Make Turtle Book the same for both genders.

  • hahahahhah now i understand

  • Muh I get what you are saying but you should get what most of people want to say here.

    Just because female turtle gain RP balls with that book, 99% of turtle users will be female.

    Most of people hate the fact to play as female just because they want to be competitive in game.

    That is why most of players here want that turtle book give RP balls, regardless what gender you are.

    That is why "turtle book", I get use to call it that way lol, should give RP balls same for male or female.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • the best comment of all dbog, but I do not know if it would be a good idea that all classes can use it.

    not giving up im still make a turtle even if the book stays the same i like turtle and i will go male cuz yeah

    now yeah i know the book needs nerf and as a turtle main i agree to this but would wish male was same as female or atlease give RP cmon when i read some erotic manga im all fired up for battle so why not give us RP???

    also i respect his idea and its true BUT Daneos changed altmost everything on the game and swifted the meta hard from what dbo used to be so why not make the turtle book effect the same?i cant belive the reason is the lore of the book

    still we can only wait regardless of decision i will respect it and still play turtle


    I like it the way things are...

  • how does playing as a female make you not or less competitive in-game? it's just aesthetics... i for one have no problem playing as a female... y'all just got to make a trade off, like every class...

    I also prefer this way, no need to change it

  • why not make the book have a setting

    (like skills do for setting rp ability) to choose one of the 2 effects like holding right click on the book and giving u option to choose either effect then make it default for next time use ~ this in my opinion solves it all since it keeps both effects too.

    And RIP cranes.....

  • wow alot of kurs getting pissy on the subject.

    my 2 says let them be equal in effects its 2018! i know the logic ie there suppose to be inappropiate magazines thats why girls get rp and guys get speed. but come on if we want turtles to be more appealing to players we need equal effects

    shout out to my fav gm tempest!

  • A great explanation for the reason why turtle book works like it does by Muh , but even though it might deviate from the storyline, most people seem to prefer that the book be uniform across genders, and I feel the same way too. TF is this, Tera?

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