(IMG heavy) Effies and Ledgards Mod Collection
very very totally awesome mods i really like most of the dogis i downloaded some of them thanks!, also you made the animation change guide i really appreciate this i was chasing something to change the human rp charge animation the human original charge animation really sucks its something simple and i didnt even though about doing that manually many thanks i hope you keep creating more dogis,aura mods etc and guides how to modify the game it really makes the game better it gives other face to the game, you rock!
Can you give the half naked doji on male a try to make it cool (i think its name is guardian)
very very totally awesome mods i really like most of the dogis i downloaded some of them thanks!, also you made the animation change guide i really appreciate this i was chasing something to change the human rp charge animation the human original charge animation really sucks its something simple and i didnt even though about doing that manually many thanks i hope you keep creating more dogis,aura mods etc and guides how to modify the game it really makes the game better it gives other face to the game, you rock!
Thanks alot for the nice words!
Can you give the half naked doji on male a try to make it cool (i think its name is guardian)
Can you show me which one here? Maybe I get an idea
The six row the 4th one from right
The six row the 4th one from right
Hm thats a hard one^^ You sure you don't want to just switch dogis by changing the obj.pak?
Other than that I could recolor it, we can't change the form yet tho, so not much to recolor
The dogi that you ask him to change, would only change the color of the pants, the other part is the body of the character.
> with the dogi: https://imgur.com/kUASR7h
> without the dogi: https://imgur.com/yEnm5El
oEffy Excellent mods
The dogi that you ask him to change, would only change the color of the pants, the other part is the body of the character.
> with the dogi: https://imgur.com/kUASR7h
> without the dogi: https://imgur.com/yEnm5El
oEffy Excellent mods
and thanks for taking the time to make these good examples
I never got a chance to say it, but your job here is remarkable. Even as someone who doesn't find client side modifications very appealing, I could still take some time to appreciate some of these wonderful mods. To be honest, this is the only thread that's so pure and interests me in this forum filled with basically nonsense. So keep up the awesomeness.
I'll look into it on weekends
I'll look into it on weekends
Thank you
Thank you
Couldn't find the time to test it, should look fine tho. Just in case, the paint.net files are also containing, if you want to switch a little bit.
If you want to, you can upload screenshots, I will use them for my site one then.
This is the Ranma Saotome color scheme I asked for, thank you very much oEffy for your hard work.forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/3313/
amazing work as always oeffy.
the dbog team should add this dogi to the game!
Hello bro. I am big fan of your great work. Keep it up!
I wonder if you still accept interesting requests for dogi mod?
If so, I really would love you forever if you can create the following one:
- Motorcycle dogi
- for human character
It's very expensive dogi in this game and very tough to get from AH or cash shop, so if you make it for us, would be greatly appreciated.
Kindly find attached a pic of it to remind you of how it looks like.
Thanks so much.
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