Just curious but did daneos decrease the drop rate for db's? If so how many more times is he gonna do so before he is satisfied? I barely get to do db hunt with work and what not and to only get 1 db or nothing in 2 hours is absurd, and I'm not speaking just on my behalf but I'm pretty sure around half of the community feels the same. Anyways that's just me speaking. Maybe I'll have better luck the 2nd time around.
Dragonball hunt
DB drop rates haven't been changed since the second ever hunt. They are
Normal 5%Super 10%
Ultra 15%
Boss 20%
Hero 25%
As the server wasnt full today this morning hunt, i could say the drop was edgy? again some complaint on chat and others brag as usual,486 drops it aint bad i guess for the amount of people participating...Looked normal.
Hi, can you explain me how does the hunt unfold please
i am a new and i do not know the times and places to do it.... And i have the dragon radar
Hi, can you explain me how does the hunt unfold please
i am a new and i do not know the times and places to do it.... And i have the dragon radar
DB hunt takes place at every saturday during the following hours:
12am till 2 pm
9pm till 11 pm
All of these times are GMT+2 during the summertime.
During that time, a DB icon on the lower right corner should appear.
Some mobs then can have a probability to drop a Dragon Ball, this can be seen on the mini map when you travel between regions. Simply defeat the mob to have a chance on receiving a DB. Once one has been dropped you will hear a unique sound and will see a blank dragon ball on the floor. Pick it up and it'll change into a tier 2 Dragon Ball that you do not have yet. These DB's are untradeable once they are in your inventory.
The level of the mob does come into play. You can only have a chance of receiving a DB if they are in a 5 level range
e.g: Player lvl 40 => needs to defeat mobs lvl 35-45.
The diffuclty of the mob also comes into play, the higher the difficulty, the higher the drop chance for a DB:
- Normal: 5%
- Super: 10%
- Ultra: 15%
- Boss: 20%
- Hero: 25%
Tips and Tricks
- Only changing between areas will have a chance on changing a mob into a DB mob, if you found a place with lots of supers, ultras or other higher dificulty mobs, keep on moving away and coming back from that place for a minute to see if any of them has been changed into a DB mob. Changing channels also works.
- Boxes do count as mobs and can have a probability to contain a DB.
- Hunting for DB on a higher lvl account can be quite challenging, make a second account and start with a new character, give him a scouter with a DB radar and just hunt for DB's from lvl 1. DB's can be picked up by anyone after 30 seconds.
Thanks you !!!
In any channel ? i have heard that it happens only in one
in every channel there is a dragon ball hunt
Does anyone know the hunt times for Pacific Standard/ U.S. and Canada?
in every channel there is a dragon ball hunt
ok thks
Does anyone know the hunt times for Pacific Standard/ U.S. and Canada?
No sorry
look in websites Dbog the time is right in corner top left
In 1 round of saturday´s i get from 4 to 7 db´s, Fighter Lv45.
I only say that, imagine with the two rounds of saturday´s.
My guys of the guild, the same thing, because i hunt db´s with them for help them.
Does anyone know the hunt times for Pacific Standard/ U.S. and Canada?
google will always be your friend in this to correctly know if you never have to take in fact the time ratios in your life.
Between pacific standard time and GMT+2 there's a 9hours difference making it for the DB hunt on saturday at PDT:
3am - 5 am
12 am - 2 pm
I Got 6 db in 1 hour and 20 minutes..
I thougt maybe daneos has increase the drop rate
I played on channel 3
Collecting DB is all about luck. There is no guarantee that you will get any or none. Consistent tries and putting effort into the hunt will eventually reward you in the end, as usual.
Items can be picked up instantly if you have your other player in the party and you have the loot option on "free for all" this will prevent you from having another player stand near the DB and holding "V" to pick it up first
- Hunting for DB on a higher lvl account can be quite challenging, make a second account and start with a new character, give him a scouter with a DB radar and just hunt for DB's from lvl 1. DB's can be picked up by anyone after 30 seconds.
Talking about time and DB´s, when you make a wish with the 7 balls, don´t let the time running out, because if you let it take over, and don´t make any wish, you will lose 1 DB.
There's a notification in-game that tells all players this periodically as well as daneos mentioning it here on the forums in an update too.
Talking about time and DB´s, when you make a wish with the 7 balls, don´t let the time running out, because if you let it take over, and don´t make any wish, you will lose 1 DB.
There's a notification in-game that tells all players this periodically as well as daneos mentioning it here on the forums in an update too.
Yep but i never read that, only when i get close of the 45 level, is good say this all the time, the people need remeber that.
And the tip of gonojuku of "Don´t let the DB´s too much time over the ground because someone can pick them after 30 seconds" dude everyone know that, if you let too much time something over the groun, other person can pick that.
But is good say things importants all the time, for don´t forget, and not make a mistake after in the game.
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