even give dmg in the first place, it never did in TW. You crying that you cant one hit mobs above lv65, false, even before dmg was changed, and def fixed kinda, i could one shot every lv68 mob with lv65 items, i took me 1sec for mob, unless i didnt crit then it needed 2 attacks to kills. And for sm that aint that bad.

    Then, make dex AND FOCUS dont give dmg, lol!

  • It's not like I want to kill everyone in 1 hit

    But this last update maked all physical classes USELESS FOR PVP *AND* PVE

    For farming, I take 5-6 HITS to kill ONE mob

    Any other one kill in 1 hit

    My gear is +7 - +11 , I'm focused in critical.

    For pvp I dont want to discuss. 1k my most OP hit.

    I can't play this way, if you guys want nameks and turtles to be super strong, ok! I don't care, but I want my damage back, I won't farm if I need to kill 1 per 1 in 15 seconds each mob.

    Come back physical attack

  • Although this may be a rash conclusion because I haven't checked how much damage a low level player is getting from field monsters, but I think we should understand this is an MMORPG, which means, like Cosmos said, teaming up would be a good way to level up for low level players. Overpowered dmg definitely gives us satisfaction in some sense, but please understand that one would never need strategies to clear dungeons with the crazy dmg. I cleared UD hards by myself yesterday, and I wasn't very happy because it was too easy for me to clear the dungeons even without buffs and/or a healer and dmg dealers. It was definitely wrong. However, I agree that an adjustment may be needed in the dmg calculation so that low level players also could solo a little more easily. I will check the dmg from field monsters with my sub-characters.

  • Although this may be a rash conclusion because I haven't checked how much damage a low level player is getting from field monsters, but I think we should understand this is an MMORPG, which means, like Cosmos said, teaming up would be a good way to level up for low level characters. Overpowered dmg definitely gives us satisfaction in some sense, but please understand that one would never need strategies to clear dungeons with the crazy dmg. I cleared UD hards by myself yesterday, and I wasn't very happy because it was too easy to clear the dungeons even without buffs and/or a healer and dmg dealers. It was definitely wrong. However, I agree that an adjustment may be needed in the dmg calculation so that a low level players also could solo a little more easily. I will check the dmg from field monsters with my sub-characters.

    Its ok, but I'm saying this for all lvls, I have a lvl 70 character too (Fighter, and he is weak now)

    We could team up, yeah, but for farming, we would need a party of 5 fighters / swords to beat 1 turtle / crane

    For pvp, I'm so weak now... 500 of physical attack, cant kill a fly

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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