Hello everyone.
You all know about DBOG Kiri Poisoned Majins, one that spawn after lvl 40+.
Female ones and then Fat ones.
When you kill them, you get silver coins.
Well in old DBO, there use to be Buff or HOT (Healing over time) when you kill them.
HOT was as Wonder Majin one buff ( Serene Focus).
When you kill Female one, you would get HOT 40 HP and 20 EP per 2 sec for 30 sec. (if not higher)
When you kill Fat Majin one (lvl 50), you would get HOT 80 HP and 40 EP per 2 sec for 30 sec.(if not higher)
Killing them more while having that buff on you, would just restart duration of same buff, buff can't be stacked.
I know this isn't much, but since it existed before in TW, it would be cool to have this PVE Support and quest support event as it was before.
You would kinda look forward for those majins to spawn to get this HOT.
Well if it can be added again, it would be cool.