This Needs to Be Said

  • umm that guy not me (Exile God) just pointing that out there.

    You know what is not fair? This budokai was complete bullshit it's not fair that someone work on his gear and spend alot of time and money on it and lose against some unskilled random bum who just borrowed a full +15 set, that doesn't make sense. Binding gear will play a huge impact in powerlevel and it will put everyone in their place they deserve to be in. if you don't have the ability to make a secondary character don't make it and give up don't blame the system blame yourself for not being able to gear all your characters up borrowing gear is stupid and it doesn't exist in any other MMO i mean c'mon this mmo is already easy to play you don't need mechanics nor skills and you just make it easier with borrowing gear and weekly reset build meanwhile if gear was bind Monel would win easily and i would have a worthy POB-champion openant challenge in the open beta

    When the open beta start everyone will start from 0 and you will have enough time to gear yourself and compete and hopefully those people won't ruin the game again and if it happens i'm expecting staff members to do something about it

    I kinda agree with ya on this exiledgod except

    that being said monel aka simmy also is full+15 if I recall (if not please correct me) so if its a +15 vs +15 then it boils down to skill alone. if simmy lost to a guy with similar upgraded gear then its a skill battle mostly and that guy deserved to win.

    if I was wrong about simmys gear then of course my argument is completely wrong.

  • I think it's important to address the fact that this thread is most likely; only back because it was demanded so by the community.

    This thread was closed in a way that many member deemed "scummy and suspicious"

    This is a popular opinion, but is not a fact.

    I'm not aware of the reason for the "inaccessibility" of this thread. But here's what I was provided.
    1. Flaming.

    2. Drama.

    If needed, I will provide proofs of these being the reasons for this thread's deletion. (Through what I've been told by Moderators)

    Furthermore, I believe that making this thread inaccessible to all the viewers and authors of posts was an incorrect decision.

    The moderators often handle these situations differently. To counter flamers, moderators delete or remove posts. There's many instances of this. I can't seem to figure out why that same course of action wasn't applied here.

    (Examples will be provided if needed)

    But an entire thread (hot one especially) was deleted, when any previous course of action; such as deletion of posts or player mutes, could have easily been applied here.

    Out of a total 180 replies in this thread (as of now 10/21/2017), 4 have been removed for not following forum rules.

    I'm not sure how that warrants an entire thread shutdown to the public eye, however I'm confident the team will elaborate on that when they address the issues concerned in this thread.

    A lot of people are concerned with the integrity of this server and saw this update as quick-cash grab opportunity. Many voiced their opinions in forum-abiding manner, yet this thread was closed off. Leading many us to believe that our opinions/accusations/suspicions to be true. Which results in people such as myself, believing things such as this; which may bring forth repercussions for both parties.

    I believe the shutdown of this thread is an example unfair use of moderation power; and this is damaging to the integrity of the DBOG team. We don't want this to happen. We're not against you.

    I hope moderators find a better way of handling situations like this in the future. Perhaps a reallocation of moderators, or mod specifics... That's up to them, unless they ask for our suggestions which i'm sure a few members are willing to propose.

    We await an answer that fixes all this confusion, so we can enjoy our beloved DBO once more.

  • Issue is mods are trying silence people who are just telling it how it is like how they silence Simmy even tho he was savage af he still speak truths. mods need to realise that community upset and flaming isnt cause player are toxic n cancer its just that people are fed up with shit and nothing gets done about it u gotta make them listen some how. mods need to prioritize the health and stability of the game over their pride.

    i'd like to point out , not all the Mods are bad , only Few ones. Few. (1)

  • You know what is not fair? This budokai was complete bullshit it's not fair that someone work on his gear and spend alot of time and money on it and lose against some unskilled random bum who just borrowed a full +15 set, that doesn't make sense. Binding gear will play a huge impact in powerlevel and it will put everyone in their place they deserve to be in. if you don't have the ability to make a secondary character don't make it and give up don't blame the system blame yourself for not being able to gear all your characters up borrowing gear is stupid and it doesn't exist in any other MMO i mean c'mon this mmo is already easy to play you don't need mechanics nor skills and you just make it easier with borrowing gear and weekly reset build meanwhile if gear was bind Monel would win easily and i would have a worthy POB-champion openant challenge in the open beta

    When the open beta start everyone will start from 0 and you will have enough time to gear yourself and compete and hopefully those buggers won't ruin the game again and if it happens i'm expecting staff members to do something about

    Smh, you're acting like I won with hacks or some shit. Everyone i faced had +15 armor so why can't i have +15 armor. I won prelims with my own armor and used +15 armor in the 1v1's. Also how does borrowing a +15 set not make sense. If others have it why can't I? Also this ultimate is my third char and I've geared all my chars mainly alone. Mind your own bussiness. +15 vs +15 is a fair battle. It took skill to win not armor. Maybe you're angry because this so called "bum" can be trusted with full +15 armor?

  • I mean the cap will be lvl 38 in the OB once it comes out, most people lvl that in a day or two. It really makes it a pain further down the line when you have multiple characters you need to lvl but then again it's so easy to level but not as easy to gear, that takes a little time. During the first cap though, people will have to be careful and gear properly for the oncoming cap. Meh this really just makes people put more time into playing.

  • Gear binding really shouldnt be the issue, cant think of any other MMOs that dont have BOE.

    The real issue is that dany is trying to monetize this prematurely.

    He needs to be focused on making the entire game playable and released, before making these kind of meaningless balance changes in a (PRE) open beta environment.

    Monetize this kind of stuff later when youve got something more to show of it.

  • A lot of people agree with this update.

    A lot of us believe it needs a couple of tweaks for it.

    But of course, this was a individualistic decision

    It just happened out of nowhere, without polls or any prior information.

    Then people voiced opinions, and bam shutdown.

    And the worst part is, this update is based of false assumptions. Their defenses for the update are vague and have flaws. That's why there's an uproar.

    This is why it's annoying. People don't seem to get that.

  • IMO, it's an unnecessary update regarding other issues that DBOG have, like the quests. I get the idea that the team had, but it will have a major impact in the economy of the game, also the F2P ones will suffer depending on the drop rate of those unbind coins.

    Also, such a change in game without asking the opinion of the players was a wrong move. If you guys asked before, I'm 100% sure that: a) a better solution to the problem would be implemented; b) the players wouldn't be at this rage, and would notice the care of DBOG with them.

  • I believe the shutdown of this thread is an example unfair use of moderation power; and this is damaging to the integrity of the DBOG team. We don't want this to happen. We're not against you.

    Its funny how you're trying to make it look like something of a big deal when its not, you're like those peeps on the media who turns a crash car accident into terrorist attack by Isil and al keida, you're going to make them lock topic again because you're actually more concerned about them than binding items.

    Gear binding really shouldnt be the issue, cant think of any other MMOs that dont have BOE.

    Binding gear is not an issue but i smh instead of crying about such a basic thing like this why not cry about drop rates and adding new loots or something.

  • Its funny how you're trying to make it look like something of a big deal when its not, you're like those peeps on the media who turns a crash car accident into terrorist attack by Isil and al keida, you're going to make them lock topic again because you're actually more concerned about them than binding items.

    Hes trying to prove a point at how fast criticism and communication gets shutdown and locked. Which the mod who previously locked this thread realized his mistake.

  • Its funny how you're trying to make it look like something of a big deal when its not, you're like those peeps on the media who turns a crash car accident into terrorist attack by Isil and al keida, you're going to make them lock topic again because you're actually more concerned about them than binding items.

    You're wrong to believe that. I'm sorry you didn't understand the main idea of my message.

    Oh btw, insults aren't gonna get you anywhere with me.

    You are an exiled god for reason.

    Now please if you may, stay on topic. Otherwise there's this big schlong waiting to be siphoned by you.

  • Now please if you may, stay on topic. Otherwise there's this big schlong waiting to be siphoned by you.

    Where did i insult you? Don't get offended i was just proving my point.

    Lets stay on topic, binding gear without seal coin would satisfy you? Do you think its normal to give your whole end-game set to your friend to beat people? Why would you make your own stuff and farm for it when you can just borrow it from your buddy? The game will be fair when everyone will be forced to actually work on their gear right now i can command a whole end game set and chill with it in that small arena and thats not what mmorpgs stand for you have to grind if you wanna go far and i refuse that i work on my gear and someone else get it easily or rent it thats bullshit all of this

  • One thing that is strange is how the mods are pushing for these game changing updates but then you look at Classes like Dragon Warrior and his fuicking healing skill is still not fixed, or fuicking plasma and his discharge doesn't give immunity to stiffness... Like why the fuick are these skills being forgotten about when they literally make these classes be able to do PVE and PVP respectively...

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