CC Dungeon party configuration

  • Dear Dbo Global.

    I use this post to make an argument, suggestion and complaining.

    CC Dungeon Party Configuration.

    People Only want to go cc whit a Poko, Karma, ultimate Majin, Swordman and Healer

    If u are not one of this classes u cant go cc90 or higher

    And its getting pretty fukking annoing, spending 1 hour forming the party and suddenly got disolve cuz this stupid dungeon need thos classes in order to do it right.

    so all other classes besides them wont gonnna be able to do cc90 or higher

    I hate this shitt.

    So 1 way to fix this problem is to increase the number of player on a party,

    instead of 5 players make it 6.

    whit this improvement CC dungeon will be for every classs, it means it wont matter what classe u use, u will be able to get into cc dungeon.

    I hope u can put ur attemption to this topic, and do what im suggesting or find another way to make CC dungeon a viable option for all the other classes.


  • 6 people to a party is so OP and would ruin the point of the game being teamwork.

    The whole point of an MMO is to make friends and play together. that's the core point, dungeons are revolved around parties so make friend and do them properly. this is an asian game which are actually harder than western games . Fact.

    As long as you have a healer and a buffer you can more than easily make it to floor 110 (that's in TW, here it's even easier ATM) which is enough to get materials for the things you'll need/want from the vending machines.

  • The only person that you can swap out on that team is the swordmen. I agree with what your trying to say though, but I think adding 6 people to a party is the wrong way to go. Yeah it takes forever doing F21-90 but game already has quality of life items for that which are the higher CCBD floor tickets that to skip to like 51, 76, 91 etc. when those get added into cash shop or into the CCBD merchant shop it will make the ccbd gear less of a grind

  • Making 6 wouldnt give any solution at all. People would form legit full attack speed partys, like few pokos or karmas. Just because an extra space is added doesnt mean a different class will be taken into party. The thing of 6 people party and making them all different would still be 50/50 like it is now

  • Making 6 wouldnt give any solution at all. People would form legit full attack speed partys, like few pokos or karmas. Just because an extra space is added doesnt mean a different class will be taken into party. The thing of 6 people party and making them all different would still be 50/50 like it is now

    This. I'm yet to do high level CCBD floors so I'm somewhat ignorant on the whole thing but adding a 6th party member would only result in another of the preferred DPS classes surely? They'd have to rework the entire thing to make it more difficult to account for the 6th member too.

  • Your looking at this a different angle let me clear it up for you. CCBD atm is revolved around using speed builds and speed class and most of the community will stick to this method because its what works the best to complete the Battle Dungeon; HOWEVER, there is absolutely other methods besides speed parties to complete the dungeon but people do not use non speed parties because its that is most comfortable to them. Team of 6 will only make CCBD which is suppose to be the hardest challenge of the game only less challenging and have no real value to having a CCBD title (aura).

  • You are right. Was about to say same. They searching excuse over excuse, They Dont wanna udnerstand the fact that there are too much players like: "People Only want to go cc whit a Poko, Karma, ultimate Majin, Swordman and Healer" AND Thats ruining the pleasure to alot of people, I m in the same case as you.

  • what are you on about dude you can easily switch out the swordmen with any other class. Also people don't like doing high floor CCBD with randoms people because they might have bad connection, bad gear, no experience in CCBD etc. You can't just blame the community for not finding a party. Go make some reliable friends or find a PVE guild and they will take anywhere no matter what class you got.

  • Going from CC1 to CC150 takes ALL day(and tickets are valuable). If you make it to floor 145 and then die because of a rookie mistake or an underperforming team, you lose EVERYTHING. Unlike with farming, TMQs, UDs, etc, failing will not leave you with items, exp, and upgrade stones. It's all gone.

    That's why people take the easy route spamming speed parties. Not because they looove autoattacking that much, but because they hate taking chances. Think of a Fighter's bad luck repeatedly failing to dodge, or some class not critting all the time dueof RNG, thus not dealing the intended damage, thus not drawing as much aggro as they should, aaaaand now the healer gets aggro'd because of this. You simply can't put up with the game's RNG or you risk losing your whole day/your CC50+ ticket.

    It's only natural random people don't immediately trust you with CC100, especially if your gear isn't awesome. But obviously, It's entirely possible to beat the CC without a generic speed party just need powerful skilled people you can trust to make a risk like that. The only problem here is you're not with the right crowds. Make friends or prove how useful you are to some groups. Increasing the party max to 6 will just make everything too easy.... (That said, I did suggest at one point to not have the Poko and Karma buff stack...)

  • 6 people to a party is so OP and would ruin the point of the game being teamwork.

    The whole point of an MMO is to make friends and play together. that's the core point, dungeons are revolved around parties so make friend and do them properly. this is an asian game which are actually harder than western games . Fact.

    As long as you have a healer and a buffer you can more than easily make it to floor 110 (that's in TW, here it's even easier ATM) which is enough to get materials for the things you'll need/want from the vending machines.

    6 People might not be the best idea, but the points being made in that are off.

    Teamwork wouldn't be ruined... there would just be more of it :)

    Making friends and playing together is the core. If that's the case, then it supports 6 people rather than not. The more the merrier (except in powerleveling)

    "Do them properly": I assume you mean CCBD by "them". Your theory suggests that I should befriend those who can do CCBD and leave the people who aren't as viable behind.

    As long as you have a healer and a buffer you can more than easily make it to floor 110:

    Without Speed both of them would be SUPER USELESS for anything other than their main job (healing and buffing)

    If you think it works out that a Dende and Ultimate can reach f110 with any party, you're sadly mistaken.

    Viability is a huge issue in this game. "Balance" is a huge issue as well.

    I am not saying that CCBD is impossible to do otherwise, but honestly, it's not worth risking how much time you put into it.

    Those viable classes make the job easier. It's just how the game wants to operate.

    I am not very worried about that ATM, so for now, I guess CCBD will remain the way it is and only have a few viable classes which can perform at high-end floors (above 70).

  • Jeez really getting tired of people saying that you can just find a good group of friends to run ccbd with. As people have already previously stated, people want very specific classes to get to the higher end floors because those classes achieve the best results, and no one wants to risk using a class that doesn't fall into the usual set of people, examples being poko and karma.

    So all you have are the same cliques of people doing the runs, meanwhile new players rarely have a chance to get into higher ccbd unless they decided to make one the popular classes for ccbd.

    Sorry to make this sound like a rant, however telling players to find a group of friends that they may/may not find in order to run ccbd with, is not anything close to a solution at all for this stagnant format of ccbd parties. Especially if those friends cant work out a schedule to play together as everyone has a life outside of this game. CCBD should not be a place where you have to pray for a whole hour to get into a party just because your class isn't one of the favorites.

    Don't get me wrong, making friends is a great part of this game, and I do enjoy the company of all the new people I meet here. But with how higher floors on ccbd are set up, it feels like if im making friends, im doing so with specific classes to get me to higher floors, as those classes just do the job much better(to the point that they seem necessary) compared to other classes.

  • when i read ppl say to find a good group of friends to run with i feel that they think this is kind of +11 years old anime like Adventure time or something where we all happy freinds that go hunt monsters together... WTF

    ppl in dbo not that kind of silly but they understand the game statics and no matter what they will always go with logic which will always be an advantage for classes mentioned by mrhunt11 unless there is 6 members in pt which i think is a good solution to prevent certain classes to be left alone or being not wanted in cc.

    If making it 6 per pt will ruin the balance.... then okay just increase cc's diffculty as long as no class is ignored.

  • The party limit (increasing the party limit from 5 players to 6 players) will not change in DBO G because:

    • All of the dungeons, UDs, TMQs and all instances are designed for 5 man parties to complete. They are not designed for 6 players. Adding a 6th member would just decrease the difficulty level and make it too easy.
    • The client most likely won't be able to handle/support 6 players in a party. Other MMO's might have this but DBO is different.
    • As previously mentioned in this thread, increasing the limit also is not a solution to the problem of you not acquiring spot in a party because if this were to be the case players still would be hesitant to take a fighter/swordsmen. Instead of the usual CC party (Ultimate, Dende, Shadow Knight, Turtle hermit, Poko/karma) players would just just add in another extra of the previously mentioned classes over a fighter/swordsman.

    The problem of dungeons such as CC dungeon actually all comes down to one simple aspect: Time. Players do not really want to spend time in a dungeon where they have either completed before (and therefore they aren't really awarded anything if they already have all of the equipment their character needs) and also taking the other classes helps speed up the process, so obviously players are going to want to take the faster alternative which is a karma/poko over a fighter.

    This issue has always been an on-going occurrence ever since the retail servers of DBO (TW, HK and KR). The problem is with the game itself and how it was designed, as DPS classes such as Fighter/Swordsmen aren't as reliable and other support classes (such as poko priest) deals just as much or even higher DPS + can provide support at the same time.

    In other MMO's you have DPS classes for their role of damage purposes only, with tanks and supporting classes dealing low damage. Other MMO games also have more incentive to run dungeons (with providing daily repeatable quests for example) so that way it helps encourage players to run a dungeon with their friends. Dragonball online is a completely different story and unfortunately was not designed this way.

    If you are looking for a party, I strongly recommend to use LFG chat in both DBO G's discord/in-game. Hopefully that will be a solution in finding a party.

  • nerf the speed attack, I dont know why they even added that. Ppl say its an alternative, but its not, it just makes the game simple to them and thats why they want speed, especially fighters (so 95% of Ppl ingame) if you nerf speed, then they will start forming real parties like they did before daneos added the 99% speed, what a waste of a game, autoattacking is not a skill its to be used when your actual skills are coolingdown... Thats what ruined the game and thats whats ruined global.

    Point is, nerf the speed, and normal parties will start to form again

  • nerf the speed attack, I dont know why they even added that. Ppl say its an alternative, but its not, it just makes the game simple to them and thats why they want speed, especially fighters (so 95% of Ppl ingame) if you nerf speed, then they will start forming real parties like they did before daneos added the 99% speed, what a waste of a game, autoattacking is not a skill its to be used when your actual skills are coolingdown... Thats what ruined the game and thats whats ruined global.

    Point is, nerf the speed, and normal parties will start to form again

    2slow4me ;)

  • nerf the speed attack, I dont know why they even added that. Ppl say its an alternative, but its not, it just makes the game simple to them and thats why they want speed, especially fighters (so 95% of Ppl ingame) if you nerf speed, then they will start forming real parties like they did before daneos added the 99% speed, what a waste of a game, autoattacking is not a skill its to be used when your actual skills are coolingdown... Thats what ruined the game and thats whats ruined global.

    Point is, nerf the speed, and normal parties will start to form again

    Even if you nerf the speed nothing gonna change. Most party's are (Ultimate,Karma,Poko,Dende,Turtle/SK/DW). So if they nerf attack speed, they will just take those classes cuz they are most useful, most Fighters and SM after floor 50 are useless. Because if they get near a boss they get one shotted.

    Nerfing attack speed wont change anything, players will just look for useful classes instead of attack speed ones, such as turtles for AOE.

    And about the thing that DBOG people aren't silly enough to be friends (like some anime thing). That's ain't true, to be honest my SM character was like legit enemy of whole DBOG for known reasons, but I still managed to make good enough friends to help me out when I need.

    Easiest way to find friends or get people respect which helps a lot is PVP platform. And of course don't be a duchbag.

  • nerf the speed attack, I dont know why they even added that. Ppl say its an alternative, but its not, it just makes the game simple to them and thats why they want speed, especially fighters (so 95% of Ppl ingame) if you nerf speed, then they will start forming real parties like they did before daneos added the 99% speed, what a waste of a game, autoattacking is not a skill its to be used when your actual skills are coolingdown... Thats what ruined the game and thats whats ruined global.

    To be fair, it WAS an alternative until every skill's damage got decreased in the recent update. While attack speed is still as strong as ever, skill damage is lowered immensely...any Swordman's 28k dmg went down to 13k dmg. It's simply put by far the highest damage any class(even DPS) can achieve, making every class stronger than the actual DPS classes. There's no problem with it being stronger in the long run than skills.....that's the risk you run with temporary speed buffs. The problem is that every class is now DPS, and aggro becomes pointless. The bosses are all running to the same group of untouchable far-away ki blast who even cares who has the aggro?

    Other than buffing skills or nerfing speed altogether there's better ways to help solve this....don't let the Karma and Poko buffs stack. Or perhaps have the Karma buff remove the ability to use skills for non-Karma classes just like Thunder, so now the healers and debuffers can't just spam all the time, and will have to either disable the buff and wait for their speed to come back, or actually face the damn boss while they're spamming. Hell, though this is more drastic, removing Kaioken's attack speed boost would work too. Humans are generally the DPS instead of support, and they'll still have Super Saiyan to better take advantage of this speed(unless you're a Fighter) while the other classes remain necessary to support/tank/buff. Either way all these solutions end in not every class in the game easily outdamaging the DPS classes while still having their support/range/tanking powers.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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