Ultimate majin guide updated sept 23 2018

  • Hi guys BoxBox aka boomboxbobby here with another guide this time I'm going to be taking about ultimate majins.

    ultimate majins are the best buffers in game.

    they are the one of the most sought out classes in pve due to there effectiveness as a buffer primarly. increasing the strength of the entire party around them so they can handle stronger foes and last longer in battle!

    theres many ways to make an ultimate majin build none are perfect heres the link to test builds before creating them in game build tool majin buffer

    Strenghts of ultimate majins:

    1) best all around buffer in game

    2)high lp and ep

    3)insane resistance with proper gear (it will be hard for classes to stun you)

    4) only class that can remove DEbuffs

    5)best tanker when fully buffed

    6)2nd best aoe pve killer with spins

    Weakens of ultimate majins

    1) short range for its best moves

    2)moves are not very versatile youll need to make multiple builds depending if you want to do pvp or pve.

    3)Not alot of combos for pvp moveset

    please refrain from postin comments until this is finished thank you

  • Lets start with mighty majin skills

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9912/ Super miracle punch its a miracle that is does almost no damage! this skill first one you learn nothin good about it don't waste sp on this skill most skills mighty majin learns easly out class this move, use this to finish off that pesky mob if nothing is else is available. but once you reach level 16 you will probably never use this move again.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9913/ Caramel drop kick the other skill you learn automatically as a lvl 1 just like super miracle punch bloodly well useless after level 16. But you have to admit you animation makes a fat majin look pretty funny (that's the only thing I can say that's good about this attack) in short it is quick to get off but weak! don't put any sp on this

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9914/ Battering Arm spin man another crappy attack that gets out classed by better skills, range of this move is shit but it does provide more damage then the 2 skills above. I relied on this skill a bit for leveling until I hit lvl 20ish then I completely abandon this skill. I put 1 sp to get better pvp attacks if your going for pvp build @70 but if your going full buffer pve build this skill wont see the light of day

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9915/Hyper Bomb a must have knockdown for both mighty majin and ultimate majin for pvp although damage is crap and you do take a little bit of time to fire off the attack it is fasterthan some knock downs in game. Its great due to its aoe but be careful as the range is only 10m. only put 1 sp for the kd for both mighty majin and ultimate as the abdonminal damage is not worth your sp to invest.

  • forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9916/ ultra speed attack the worst attack in dbog don't put any sp on this move! its very fast extremely fast but you would not squash a bug with this attack stay away from it for both mighty and ultimate majins. Its worst than a fighters tunnel slash cause this shit has no range!

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9917/ Special Surprise punch (aka falcon punch!) Image result for captian flacon falcon punch sorry bad joke

    this skill Special Surprise Punch is very handy as a stun and even before you can get enough sp for a stun I found it very useful for leveling up, its damage is decent its quick to get off a must have for pvp! and for leveling up your character solo! put at least 3 sp for the stun maxing it out is ok but don't rly on this move as a finisher use this as a combo starter for your better skills. the range of this sucks compared to other class stuns so make sure you can get close or ull be introuble!

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9919/ Spinning Attack a fun move that's extremely useful in pvp and pve gather a bunch of mobs and use this move the damage is unreal! only 2 downsides you cant use any moves while you spinning and once the move is done ull be stuned yourself. I recommend this move for pvp but others don't due to the downsides of this attack I say try it out and decide for your self. if you are going for buffer buid you don't need this skill

  • forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9920/ Cluster Bomb I love this move and have it maxed for pvp it dishes out insane damage when maxed its one of my go to moves as a ultimate majin and its decent for the 4 levels you get to use it with mighty majin. this move is not needed for a buffer pve build too much sp to get to it better spent on buffs :), but if you going pvp ull have to max it.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9921/ Double Cluster Bomb this move sadly isn't as good as the one above mainly due to the long cast time. you do get much more damage from this skill especially when you get behind your target. I used this skill for pve solo leveling but cant recommend it for pvp build at 70 the cast time is too risky ultimates stuns are not long lasting put 1 sp if you wish for a pvp build but honestly youll get more damage out of your ultimate skills and without a dangerous cast time.

    Now on to Mighty majin buffs ill give recommendation for each skill for pvp or pve build and when this skill isn't useful or obsolete

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9922/ evade up. This buff isn't worth your time investing only benefits fighters and swords and when maxed only give 127 dodge rate increase cant recommend any more than 1 sp on this skill for all builds both mighty and ultimate majins don need this skill max put 1 sp just to get to better skills.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9923/ Defense Breeze A must have buff for mighty majin pve and ultimate majin pve builds. mainly cause it gives 14 con when maxed and stacks with other con buffs is another added bonus so max it for pve builds for pvp ultimate build put only 1 sp

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9924/ Spiritual Resistance this buff must be maxed all builds! increases resistance. in pvp its a must so the ultimate majin combined with maxed passive resistance buff makes them almost impossible to stun!

  • forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9927/ Deisiring flash- decrase oponents ep by a small number 300 with 1 sp and 400 with 2 this move is useless don't waste any sp unless you are trying to get to other skills in the skill tree. recommendation 1 sp for pve builds just to get crit buffs pvp don't bother with this.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9928/ Provoke a taunt skill to draw a mob to you useful if your party lacks a tank and you have to run that role. only need 1 sp for pve builds just to get crit buffs. don't max this skill out! its good as it is with 1 sp. 2 sp only reduces cool down!

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9929/ Spirit Up this buff increases soul and if you don't already know soul is not that useful. keep this skill at 1 sp for pve builds just to get crit buffs. You can still use this buff on your party just don't waste sp on it its not that useful.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9930/ Critical Defense don't know why its called this but this buff is a must have for pve builds max this out it increases the likely hood of your party scoring physical crit attacks! pvp forget about this skill.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9931/ Critical Attack another must have buff that increases energy cirt likeliy hood. definintley max this out if you are going for a pve build! DONT BOTHER WITH THIS SKILL IF GOING FOR FULL PVP

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9932/ Shield when cast prevents a small amount of damage from happening. Honestly this move takes too much sp to get to and this skill when maxed only prevents 1156 lp damage. Parties don't look for it or don't even know that it exist. I haven't even use this skill at all. but some of my friends who play buffer say its usefull up to 55 it just gives you an extra boost of life at a start of a boss fight. I wont recommend spending any sp on it if you are lvl 70 pve or pvp build

  • forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9933/ Healing Breeze restores lp when max near 2000lp for pve builds only put 1 sp so you can reach better buffs in your skill tree. Now that being said I use this skill maxed in pvp but other ultimates I see in rank matches don't use it as much or harldy at all really this one is up to you if oyu want to spend the sp to max it out or not.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9934/ Detoxicating Breeze removes posion, posion moves are not good in game so don't bother using this skill at all just place the sp on it so you can get more usefull skills like candy beam

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9935/ Hardening breeze increases energy def and energy maxing this skill is useless only use 1 sp on this skill to get better skills in skill tree.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9936/ Regeneration Breeze restores ep usefull at lower levels I say use it with mighty majin in a pinch I can save you that being said never maxed this skill out. If you are in a party a dendes ep heal skill completely out classes this move. Also the cooldown is very high even when maxed making it not that useful as a party move its not even an aoe restore so your better off spending the sp else where on both pve and pvp builds. Put 1 sp on this for pvp build to get candy beam that's all! if you are going pve forget this skill every existed

  • forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9938/ Brandishing Breeze removes bleeds aoe skill very useful against cranes and sks in pvp as well it has it uses in pve. I would recommend getting this skill for pvp builds but it is not necessary for a pve build as theres a lot of sp needed to get to this skill, you may find better uses for the sp elsewhere (man I sound like a broken record here)

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9939/ Enchanting Breeze This skill increase attack and defensive properties of a individual. its a very useful skill I recommend this skill maxed for pvp and pve builds until you reach lvl 50 because that's when Miraclous fitness skill outclass this skill. and since this buff doesn't stack with miraculous fitness once you hit 50 if you are going for pvp build only put 1 sp on this skill.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9940/ Guarding Breeze prevents knock down by 7% 11% when maxed don't waste sp on this skill unless your going to candy beam. You will not notice the prevention of knock down hardly at all.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9941/ Candy Beam The most important stun for an ultimate majins pvp build max this skill if you are going pvp the 10 sec 35m quick stun is a must have. it allows you to get closer to crank off combos on your opponent and use you best moves

    but if you are going full pve forget about this skill !

  • Passives Might Majin

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9946/ Increase defense this passive as its name increases energy def I find my self not utting any sp on this skill your choice thou.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9947/ Skill duration up this passive increase length of skills. For a pvp build this means skills like spinning, and your burns last a but longer I say max this as the sp is worth it if your fighting tanks for sure!

    lets go into details

    with a maxed skill duration up DOUBLE DYNAMITE HORN goes form 4 secs burn duration to 5.1

    flaming shower breath goes from 10 secs burn to 12.1 seconds (you get another 366 damage!)

    Spinning attack goes from 9 secs to 11 seconds that's another 1600lp-2500 lp damage depending on

    gear of course

    Spinning Flame Breath goes from 11 seconds to 14 seconds! you best move becomes even better!

  • ULTAMITEs attacks

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9942/ Dynamite Horn First move you learn as ultimate majin I like it for pvp for its knock down cabaility. depending on if oyu like this skill or not you can max it. I have it as a knock down only (2 sp) some of my friends have it maxed and use it as a finsihers , it does do alittle weaker damage compared to flame shower and double dynamite horn when maxed but it can make up for it due to its range. I find the attack too long to get off compared to flame shower. I say put at least 2sp on this move for pvp purposes don't put any sp on it if you want to be a pure buffer.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9943/ Double Dynamite Horn this move is pretty decent and does provide alittle more damage then dynamite horn over a longer period of time and alittle more damage then flame shower over a short period of time. (for pvp chose flame shower breeze its better, this move has a delay movement when casting so it takes longer to get off), forget this move if ur going pve buffer

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9944/ Flame Shower Breeze this move is very useful in pvp like dynamite horn its a go to dps move If I had to chose between flame shower and double dynamite horn ill would chose flame shower just because the damage is very close and its atad faster to get off but that being said both moves are essential for pvp! max this skill for pvp otherwise forget about it for pve

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/10042/Spinning Flame Breath This move is without a doubt ultimates most powerful move but there most risky one let me explain. This attack when maxed dishes unreal damage you character spins for 10 secs (when maxed) problem is you cant use other skills and when this skill is finished your stunned for about 5 seconds. You have to use this move wisely to be effective! max this out for pvp uses. If your trying to level have this skill as high as you can its great when u gather a bunch of short range mobs and then spin and watch them all die!

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/10035/ Pleasant Feeling Removes paralysis, stuns, fear and confusion on one ally its a good move for all builds a must have for pvp!

    Utlimate Passives

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/10036/Musical Mastery passive that increase ultimates str and ep ultimates don't have a lot of damage out put I max this skill out to help increase damage, the added ep is welcomed for large scale buffing and spamming kidbuu attacks.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/10037/ Strenght Up (why is this named this beats me) increase your con (max lp) by 24 when maxed I recommend maxing this out for pvp and pve makes the ultimate majin more tanky

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/10040/ Status resistance a must have pvp passive increases status resistance by 302% this is what makes ultimates op in battle they can harldy ever get stunned due to this buff, combine this with resistance gear and youll be 1 tought cookie

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/10041/ Defense Up increase auto attack defense aka defense rate (not very useful cant recommend this passive)

  • forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9965/ Miraculous gas removal gets rid of abdominal dots not really useful but u need this sp spent on this skill if you wish to acess your best buffs you will not likely use this skill for anything

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9966/ Miraculous Fitness this is the most important buff an ultimate can give it gives a major boost of attack and def properties when maxed at 50 it gives 18 attack and def prop! recommended for pvp and pve builds this buff is a must have if a ultimate doesn't have this buff in a pve build and oyur over lvl 50 then they have no clue what they are doing. this buff isn't stackable with enchanting breeze so don't use sp on both. once u hit 50 this is the atk prop buff u should use! IN SHORT MAX THIS SKILL FOR ALL BUILDS.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9967/ Miraculous cheering this is your ultimates best con buff if going for pve build max this otherwise you don't need it for pvp build if you don't want it.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9968/ Miraculous Body adds lp to your party up to 1000 points meh it has it uses in pve chose if you wish to max it out or not. in pvp its not owrht the sp don't bother

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9969/ Devour Curse removes oldest curse on target exptremely handy in pvp and pve scenarios only need 1 sp for both builds this skill is not a heal skill adding sp only makes it heal more lp so don't bother maxing this skill out.

    forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/9970/ String Alone taunt skill never used it I cant recommend getting this skill for anybuilds if you want to be pve tank and buffer sure get it but I never find the need for this skill.

  • butterfingers pvp build. your go to build for pvp, budokai and plat. lvl 2 dynamite horn just for knock downs, flame shower breeze to finished off oponents

    Butterfingers sk killer : inorder to use this build you need to have attack speed gear. this build is great for speed parties as well

    Pve Buffer/farmer by butter finger click here this build can be use as a support role and for farming and for leveling up your friends.

    Pve Buffer and Kido buu basically its buffer with kid buu transformation skills use this oonly if you have db wish for kid bu transform. it allows greatuse of kid buu transformation while using a buffer role in pve

    Party support role pve build! this build is completely tooled for party support role as a buffer. if thatas what cha want to do then use this build

  • Simple combat combos

    I'm not going to tell you how to beat every class that would be lame. here some combos I utilize in battle

    Candy Beam then Spiritual Resistance, this combo is used to help increase ultimates resistance so you can resist incoming stuns.

    Surprise Punch then Spinning Attack, this combo is a good finisher, the paralysis allow your ultimate to dish out unreal damage with spinning be careful with this combo when spinning attack ends you will be vunerable.

    charge Rp(youll need rp reduction gear) Hyper Bomb (kd ball), flame shower breeze. This combo one of my go to killers in pvp. It takes practice to combo it off correctly but the flame shower breeze is an excellent quick killer on humans and dragonclan nameks.

    Special thanks to the pro butterfinger who gave me way better insight on my builds section since I lacked pvp experience

    Notable Ultimates in game

    These guys are very powerful and knowledgeable talk to them as they know way more information than this guide!

    I call these guys the top ultimates based on my in game experience

    Tataya- the 3rd best buffer in dbog (my opinion) a well verse buffer who can kick some ass, doesnt go for stall tatics against dps classes which always makes fightsa more interesting

    MasterBuffer- a well versitile buffer who can stall ya out or kill you if your not careful, a top notch player in openbeta

    SKedar- only ultimate majin to win budokai, many shadowkinghts dread facing this sk-killer, with his resistance maxed out, unprepared players dont stand a chance!


    hall of fame preopenbeta these players were top notch players in preopen beta




    syren-come back and play this class ya british fella

    daquannjin-miss ya smack talking dog!

  • Thanks boom, i was already making a guide but you were faster then me ^^

    Also i want to add some tips:

    Hyper Bomb decreases also P.Attack wich can be very usefull against Fighters or especially SM's.
    When using Spinning Attack you become immune against all attacks.

    About gear and accesory:

    Gear and accesory of course depends on what kinda class you are fighting with, so as a Ultimate Majin needs alot accesory aswell practise. Some examples:

    Against Fighters > 200+ Succesrate Necklace, 28+ Focus Gloves, 150-266 Hitrate Trumpet, 2x Prop Earrings, 2x56% Resist Rings, Anti Critical Dogi Effect,Title, 32% Anti Critical Jacket, 21% LP Pants, 28 CON Boots
    Against Swordsman > 200+ Succesrate-/100+ Resistance Necklace , 28+ Focus Gloves, 150-266 Hitrate Trumpet, 2x Prop Earrings, 2x56% Resist Rings, Anti Critical Dogi Effect,Title,32% Anti Critical Jacket, 21% LP Pants, 28 CON Boots
    Against Shadow Knights > 100+ Resistance Necklace-/ 50+ Anti Paralyisis Necklace, 26% Speed Gloves, 26% Speed Trumpet to gain RP while autoattacking and just KD and heal. > 2x 60% Resistance Earrings,/- 2x 23 CD Earrings, 2x 56% Resistance Rings, For gear i prefer 21% Jacket, 21% Pants, 28 CON Boots

    If u need more tips or a specific build u can ask me!

  • mimicry if you dont mind can i add this infor to the guide ill give full credit to you of course.

    also continue making your guide it will likely be better than mine :)

    or we can colaborate together whatever works message me if you wish to calaborate

  • I made this Fully PVP build, thinking about budokai and stuff, less buffs to get the job done faster.

    PVP Ultimate

    KD's, paralyse,Independent farming, removes bleeds, poison high res, properties and LP recover.

    So basically just using; Spiritual resistance, Miraculous Fitness and Miraculous Recovery, Critical Defense when going offensive.

    4 Buffs, and I'm thinking about deleting Miraculous Cheering and add Defense Up Passive, since it's a passive and its really useful.

    Buffs between KD's and stuns, and even deleting kid buu may be an option, but for what. Let me know what you think.

  • If you don't have Devour Curse and Pleasant Feeling, it's not a PvP Build. Tbh, it looks like a full PvE Build to me.

    Double Dynamite Horn is one of the worst moves of Ultimate Majin, because it has a delay after the skill, which makes it unable to combo with. The 6/6 Musical Mystery passive is okay but it's too much waste of SP for 140 Phy. ATK (Ultimate's don't do damage). Your Healing Breeze isn't maxed and you skilled crit buffs which are for PvE purposes only.

    Let me give you an example of a PvP Build.


    This build is fully focused on Atk Speed.

    Pleasant Feeling at 2/3 does well, because mostly you'll resist anyway.

    Cluster Bomb is your strongest damaging skill, it can one hit Humans & it ignores Dodge Rate. (Not to mention it increases your auto attack damage #currentlybuggyatmtho)

    Kaioken is obviously, because it's max Atk Speed.

    You should listen to Mariowar & Mimicry as they are also good Ultimate Majins

  • How can you use devour curse or pleasant feeling if you are stunned? isn't that PVE? to help someone else? I was thinking of budokai, ranked, you are alone and you need damage asap.

    Cluster Bomb, i liked it, Healing Breeze idk i don't see myself healing me instead of doing damage, and the musical mastery looks like a must have skill, but so, you are telling me to pvp against karmas, sk's and fighters just using autoattack and Cluster bomb?

    However, ye, i've never used Ultimates

  • How can you use devour curse or pleasant feeling if you are stunned? isn't that PVE? to help someone else? I was thinking of budokai, ranked, you are alone and you need damage asap.

    Cluster Bomb, i liked it, Healing Breeze idk i don't see myself healing me instead of doing damage, and the musical mastery looks like a must have skill, but so, you are telling me to pvp against karmas, sk's and fighters just using autoattack and Cluster bomb?

    However, ye, i've never used Ultimates

    The thing is, you can cure Stun and Paralysis with Pleasant Feeling. Everyone in PVP uses atleast 1 Stun or Paralysis. (SK uses both) And with Devour Curse you are able to get rid of Debuffs such as 330 Life Steal, Bleeding Skills from Crane, Speed Restraint from Turtle&Crane, Bold Strike from SK, everything that's annoying af. The goal vs. SKs is not to win by damage, it's to win by not dying. Healing is always an important point, because when Budokai is out... it's almost impossible to kill people due to autoheal pots, normal pots, senzu beans and all that shit. I'm as strong as Full +15 SKs using +5 Armor and I gotta say without Devour Curse & Pleasant Feeling, there's no way you'd ever win against someone good.

  • The thing is, you can cure Stun and Paralysis with Pleasant Feeling. Everyone in PVP uses atleast 1 Stun or Paralysis. (SK uses both) And with Devour Curse you are able to get rid of Debuffs such as 330 Life Steal, Bleeding Skills from Crane, Speed Restraint from Turtle&Crane, Bold Strike from SK, everything that's annoying af. The goal vs. SKs is not to win by damage, it's to win by not dying. Healing is always an important point, because when Budokai is out... it's almost impossible to kill people due to autoheal pots, normal pots, senzu beans and all that shit. I'm as strong as Full +15 SKs using +5 Armor and I gotta say without Devour Curse & Pleasant Feeling, there's no way you'd ever win against someone good.

    Hmm i see now, but i already have a ''Banishing Breeze'' to remove bleeds, however it may help agaisnt things like speed restrain and other debuffs, but, you can't use pleasant feeling if you are stunned, confused, or disabled, that's why i didn't add it, but i'll do because of the debuffs. I'll take the healing too, but what about attacks? there aren't much left, and spinning flame doesn't stun me for a good time?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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