Last update was quite interesting!

  • For me:
    My fighter (lvl.70 - Glove: 10 crit rate / Stick: 11 crit rate) is weaker now, since I was just killing everyone because of crit.

    My swordsman (lvl.69 - glove: 20% crit damage / Sword: 9 crit rate) is much stronger now, and it's playing with some people in pvp)

    My fighter have more dmg (1200 max physical dmg), but my swordsman (1100 max physical dmg) is stronger now.

    I'm not complaining about nothing, I like it, at least my swords are strong again...

  • 1st, the defense does not concern the fact of knowing the damage with critic and without cri, because the critic is multiplied from the base damage.

    2nd my NEW weapons may be the same as all others, but I made my rare +15 weapons, and you? I will not offend you, but you are just an ignorant person who does not know what he says. (+15 is +15 dont cry about it)

    3rd if you want a game that only your class can kill someone, make your game like Craneonline / Skonline.

    4º if you want, search, and do not talk shit, if you want, go to raiden channel and see that it was able to almost kill a full sk +15. with +12 weapons.

    5º If you do not know what you say, retire and let the people who understand or know how to calculate your opinion about the game.

    if I did almost 6k of damage and 21k of crit taking 100% of e. crit

    divine deals 5k damage and crit 21k with 48% of e. crit, do you think you're right in something?


    about the dmg on mobs

    this is crit from tw, is fuking crit ? yes, but if make update don't write like retail dbo. (explain why it has changed, it's hard?)

  • Defense DOES influence dmgs lmfao if divine one shot someone with 4k def and u don't one shot someone with 9k there's a fkn reason.

    I really don't care about what u say, all i know is that all good players enjoy this update.

    That's all~

    look what you just said, you do not even know what you say and you do not even understand

    was what I wanted to say, as my DMG was LARGER in my opinion the crit he was supposed to receive was LARGER than the lolaus crit he received, genius.

    the question is

    100% e.crit + 5.7k DMG = 21k crit

    48% e. crit + 4.6k of dmg = 21k crit.

    It's the same shit regardless of my damage, or his, do not you understand that?

    this are like dbo tw ? of curse, the defense it does not matter if you know the final DMG.

  • I DONT wanna be able to one shot my opponent is the thing, because thats just stupid. What I meant was, Base damage I deal like 3k with MSS (My strongest attack) on a +15 SK with Spirited roar, glaring, and kok. BUT If I crit with full 33% crit weapons I deal like 22k? That makes no sense, it'd be better if base damage was higher but crits got nerfed for more consistency. And it sucks the only VIABLE way to get better base damage is through certain buffs and upgrading your weapon and props earrings, because STR on weapons and the raw phy attack stat just suck ass lmfao. What if I want more base damage? I have to upgrade. Want more defense though? CON, LP%, Anti crit, etc.

  • Honestly this update is one of the best dmg updates so far.....from now this game would actually take skill to be good (in pve an PvP) and successfully doing stuff will come as an accomplishment....all those average players who boast "I 1 shot u noob" are now in big trouble...and those that truly understand the game simply adjust and continue with the exact same performance as an MMO....with an M standing for multiplayer....this update promotes team play as it isn't as easy for a beginner to play with any of almost half the classes to gather and kill mobs so easily anymore. Now you would need a party consisting of different roles to do dungeons and fast pve...tanks are gonna be more needed...the dps classes besides turtle are gonna be needed....speed parties doesn't have a 1000000% advantage over a party consisting of all the roles....the game is honestly a lot closer to TW and alot closer to becoming a great and challenging MMO game. The only thing I may disagree on is the main spins....but its honestly not that bad as buffers would be needed for parties for crit buffs more now...and one last thing, which has been pointed out many times

    You can't except to grit 9/10 times with full crit dmg% weapons and no foc/dex on your arm our/accessories...

    Good luck to the devs and thanks for making this game a challenge and more skill based than before

  • I'll have to agree tho, on the fact that some dmgs seems small, with 6k def & 30 prop i got back-hit-critted for 5.5k yesterday from a +11 SM (26+26%critdmg), and -7.5k after glaring slash; this seems a BIT low.

    But, fighters crits ARE still pretty high, i watched one of jocer vids yesterday (he had +12) and he delt same dmgs that +15 deal on +15, he was hitting +12 sks.

    So, i'm guessing that it will require a lot ore testing, but, AFAIK fighter and turtle crits seem fine, SM tho, should deal more dmgs. But then again, I need to see this vs a +15 prop SM.

  • This, this, THIS. People are crying because they can't 1 shot everythign (that's how i'm seeing it) but this is exactly what we've been trying to achieve. Retail calcs, this is good. people are way too reliant on being OP all the time just because they get to high levels.

    I don't want to be able to one shot things however as my char gains strength things should get a little easier so improvement can be seen. also no one seems to have made any comment on why flying jet squirrels are useless now as the fuel doesn't add speed to them like it used to.

  • In regards to the jet thing. i already recorded footage of it and reported to daneos as well as the NPC teleport bug. it will be fixed in a future update.

    I don't want to be able to one shot things however as my char gains strength things should get a little easier so improvement can be seen. also no one seems to have made any comment on why flying jet squirrels are useless now as the fuel doesn't add speed to them like it used to.

  • too much thread talking about the same thing

    my opinion is the game WAS unbalanced in TW and here is EVEN MORE UNBALANCED.if you dont know why i m saying this go read other threads.also mods should make only 1 thread with this update problem,because there are 3 threads saying same things.someone like it and someone dislike it.what DEVS should keep in mind is that Human is dps,Namekian is tank,and majin is for support and aoe.ATM Namekian can do all,so something is wrong.In kr with all +10 fighter vs +12 sk was balanced and victory was given by skills now by use blod strike like it was in tw and is it now.also party was have variety and spin and turtle was king of balance is a joke imo,and you can do a full sk party with a healer for easly do all contenent of game

  • To all of you complaining about crit rate, just shut up. You don't know anything about crit rate at this point. Do you want better crit? Learn the game mechanics and get at least a decent gear. Even in this new update I crit almost everytime because I have focus pants and e.crit rate gloves (13 e.crit rate) and my damage is still somewhat decent (tho my weapons lack upgrades) this is for e.classes. For you p.classes get dex like come on, this is too basic shit and p.crit rate gloves if you can't crit at all.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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