Platform behind Cell Ring functional for PVP.

  • I've made this suggestion a long while ago on this Forum and i've been suggested by a mod to revamp it and hopefully have people talking about it and supporting this awesome idea.

    So for those of you who dont know, theres a really big platform just sitting there being used for absolutely nothing.What we want is another alternative to korins vilage and hopefully a refreshing new zone for those who enjoy this games PVP, also getting an AH nearby would also do it's popularity some good, if you support this idea or if not, please do share your thoughts on it and if you have anything else that you'd like to add to what i said, the feedback will be more then appreciated.


  • What makes Korin Platform great is that it keeps the little village populated, even then Korin isn't that populated at times, this would only seperate players more. I like the idea though but there's not that many people playing for 2 platforms to be needed.

  • Well Platform as Platform is cancer itself.

    Still most of people who really want to PVP and due timezone can't go into Budokai mostly do Ranked and that is PVP.

    Korin Platform is just place to AFK and I guess meet with rest of community to talk, but that talk is full of hate, insults and what ever.

    Player mentality needs to be changed and those "Wars" are lame af.

    Again back on topic, I am afraid I didn't go too much off-topic, it is ok idea but not that needed, maybe in future be added, who knows but what I want the most is to add old or make new events where people could do every day something.

    AFK on Plat - shouldn't be MAIN thing to do but well.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • What makes Korin Platform great is that it keeps the little village populated, even then Korin isn't that populated at times, this would only seperate players more. I like the idea though but there's not that many people playing for 2 platforms to be needed.

    not many people in korins vilage??? did you play this game long enough to actually get to korins, and see the sea of players fludding the freakin place?

    Ahh yes, the generic "platform is a cancer" comment and it's a place of "hate", i suggest you take a look in a mirror the thing that will be starring back at you is human a flawed creature not said to think but only said to emotionally arrive to all of the conclusion's. The platform is a choice just like everything else, you get to choose to participate in it or not, making generic arguments that it's hateful, only makes you sound like a adult dipper wearing soy boy, who cant take mean words being said in a video game.

    Daneos made a poll long time ago and most people chose yes for that platform to be like korin platform.

    Yes he did and apperently he didnt give it a secound thought as i was notified by a mod, also a big reason i was told to revamp the whole suggestion was so that this time just like the last one he can make a poll again and tell the whole community after reaching a clear end result to fk off.

  • not many people in korins vilage??? did you play this game long enough to actually get to korins, and see the sea of players fludding the freakin place?

    Ahh yes, the generic "platform is a cancer" comment and it's a place of "hate", i suggest you take a look in a mirror the thing that will be starring back at you is human a flawed creature not said to think but only said to emotionally arrive to all of the conclusion's.

    I played Dbo KR so yes and it's not that serious. Daneos doesn't even have time to add something thats already in the game because things like balance are scheduled for Open Beta which by the way is more anticipated and wanted than another pvp square.

  • I played Dbo KR so yes and it's not that serious. Daneos doesn't even have time to add something thats already in the game because things like balance are scheduled for Open Beta which by the way is more anticipated and wanted than another pvp square.

    I know, but he literally said on the thread of a poll that he made on this subject, that it would take less then 15 minutes to turn that place into a PVP zone.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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