Over the last week or 2 this has got very bad to a point where its actually making it unplayable im trying my hardest to deal with it but gone on long enough what i mean by this is when using skills everything has a delay for example when i use KD it takes 1-2 seconds just to even start the animation this is very annoying when trying to do a perfect combo and no this is not my internet or my pc or OS

Insane Delays During Combat
man i really thought i was the only one. hopefully the developer works on the problem.
yea same but not all the time, but... still rare chance to win
I'm getting this issue alot where I quick-attack someone, but then after the stun connects, they teleport backwards. So now I need to run towards them to land my next attack, except my game will act like I'm not within range despite being next to them. Then when the stun ends, they teleport back to their REAL position, which is where I stunned them in the first place.
They get a free get-out-of-jail card because of this, and it often determines the whole match unless I get some lucky dodge. -
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