Pets don't help you fight, but they're very useful in their own right. If you're seeing random classes teleport all around the world/people summon you in parties or guilds/you see all these cool people with their mini-dragons while you have a crappy floating egg, and you wonder how it's done....well, you're reading the right guide. This guide details every use for a pet, how to obtain and raise one, as well as how to evolve them.
Step 1 - Find a pet merchant and buy a pet!
In every starter town, as well West City, you'll find one of these Pet Merchants. The girl may have a quest that'll give you your first pet for free around level 5 or higher, but otherwise you want to purchase any new pets for 150.000 zeni from the Pet capsule machine.
Step 2 - Making friends
Now that you have a pet capsule. right click it to open the capsule.
You will now have obtained one of 4 pets. A green egg, a Cat Puar egg, a Robot egg, or a blue dragon egg. If you're very lucky you'll have gotten a red dragon egg, but I haven't seen one of those in DBOG just yet. Right click the egg to register this pet to your pet inventory. You have a ton of space for pets, so don't be stingy. Rarer pets such as the dragon pet can have a bit more maximum VP when fully evolved, but otherwise there's little difference between the pets.
You can open the pet menu through the same list as where you open Options, Log Out, etc. You should see your pet listed there. Go ahead and summon it. It'll now follow you around until you relog and regenerate 1VP every 10 seconds!
From left to right, level 2 to level 4.
Step 3 - Using Pet Skills+List of every Skill
Now that you've summoned your partner, it can consume it's VP to use special pet skills. Depending on how far your pet's evolved, it can learn multiple skills and raise it's maximum VP, but for now, you only have 1 slot and 100VP. Go to the empty slot and click on the arrow next to it to learn your first skill.
You're now in the skill learning menu. Click "add" and your pet will learn a completely randomly chosen skill.
Voila, it's first skill. Now you can click on the skill in the pet menu anytime your pet's summoned to use this ability. Just like your own skills and items, you can drag them into your hotbar too. Don't like the skill? You can always buy a new pet and try again. Other than the zeni cost, there's no downside at this stage. If you wish to upgrade a skill, you'll need a Pet Rise Peanut from the Cash Shop. Generally upgrading skills doesn't do much other than reduce the VP cost, but I'll detail each effect anyway in the list below.
Use the skill to pick up items within a 15M radius. Upgrading the skill gives you. DASH EP REDUCE - 10VP
There's a random chance your dash will not cost EP. So long as your pet is summoned this ability will be active. Upgrading the skill increases the odds of this happening. MOBILE SELL - 50VP
Sell up to 12 items at once for a slightly reduced price no matter where you are. This "fake shop" doesn't let you repair your armor/weapons. Upgrading this increases the amount of zeni you get for each item. MOBILE BANK - 80VP
Lets you access your bank no matter where you are. This will not let you access your guild bank, however. Upgrading this skill reduces the VP cost. SELF REVIVE - 20VP
If you die in the overworld or regular dungeons, your pet can bring you back to life with 20% of your total LP. You'll be prompted to be revived so long as the pet with this skill is already summoned. Upgrading the skill increases how much LP you get upon revival.NPC TELEPORT - 80VP
You know how when you look at the world map(M), you can check the location of lots of NPC types in the overworld by clicking the dropdown menu on the top-right? With this skill, you can teleport to any of them anytime, so long as you have the map revealer in their area. If you're jealous of classes with Instant Transmission, this skill can give you relief. Upgrading it reduces the VP cost. SUMMON PARTY - 80VP
Gives everyone in your party a 15-second confirmation prompt to be warped to your location instantly. You can't warp people into/from TMQs or UDs. Upgrading the skill reduces VP cost. SUMMON GUILD - 80VP
Like Summon Party, except it can teleports your ENTIRE guild. Very powerful skill, but a great way to get kicked out of a guild quickly if you end up spamming it without good reason. Upgrading the skill reduces VP cost.
A skill that lets you check your mail anywhere. Doesn't currently seem to be present.
With this, you know everything about skills and can get some great use from pets. But you can only have 1 pet out at a time regenerating VP, and 100VP doesn't seem like a lot. If you want a pet with more VP and skills at once, you'll need to learn to evolve them.
Step 4 - Leveling your Pet
Go to the little merchant girl next to the pet machines. She will sell Low Rank Pet Feed.
Right click the pet feed to receive a 1-hour buff which will slowly give XP to any pet you currently have summoned. You can track their progress by the yellow bar. Whenever the buff runs out, you'll need to use more Pet Feed until your pet's XP bar is completely maxed out.
Step 5 - Fusion and pet evolution
When your pet's XP bar is at the max, dismiss it. Opening the "fuse" menu, you want to put the pet you wish to evolve into the middle, and a pet you wish to sacrifice on the left side. Optionally, to increase the odds of success, you can drag a "Pet Fusion Item" from the Cash Shop on the right. Incase of failure, you will only lose the sacrificed pet, your pet in the middle remain fine.
If you're successful, your pet's appearance will change. They will have a higher maximum VP, and a second skill slot. Congrats! You can evolve them all the way to level 4, and their appearance will change slightly each time, but the required XP will be higher each time as well. ===>
And that's all you need to know! If you're unhappy with certain skills, you can buy beans of forgetfulness from the cash shop to delete skills from a pet. And if you really enjoy any particular skills, you can buy Pet Rise Peanuts to upgrade them. There's also various other things in the Cash Shop such as instant VP recovery items and Higher Ranked Pet Feed items that'll boost your pet's XP bar much faster. Have fun!