Dear Dbo Global.
I use this post to make an argument, suggestion and complaining.
CC Dungeon Party Configuration.
People Only want to go cc whit a Poko, Karma, ultimate Majin, Swordman and Healer
If u are not one of this classes u cant go cc90 or higher
And its getting pretty fukking annoing, spending 1 hour forming the party and suddenly got disolve cuz this stupid dungeon need thos classes in order to do it right.
so all other classes besides them wont gonnna be able to do cc90 or higher
I hate this shitt.
So 1 way to fix this problem is to increase the number of player on a party,
instead of 5 players make it 6.
whit this improvement CC dungeon will be for every classs, it means it wont matter what classe u use, u will be able to get into cc dungeon.
I hope u can put ur attemption to this topic, and do what im suggesting or find another way to make CC dungeon a viable option for all the other classes.