Hello just wanted to know what are the policy about the trade chat and all the "public" chats in game, is there any rule about english only or is just a free clown fiesta spam? Is there any moderation ingame?
Trade chat issues
Public means that... its public, so your always going to get people who spam shiet, just how the world goes
This is what rules are made for
As long as trade and LFG/LFP chat is used for it’s intended purpose (and what is said does not violate DBO G’s Game Policy), then players are more than welcome to use it.
Players are welcome to speak any language, it is not English only.
However, trade and LFG/LFP chat is heavily regulated and if a player is found to use this chat to violate the Game Policy then they will be punished in accordance to DBO G’s Offense Penalty System (depending on the rule that is broken) by a GM.
If you see a player violate DBO G’s Game Policy (with any flaming, illegal activity etc) feel free to take a screenshot and submit a ticket. The ticket will be reviewed by DBO G Staff and action will be taken (if required).
DBO G Staff
Thank you for the answer Tempest, I'll for sure
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