When I click on the link to download the game it just keeps redirecting back to the same page over and over again, no download starts or anything. Any help?
Downloading the game wont work!
There's nothing to download right now.
There's nothing to download right now.
When does it release? Later today?
When does it release? Later today?
I hope.
I hope.
Strange, so the March 1st release might be pushed back?
Strange, so the March 1st release might be pushed back?
Don't ask me. Everything can happen. Maybe today, maybe tommorow.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the website and forum had to undergo maintenance in preparation for open beta. This was a priority which the administrator (Daneos) needed to address as soon as possible.
Fortunately, the website is now back online (under the new domain: https://dboglobal.to/)
Here are some general questions that have been asked throughout the day, and some responses for those questions:
Where can I download Dragon Ball Online Global? Why are the links not working?
The links were removed and will be made available to the public again hopefully later today. There will be an announcement made of when players can download Dragon Ball Online Global.
What time is Open Beta/Server wipe expected to happen?
Due to the website technical difficulties, there was a slight/minor delay of preparing for open beta. However, Open Beta is still scheduled to occur today. Please remember that in some timezones it still is classified as the 1st of March.
When will I know when Open Beta will be made available?
At this stage the DBO G Staff cannot give an accurate estimation of when the server will be made available. Please consistently check for upcoming updates:
-The News section
-DBO G's Discord (in #announcements)
-DBO G's Social Media pages (such as Facebook and Twitter)
The DBO G Staff appreciate how enthusiastic, eager and excited the community has been towards open beta. We thank you for the support and generosity that is always provided, however, we must insist that you all wait patiently for the arrival of Open Beta.
DBO G Staff
Thanks for that Aru! All the info I needed
I hope it isn't pushed back.
Been around since December 2014, waiting for a non wipe server.
Do we know if we can start the game through the launcher we've been using, or if we'll need to get a new one?
You will need to get a new launcher
You will need to get a new launcher
that might not be true
You will need to get a new launcher
please link
please link
there is no link
lol this is why I was asking
I think the launcher you already had will be updated as soon as you start it.
i think you can just login and play
i think you can just login and play
Let's hope it's soon!
Download page back up and everything seems to be working! Now to see if the servers are live yet!
The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.
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