• So then how exactly should Shadow Knights be nerfed, because I doubt nerfing Bold Strike would make that big of an impact on the class as a whole. You also can't just go nerfing it without giving it some sort of buff to even things out. As the Fullmetal Alchemist series said, "Equivalent Exchange."

    As for that, I am not an experienced SK player. I don't main him for 8 years consecutively, phasing through multiple stages of the game, through every nerfs and buffs. The people that use them should be the one standing out objectively to discuss this and see what should be nerfed. They know them the best.

  • As for that, I am not an experienced SK player. I don't main him for 8 years consecutively, phasing through multiple stages of the game, through every nerfs and buffs. The people that use them should be the one standing out objectively to discuss this and see what should be nerfed. They know them the best.

    My boy josh is trying that but everything he says gets swept under the rug. He was an SK player since KR, sadly the amount of biased players in this games outnumbers the unbiased.

  • So then how exactly should Shadow Knights be nerfed, because I doubt nerfing Bold Strike would make that big of an impact on the class as a whole. You also can't just go nerfing it without giving it some sort of buff to even things out. As the Fullmetal Alchemist series said, "Equivalent Exchange."

    well ive seen plenty of things in games get nerfed without some other part getting a buff also whats the point of the nerf if your just gonna make it stronger somewhere else

  • well ive seen plenty of things in games get nerfed without some other part getting a buff also whats the point of the nerf if your just gonna make it stronger somewhere else

    It doesn't have to involve making another skill "more powerful." It could be a simple thing of making a skill more consistent while keeping it balanced.

    But again, what kind of impact would heavily nerfing Bold Strike have on SKs?

  • It doesn't have to involve making another skill "more powerful." It could be a simple thing of making a skill more consistent while keeping it balanced.

    But again, what kind of impact would heavily nerfing Bold Strike have on SKs?

    well thats not was i was saying making something more powerful more like oh we nerfed this so to counter that we buffed this could be a skill stats whatever also making the skill jst harder to use would be nice like its casttime is much longer so you have to time better when you want to use it and you can get stunned out of it or something along the lines of that or give it a long cool down with reduced dmg so its not as op few things you can do to a skill to make it work differently

  • It doesn't have to involve making another skill "more powerful." It could be a simple thing of making a skill more consistent while keeping it balanced.

    But again, what kind of impact would heavily nerfing Bold Strike have on SKs?

    The biggest impact will be to make him go to shit in terms of farm, lol. People will keep complaining that they can't kill SK easily. If Daneos solve to nerf namekian props or tank's defense/LP for other classes do more damage in pvp, who's going to tank dungeon bosses? Fighter, SM and Turtle? They're going to do the whole party die because weren't meant to be tanks. As if they had a great defense and a great LP for tank something. If Daneos increase the damage of the DPS classes with the same purpose, then the PVP will be worse than "stun + crit wins" for squishy classes fighting each other.

    To balance this game, I believe that the PvE system should be adjusted along with classes.

  • So then how exactly should Shadow Knights be nerfed, because I doubt nerfing Bold Strike would make that big of an impact on the class as a whole. You also can't just go nerfing it without giving it some sort of buff to even things out. As the Fullmetal Alchemist series said, "Equivalent Exchange."

    "Equivalent Exchange." pfff. don't make me laugh. Use some real life examples next time like law of conservation of mass, it can only be transferred into a new form.

  • Best comment in this topic was the one saying that the best thing to do is just make Bold Strike different for PvE and PvP.
    PvE can have all the damage it wants and nuke even boss if the SK players want it, but then in PvP need to have a much lower damage.
    Plus, Bold Strike i think is the only DoT that scale with the character attack, any other DoT in the game have fixed flat damage, so, just make Bold Strike have fixed flat damage like any other DoT and done.

  • sk is fine as it is , maybe change life drain to 330 always, but thats it.

    change the life drain 330.. meanwhile it got nerf ???????????

    back in tw we was able to drain the amount of hp and take the amount of hp drained back to yourself but now its just meh you gain 330 hp meanwhile the enemies lose who knows how much maybe 600 or more

  • change the life drain 330.. meanwhile it got nerf ???????????

    back in tw we was able to drain the amount of hp and take the amount of hp drained back to yourself but now its just meh you gain 330 hp meanwhile the enemies lose who knows how much maybe 600 or more

    in tw you also gained 330 LP back, even if enemy lost like 800-900 per tik.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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