I don't really much care for namekians.
I want more about Frieza, not Frost tho, he's losing way too much time playing the hero.
I don't really much care for namekians.
I want more about Frieza, not Frost tho, he's losing way too much time playing the hero.
Agreed! We haven't seen anything involving Frieza yet. I need to see what he's been up to this whole time.
Goku's New Transformation Trailer
I wanna see more from Piccolo & Tienshinhan! :-O
Goku's New Transformation Trailer
it's the trailer for the specials not the transformation
I wanna see more from Piccolo & Tienshinhan! :-O
I could see Tien reaching new heights but Piccolo ... he hardly ever trains his body.
Just traing his mind won't do him any good ...
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