Grand Chefs: How can they be buffed?

  • "Spiritual Scent" Buff should be 20 min instead of 2 min. If you check the CD and area of the skill you can see that this was clearly a mistake that NTL that just never got fixed.. All 3 buffs have 19 sec. CD, all have 8m on 8 targets. So i think this should be fixed. Also the EP boost should be raised from 51 to 75 to make this skill usefull in future lvl 70 cap.

    "Rising Strengh" passive should be raised from 30 to 45. As long as the STR stat is useless as it is in DBOG because it only give 1,1 instead of 1,4 as it should, a raise would only be fair.

    Same goes for "Spiritual Fountain Fragurance" should go up from 20 to 25 for SOUL and 21 to 26 for STR to make up for the crippeled STR and SOUL stats. - of course it would be better to just bring back the old stats from TW/HK..

    "Ball Transformation" skill should decrease CD everytime you lvl this skill just like Ultis " Spinnig Flame Breath" does, but CD should be a bit higher as Ultimas "Spinning Flame Breath" because "Ball Transformation" as longer duration. Could be done via RP ball CD decrease too..

    "Spirit Burn Flash" definitely needs more love from the devs - that skill is nearly useless right now. 512EP on max with lvl 52? It should be raised to around 800 EP and radius should go up from 6m to 10m, but in return the CD should go up from 50 sec. to 60 sec.

    "Double Crazy Rush" has some annoing graphig bug, where you hit the mobs but after that you are back on the same spot where you started your attack, that means you have to run to the mob again instead of being right infront of it. This problem was already in TW/HK present tho..

    "Defence Breath" and "Foutain of Smell" CD could be a litte reduced, but not necessarily.. maybe the "hitrate" in "Scent Marking" could be raised a tiny bit to from 216 to 246 for lvl 70 cap later since Grand Ma miss alot from lvl 60 and upward..

    I think that would really boost Grand Ma and make him a class more players would use instead just go Ulti Ma..

  • Spirit drain, spirit drain, can someone ffs buff that skill? The only reason why someone will build EP % recover or energy into a char its because of a Grand Chef. Why do we have a shitty stat that no one uses in the game? Like you are crafting and you get energy or ep recover and you instantly sell to npc's or dissasemble, ffs.

    Spiritual Fountain Fragrance. He is an offensive buffer right? He gets at lvl 30 ''14 soul ''by 2 points. But you can spend 3 at lvl 45 and get 20 soul. Ridiculous, make it 35 soul and 40 str.

    Defense Up. Defense rate passive, i think this stat should get highly buffed or erased from the game.

    Curing Scent. REDUCE CD.

    Donkey Slash. Increase radius to 10M.

  • i think that if the con buff gives some % anti crit it would bee great op for pvp party's increase the range of the Super donkey Slash And like incraease the Cast time or the CD ..

    Conclusion ( the nerf of the sk will bee eassy ( decrease the anti crit so sk won't bee easily capped with the grand buff ... )

    we will have op pve buffer ( ultimat majin )

    op pvp buffer ( grand chef majin ) !!

  • i think that if the con buff gives some % anti crit it would bee great op for pvp party's increase the range of the Super donkey Slash And like incraease the Cast time or the CD ..

    Conclusion ( the nerf of the sk will bee eassy ( decrease the anti crit so sk won't bee easily capped with the grand buff ... )

    we will have op pve buffer ( ultimat majin )

    op pvp buffer ( grand chef majin ) !!

    Please don't bring the Shadow Knight issue here.

  • Fix ep drain to how it was level 60 cap and make its EP drain scale like SK lifesteal scale with an upgraded axe and make curing scent usable while stun and cursed and give them devour curse

    Spirit drain either reduce its cooldown so it can be spamable or increase its duration.

    curing scent make it cure yourself from paralysis with it cause it only cure other people.

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