Last update was quite interesting!

  • Bold strike always was too op, u people shouldn't complain about SK, cuz life drain his heavily nerfed compared to retail dbo, where it used to be -700-800 on humans.

    Ppl knewh ow to beat SKs in retail, here only a few of us can, that simply means that only few ppl here know how to play.

  • not true,nobady can compare with human you need a whole set just for counter bold strike.well he was OP in tw and is OP here too,i was hope to play fighter here but seems that to make good pvp i will need a sk...and is not about skill,i test with attacker(antiobese) a guy who win tourney in tw he use to play sm but after some time he realize that even a geared human lose agaisnt a non geared sk with a good build.humans doesnt have chance against sk,especially MA,is not about e def set and other things,SK is op.The soulutions are:give humans higher dmg,give sk less LP or the best option make bleed of bold strike do a lot less dmg

  • and here i correct you again,

    its about HUMAN because they have less lp and low def than majins

    oh and a swordman need timing and all use the skill that guarantee guard,kd spam and if he fail just 1 thing he is dead.Sk just need press bold strike and win.

    maybe turtle got some chance,but again divine with pro gear never win against good sks

    crane is good but they killed it in tw,crane should be a pro dotter and stak thousand dots with good dmg

    also i dont say nothing about crit but about base read what i write before post fighter and one shot because i could care less of 1 shot ppl in pvp,if server will be mine i will put 10x LP to all so pvp will be longer and more skill based as sku just need use bold strike for win.i will prove my point.i leave my fighter 41 and start make sk,u will see same gear how is easy win and play with sk

    AND i dont think im unskilled bro...i was one of the best in kr,in tw i dont care cuz balance was suck...i was one of the first to go floor 50 with fighter and i was in korean guild u sure remember me :P

  • I never had trouble vs SK because i know how to play.

    Good SM and Turtle win vs SK too.

    SK are a powerhouse, but they only shit on fighter, and that's if the fighter isn't good enough to have strats.

    Hence, you proved my point.

    Also, in my eyes, Blaka, you never was good, let alone "one of the best", specially since u talk about lvl 50 KR like that's stone age; but nor was i. Only a handful of people were actually "great players", and all of them aren't complaining, but are actually welcoming this update, which is kind of funny.

    Sorry for the rudeness.

  • as a crane I have no trouble with the average sk.

    darkvicouss777 you clearly haven't tried pvp at max lvl since your lvl 41 that's where the class balance is way closer. yes sks in general are easy to gear against humans that don't have a clue how to play. Fighters can take sks if they are geared properly and know how to play there class.

    heres a rank match showing how proper gear bold strike cant hurt ya. this turtle had no anit bleed but nullified the damage with engery def gear

    You claim to have played Taiwan but yet, you are acting surprised about bold strike damage. You are aware that life abosorb right now is weaker than retail. should be doing 800 lp per 2 seconds.

  • i was not good?LOL

    2nd foreigner that get scramble gloves,2nd that get floor 35 cc items,i was compete in pvp with koreans,best italian player in kr lvl 55 cap.all of good player dont rsay nothing because they dont play lol.attacker,zolo,zopee,benito,zgoku,sahna,toma17,zana,kanden and sorry if i forgot someone but u can see in the video the foreigners dbo.we was the best before they raped balance so hard.also remember that attacker win budokai with sk with just a +8 set because was good.the level 55 was the best era of dbo,after that the slowly the game die and it fail.atm some class is unplayable.if you think is balanced is clearly because you play a good class.i see budokai for win against sk need kd spam 1 fail and remember skedar goin on arena was unkillable by 30 players?but yeah the game is balanced tw i was have all items +12 and pole +15 the gloves was 30% crit from event and i asnt still able to win against sks.i was winning wih autopot and rp pots.also i never say i was good in tw but in kr i was clearly one of the best fighter BEFORE they raped balance.also since my english is broken whisper me so we can talk what isnt right for me.

  • i was not good?LOL

    2nd foreigner that get scramble gloves,2nd that get floor 35 cc items,i was compete in pvp with koreans,best italian player in kr lvl 55 cap.all of good player dont rsay nothing because they dont play lol.attacker,zolo,zopee,benito,zgoku,sahna,toma17,zana,kanden and sorry if i forgot someone but u can see in the video the foreigners dbo.we was the best before they raped balance so hard.also remember that attacker win budokai with sk with just a +8 set because was good.the level 55 was the best era of dbo,after that the slowly the game die and it fail.atm some class is unplayable.if you think is balanced is clearly because you play a good class.i see budokai for win against sk need kd spam 1 fail and remember skedar goin on arena was unkillable by 30 players?but yeah the game is balanced tw i was have all items +12 and pole +15 the gloves was 30% crit from event and i asnt still able to win against sks.i was winning wih autopot and rp pots.also i never say i was good in tw but in kr i was clearly one of the best fighter BEFORE they raped balance.also since my english is broken whisper me so we can talk what isnt right for me.

    this isn't Korean server there balancing was way different than Taiwan its like comparing apples and oranges. yes they are a fruit but they are different.

  • maybe my english isnt good and you dont understand what i mean i write more simply so its easier explain for me and understand

    KR level 55 cap was before tw,was a lot of different 3 cards,no U stones but just normal stones,levelling was a lot harder,we need buy quests repetable and do 70 of them that was need kill 55 mobs,but that version was balanced.all was have party and all was can win budokai

    after the big patch koreans start to leave server cuz the balance the upgrade the pve all get different

    then born tw

    then hk

    best version,with less ppl complaining about balance and pve except that lvl up was hard was with that korean patch.chek dbocom thread according to what i say

  • the skill that guarantee guard,kd spam and if he fail just 1 thing he is dead.Sk just need press bold strike and win.

    Ahahahaha this really made me laugh cause of the truth of this, maybe not one bold, maybe like 2 bolds and hellzone atleast for me. But yeah they out dps us MAs if we only have craft gear good tmq7 e def is really expensive for non casher sadly hahah.

    Sendoku and Box-head(boxbox) dont take this the wrong way but you guys dont know the MA pain! Cranes COUNTER SKs. BUT even playing a counter class against them you guys also will be complaining about Sk. Why? Because from that thread Sendoku made showing cranes vs sks I've seen that the cranes only killed the really good SKs with thousand slashes, which is now nerfed, because they have a time limit and with senzus and autopots you just wont be able to kill the SK in time, as shown in the videos.

  • LUL



    Keep crying kids who never played DBO ! dmgs are working properly almost now, no retard one shots.

    yeah, i didn't like the oneshots either. this is an update i really liked. now low levels don't have to steal my mobs when i farm for stones no more cause they'll get killed by the mobs in 10 seconds lmao. but yeah, on the other hand damage is decent if you have decent weapons and armor.

  • In the original DBO I remember using a +10 lvl 60 stick which did around 30k crits at papaya, right now my +10 lvl 70 stick does the same damage. I think the problem is that defense does not provide a big difference unless it is very high, I feel like defense should cause greater differences in damage. This would bring back the old calculations but would be tweaked so that high defense will bring the damage down significantly.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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