someone knows how solve this problem?? i try evereything
From picture we see you launched game not via launcher, so next time try launcher to update game before launching direct game launch.
same at me?
hola buenas yo tambien tengo un error y es que el juego arranca pero cuando le doy a start en el primer menu que sale dbogluncher needs to finish patching first, alguien tiene alguna solucion?
You need to reinstall the new launcher.
Try to run the Launcher as Administrator (Right click, Run As Administrator) and final solution is to do a fresh reinstall.
I have the same problem and none worked... Any one can upload their "pack" folder? I'm assuming that's where the updates were done.
i didnt do nothing ,next day when i click on game they start without any problems .
i dont now what it is.
Try reinstall game or try to run game as administrator
Tried everything from reinstalling the entire game, using vpn, running as admin, running compatibility troubleshoot and still no luck....
You need to click this in your files. It should atleast work.
Basically, I found the problem, and it's net framework. This is only specific for Windows 10 users, so please provide this procedure for other people too.
1) Open start menu.
2) Search for turn windows features on or off
3) Make sure everything is checked in ".NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)" & ".NET framework 4.7 Advanced services"
Like in this picture:-
4) Press OK and Restart now.
I have exactly the same problem the OP has. I tried everything in this thread and nothing worked for me, any ideas?
Try reinstalling the game without your antivirus software, also make sure to have the latest frame work. Base on what i can see, you have an old launcher. Make sure to have the latest one installed as well.
DBO G Staff
Try reinstalling the game without your antivirus software.
Plus after reinstall I suggest get new Launcher from this post…-maintenance-lv60-update/
These days I get new Launcher after fresh game install before launching it. Did that with previous Launcher from one of post of Daneos and did with this one as well, but when I did fresh game installations.I hope this helps.
The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.
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