how to you guys farm zony

  • I don't know how the professionals and veterans do it, but as for me, i farm zeni by getting as many armor and weapon

    drops as possible, then sell them to the closest merchant available, best if only few steps away.

    Other and possibly more effective ways would be to get items people want the most, either from enemy drops or from cash shop.
    Back in the day when i played a different mmo game to daily basis, i got the most in-game currency by selling good cash shop

    items, or by farming in the best possible places for hours, if not days...while focusing on leveling up and listening to music

    to keep myself somewhat distracted.

    It's very important to have a lot of patience and time if you wish to get lots of zeni without using the cash shop.
    Farming zeni would be less painful if you don't make it your main goal and focus on having fun instead, worked for me.

  • Dont farm on level 51, you are weasting time, level up your char on level 70 and then go to farm on papaya you can farm u70 stones and legendery weapons level 70, one u70 red cost cca-5kk on AH (drop of stones are good now), legends wapons with good states exemple glove with 24% attack speed worth about 500-700kk..

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