After my dogi giveaway turned out so well, I decided to host another giveaway, however, this one is more luck based, and only 1 winner will be picked.
The item that you can win, is a kid clock (obviously).
There are rules, that if you don't follow, you will be disqualified instantly.
How to participate?
Simply leave a comment with a number between 1 to 100, like "Hello, I'd like to participate, my number will be 10".
I will draw a random number between 1 to 100 in 24 hours
Click me to see the timer for drawing
Rules :
- Only and ONLY participate through forum comment here, anywhere else participation will result in disqualification.
- Atleast 50 posts required in the forum, in order to participate.
- If someone said your number, then the person who first wrote the number will win.
- Begging for items, or spamming me in discord - in-game will result in a block.
Good luck!