Drop rate too low

  • LOL. You cant say that Black dessert has more population than this game even if its hard.

    Because even in the tw server there wasn't too many players.

    Black dessert has advertisement all over the internet while DBO has none and if you found this game was because of a friend or you checked if there was a dragon ball mmorpg. Normie ;)

    anyways it is too difficult :rolleyes:

  • First of all, a lot of people dont buy it. Second, a lot of people are quitting because of the poor managment from the team yet it still has more people than this game after all that.

    And by the way, you said that people would quit if the game was hard and yet BDO is almost impossible and the population is still high.

    You all who are crying because its too hard should just go quit the game. You want to get the best gear in a few days. Nope. That doesnt happen in mmorpgs, sorry.

  • First of all, a lot of people dont buy it. Second, a lot of people are quitting because of the poor managment from the team yet it still has more people than this game after all that.

    Is that supposed to be an argument against doing anything? You're basically admitting that the management is terrible, and that we should accept it lol. Is it wrong to criticize poor decisions..? Is it wrong to criticize the lack of anything being done to correct obvious issues with the game? You say the game population is high, while simultaneously acknowledging that it's dropping steadily.

    Which would you rather have: A fun gaming experience that attracts all sorts of players? One that offers a playable experience for those who play only 1 hour a day, or 10?

    Or a esoteric gaming experience with a low server population, where the game only caters to the most EXTREME Players who grind all day, everyday.

    You all who are crying because its too hard should just go quit the game.

    Why are you being so antagonistic? People criticize the game because they want it to thrive? Yet here you are just insulting others simply because they don't agree with you.

    Some of us have lives outside our computer games. I'm currently a student in biochemistry, balancing hours of work and free time. I don't have time to spend hours upon hours of grinding just to receive minor rewards. I've been with this game for such a long time now, and I want this community to grow and expand.

    YOU, on the other hand, seem find with the fact that people are leaving, and are eager to insult others who want to try and improve the circumstances.

  • After this I have nothing to say, you said everything.:dhandshake:

  • Looks like you dont understand that if the game is too easy the players will quit.

    On the other hand, Daneos should make +15 items achievable from the popo box so people like you who are studying biochemistry could not move a single finger and get the best gear instantly. And what do you mean hours of grinding to receive minor rewards? What? The drops are good as they are, if not too good.

  • Looks like you dont understand that if the game is too easy the players will quit.

    On the other hand, Daneos should make +15 items achievable from the popo box so people like you who are studying biochemistry could not move a single finger and get the best gear instantly.

    I've already predicted this response. By arguing that Minor changes be made, you confuse this with Major changes.

    Am I saying that +15 items should be found from level 1 mobs?


    Am I arguing that upgrade probabilities should be infinity%?


    Am I saying that this game is absolutely impossibly hard and I hate it?


    I'm simply observing problems, and offering possible solutions.

    Why is it that people like you confuse minor with major changes? It's always black and white, You probably think that by changing one minor thing, "Oh the entire dynamic of the game must be changed to achieve the complete opposite effect!!!"

    That's not at all what I'm suggesting.

    And what do you mean hours of grinding to receive minor rewards? What? The drops are good as they are, if not too good.

    Back to the old trick of pretending that nothing is wrong with the game, while ignoring the countless threads where people admit how they've dedicated dozens of stones to receive even the most minor changes. This antagonism will drive players away from the game. That isn't what you want, is it? Surely we can, as a community, address these issues to ensure the long lasting appeal of the game. There is no need to be so rude.

    Saying other players are "Crying" and implying that they're being childish wont help anything. It'll only prove my point that the community does nothing to address issues, and will actively antagonize players for wanting changes to be made.

    If you want to defend the system, that's absolutely fine, but there are ways to do it that don't include insults. That just hurts your point.

  • What? "Dedicated dozens of stones to receive even the most minor changes" Thats what the game is about. You dont get best armors in a day or two. You grind for it. Little by little you achieve it. So no. Fix the armor drops but no need to make the game too easy. The game, imo, is the easiest at the moment. I get 5-10stones in Tattered Hotel farming for 1 hour. The drops are insane now.

  • Thats what the game is about. You dont get best armors in a day or two.

    Where have I suggested that the drop-rate should be multiplicative, so as to render the grind for gear meaningful? Nowhere. Once again, we find that any change in the droprate is met with an slippery slope: If even a minor change is implemented, people think this will result in the Entire dynamic of the game being ruined. This isn't what I'm suggesting, and I've stated this a number of times.

    But lets consider the current status of the game: It can take months to obtain even a single piece of viable armor. And this isn't because of the game's poor RNG, but the broken economy, where cashers are given the utmost influence. Simply cough up 15$ to purchase a kid clock, and get 1kkk instantly, ensuring that you can buy a +15 piece of gear: Cashers can indeed get maximum gear simply by coughing up the money.

    However if you don't have the money to waste on a game, and still want to enjoy it, good luck. Stone drop rates are fine, but the current upgrade system is broken, so either we fix the rate of the upgrade process, or allow players who grind enough to have a decent chance.

    I understand the importance of the end-game grind and how it influences the games longevity, but the solution is NOT to give all power to cashers, and make free to play players allocate literal Months of their time to playing a game.

    MMORPGS should allow for both casual play and competitive, and needn't sacrifice one aspect of the game to achieve some balance: Both can be achieved with proper managing.

    So if you're a free to play player, you're only option is to grind stones, and hopefully make at least 10kk a day in sales, while saving up enough money to pay for purple stones (Which go for over 100kk) and white stones (which go for 200kk) in an effort to get a single +15 item. This process is ridiculous, and the problem is made even worse when you consider that without these top tier items, PVE and PVP alike become outrageously difficult.

  • LOL "make atleast 10kk a day in sales" WHAT IS THIS? YOU CAN EASILY GET 1KKK PER DAY OF FARMING. I'm a free player and Im enjoying the game. +15 is truly hard but once you get it you will feel satisfied due to all the work you have put in. And no. Grinding stone isnt the only option. If you're patient enough and smart you can play the market.

  • 1kkk per day farming? wtf? you said selling stones??? the stones each time the value is less so dont speak shit moron.

    watch the flaming.

    I can get 400kk+ a day selling stones from farming with a turtle. I can believe someone with a dw or turtle could get 1kkk a day with full buffs on. Its dueable

    It juat depends on luck and the amount of time u spend grindig for stones

  • LOL "make atleast 10kk a day in sales" WHAT IS THIS? YOU CAN EASILY GET 1KKK PER DAY OF FARMING

    But not everyone can dedicate an entire day of their life to such a mindless and repetitive task as farming. If I'm not off, I can only play about 2 hours a day at most, and only on certain days of the week, and that's a generous estimate, considering I'm still a student in university. Some of us have jobs, as well as their own personal lives.

    An MMORPG is something that should be done as a pass time, not a lifestyle. No one is going to play an esoteric game which requires that you devote your life to it. If we want this community to thrive, we should make the end-game more accessible. This can be achieved in a number of ways:

    -Stone drop rate can be increased by an arbitrary percentage and the upgrade system can be improved upon


    -Stone drop rate can be decreased by an arbitrary percentage, and the upgrade system can be made even worse


    -7 Dragon balls drop from every mob, along with 1 BILLION exp to level you up to 70 instantly, and all skills 1 shot everything.

    Obviously some of these solutions are more preferable than others, and the discussion should be about which one we should use, and why. We shouldn't simply tell players to "deal with it".

    So once again we're left at a point where players are screwed over by a broken system, and defenders of it argue that they should simply deal with it, if they cannot handle it. Obviously this will only drive players away from enjoying the game, as only a small percentage of the player base (<5%) will be able to enjoy the game to the fullest.

    Who said free +15 lvl 70 isn't possible?

    I never made that suggestion. I'm only saying that it's a pain to do so, and would require months of dedication to achieve what will be in the long run, a very small task.

  • Game longevity.

    Balance of pros and cons.

    Active Administration.

    Happy Player base.

    Minor tweaks or not, focus on fulfilling this criteria and the game will sort itself.
    What I mentioned above should always be kept in mind when a update or tweak is made.

    Following the steps of other MMO's and using their decisions as a base for this game is wrong.
    This is a separate entity, with it's own community, with it's own game.

    Just because BDO does something successfully, doesn't mean it will be well implemented here. Just saying.

  • First of all, a lot of people dont buy it. Second, a lot of people are quitting because of the poor managment from the team yet it still has more people than this game after all that.

    And by the way, you said that people would quit if the game was hard and yet BDO is almost impossible and the population is still high.

    You all who are crying because its too hard should just go quit the game. You want to get the best gear in a few days. Nope. That doesnt happen in mmorpgs, sorry.

    It happens just top up and get +15

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