SSJ transformation ideas

  • SSJ2 - It should be obtained at a few levels above half of that (65) and it results when you obtained SSJ through Shenron.

    Second and Third Grade Super Sayian. it should be obtained as a certain type of skill sayians can obtain (from getting ALOT of exp)

    SSJ3 - It should be obtained at the almost end of the game. SSJ3 gives away life energy. which is only burned when in this transformation. once it goes out you have a 50 percent chance of going to the other world (also a map idea) or just dying and respawning.

  • hmm a quest like the fusion Nail=ssj2 and kami=ssj3 (not nail and kami but random namekians in the quest)

    Human = ssj1(shenron)ssj2-3(quest)

    Majin = Kid(shenron), super and perfekt boo like the gohan boo ^^(quest)

    Namek = sn1(shenron) sn2-3(quest)

    year i now bad englisch :thumbsup:

    Tien: Yeah... *Forms hands into a triangle* Well you know what?! F*ck power levels! *Zoom in through triangle* F*ck Super Saiyans! AND F*CK YOU!! *One more zoom to focus only on Cell* Shin... KIKO HO!!




  • Super Buu after Kid buu? It wouldn't be that good :/ Because Kid Buu is the strongest form of Buu...I think Super buu should be before Kid buu.
    U know like u get Super Buu by beating someone who's strong enough and u eat him. Then u can get the Kid buu from shenlong. That's my idea :D

    At humans it would be all cool. Same at Namekians. I like the fusion idea :)

  • Super Buu after Kid buu? It wouldn't be that good :/ Because Kid Buu is the strongest form of Buu...I think Super buu should be before Kid buu.
    U know like u get Super Buu by beating someone who's strong enough and u eat him. Then u can get the Kid buu from shenlong. That's my idea :D

    At humans it would be all cool. Same at Namekians. I like the fusion idea :)

    Super Buu is much stronger than Kid Buu but this isn't the time nor the place for that

  • This is also what I think.

    The models for the SSJ2 hair should change (cause we dont want another xenoverse) and SSJ3 should look almost the same. for some having one hair piece stick out (like gokus ssj3 transformation)

    Namekians, Could fuse with another Namekian. because Kami isn't there at the events. (or atleast I think thats what is it)

    Super Buu and Kid Buu could be in either order. or just make a completely new transform like Ultimate Buu :P

    Humans can't get SSJ4 Because they are well human and don't have a tail.

  • This discussion although there was recently in another thread, but I would like there already written it like to see so that each race gets another transformation, and this one could wish of Shenlong until level 60 or 70, or one this can not easily unlock.

    Human / Saiyan has the ability: SSJ, SSJ 2
    Majin has the ability: Kid Buu, Super Buu
    Namek has the ability to: Great Namek, super Namek
    a fusion of God and Piccolo or Piccolo Nehl and where the Namek simply a Green aura or a different aura around his body has similar to the Kaioken and he can fly as a transformation in the air.

    I find another transformation should someday come and the SSJ 2 afterwards but nothing should come when it would otherwise overpowert and it should not deviate from the actual Dragon Ball Online Story, and the SSJ3 what was special that has not geschaft each Saiyan.

    I hope someday really yet to come further transformations, the Namek I would very much like to see that it will be similar to the SSJ, this EP has consumption and a similar aura as the SSJ.

    In German

    Diese Diskussion gab es zwar erst vor kurzem in einem anderen Thread, aber wie dort schon geschrieben würde ich es mir so wünschen, das jede Rasse eine weitere Transformation bekommt, und diese erst ab Level 60 oder 70 man sich von Shenlong wünschen kann, oder man diese nicht so leicht freischalten kann.

    Mensch / Saiyajin hat die Fähigkeit: SSJ, SSJ 2
    Majin hat die Fähigkeit: Kid Buu, Super Buu
    Namekianer hat die Fähigkeit: Great Namek, Super Namekianer
    eine Fusion aus Gott und Piccolo oder Nehl und Piccolo, wo der Namekianer einfach eine Grüne Aura oder eine andere Aura um seinen Körper hat ähnlich wie die Kaioken und er auch als Verwandlung in der Luft fliegen kann.

    Ich finde eine weitere Transformation sollte irgendwann noch kommen sowie der SSJ 2 danach sollte aber nichts mehr kommen, da es sonst overpowert wäre und es nicht von der eigentlichen Dragonball Online Story abweichen sollte, und der SSJ3 was besonderes war was nicht jeder Saiyajin geschaft hat.

    Ich hoffe das irgendwann wirklich noch weitere Transformationen kommen, beim Namekianer würde ich es mir sehr wünschen das es ähnlich wie der SSJ sein wird, dieser EP verbrauch und eine ähnliche Aura wie der SSJ hat.

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