I don't know how to begin this, so I will get down to the point.
I see so many changes that are happening too fast and this isn't always a good thing.
Almost every change/update is coming without an explanation of why it was implemented and people, like myself, writhe in frustration.
I would like to address the points that made me feel sad about the server, the moment I read them.
- Changes in Dragon Ball Hunt
Why would something this big be implemented so fast? Why were there no test runs on this? Where was the proper explanation, before the update, to the people that keep this server alive?
I will answer my own question right here, like everyone would do : "Because it's OB Vall and we should change things and see how it goes booohoocrysmirkapau".
No, a proper change comes after a proper explanation was given about it and of course a proper way to implement it. Don't just say "We changed DB Hunt, wait for the next DB hunt to spend 4 hours getting nothing and then complain." People are right to complain about how their success rate has dropped since the last DB Hunt, but you're so optimistic going today , 4 days after the "new system" giving us an explanation.
Not to mention that this change should have happened ONLY and I say ONLY after we had more hours to work with. It's hard for some people to be online at those designated times (the staff knows that) and if they are, they got nothing. May it really is bad luck for 1 or 2 hours, but 4 hours? How can this possibly be bad luck?
It was just a bad "innovation" and it gave more headaches to the people responsible.
I predicted the raging outburst of the community the moment I saw the "update", taking in account that not every class can clear an area that easily and also that people would be camping in the 40-50lvl areas.
- Changes in Netpy
Where's the explanation of how you obtain the famous T points now? Adding stuff to the shop and then making it "harder" to get the points needed seems dumb to me. You really couldn't think of a better way to improve or rather decrease the way you obtain them.
Let me give you a hint. Separate channel for afkers/shops.
That sounds good to me. Why didn't you just create a new channel for the people that want to farm while being afk and also for the people that want to sell in shops? Also implement a new system to the other channels, that kicks people to the character screen after 15 minutes (as long as it took to get 10tokens) of inactivity. It doesn't take a genious to think of a way to improve the token system while retaining server stability.
With the way you did it, you just made the Token shop awesome with the new additions and then removed the sparkles that were hovering around it, making it look like an empty brown box down in the junkyard.
- Changes in threat/aggro management
Oh oh, here comes the clawing... This is the worst thing that has ever happened in the MMO history. Removing the ability of the real tanks to tank and give it to the DPS. I don't know if there are people in your staff that have MMO experience, but this should have been cut off at the time it was dropped on the table.
Not only it makes the game look bad, but it also asks the question "Do you really know what you're doing with the game?" I've been playing MMOs since 2004. It's 2018 (for those that don't have a calendar close to them) now and I've never ever ever have seen a change this big, that would not just nerf, but destroy an ingame class making it worthless in just 2 hours.
Tell me, you did it because people love SK, didn't you? SKs were always complaining that they sometimes (not all times) couldn't tank. That happened here too. People were complaining that SKs were not as good as DWs at tanking and you went and changed them from off tanks to main (buawawhaha) tanks... And they were right. SKs aren't meant for main tanking. Dark Warriors are. Why?
Because that's their main job, to tank, to protect the party with their abilities and make SKs look "bad".
- I don't know if the people that belong to the DBOG staff have played other MMOs, but give me a minute to explain why I said main tanks and off tanks before.
In all the MMOs I've played, there are 2 (or more) classes that can tank. All those classes aren't the same at tanking, some lack survivability, some lack offensive skills, some lack threat management. It all comes to have a balance around tanks and know what you need with your current party or future dungeon. That's where main tanks and off tanks come in. If you're in need of a great tank that can help you with the dungeon, you will have to rely on a main tank. If you think that it's easy, you can do it with an off tank. (I won't go further into the system of raids etc. of the other MMOs, cause we don't have that here).
What you did here, was to destroy the Dark Warrior's ability to tank, cause as he is now, he lacks the damage output it needs to maintain the threat of the mobs around him. Dark Warrior could solely do this with his skills, never relying on damange dealt, thus protecting the whole party.
Once again, there wasn't an explanation of how you managed to come to this conclusion and change the main backbone of the aggro/threat management.
- Changes in Classes - Balancing
Most people want their main class to be the best. I want that too. You can't satisfy everyone though. Some classes rock in PvE and some in PvP. You can't have a class that will do exceptionaly well in both. That gives the player, the ability to choose between what he wants to do in the end-game. If he wants to PvE, he must rely on the good PvE classes and if he wants to PvP, he has to rely on the better PvP classes.
Balancing a class to be good in both can't be done without making another one look bad. You can't have a class that can be great at PvP and also be great at PvE. Not in all the aspects. That's where AoE damage, single target damage, healing ability, survivability and tanking modules come in place. Players must choose what they want to do and they must stop complaining about balancing the classes in either PvP or PvE, cause with the current data, someone will always complain.
- Changes in Tournament
So you tell me that I have to melt my fingers in ranked if I want to participate in the Tournament? I'm not a PvP person, so I will use my PvE Turtle brain to tell you what I think about this. Too much for something that lasts a week or so. That's it.. Too much drama for nothing. Why not add 5 or more tournaments to meet the players' expectations instead of adding another formula into the mix which in our case is ranked battles? Why just rely on just one Tournament that will say "Bye Bye" to us in the next maintenance? Can't the server handle it? Can't you copy paste the code 5 more times into the formula? Oh i forgot.. Where is the proper explanation of why you can't add another tournament? Why did you set a minimum level again?
- Changes in the Crafting System
Here comes another change, which is also a zeni sinker but will stop being one, once people get their respective gear. Not to mention that the crafting prices are too high for the server's economy state (at the moment). I was a crafter in TW, I was a crafter in PoB. This change is the worst that someone can implement to a game that has a crafting system. Why not let me craft the recipe for a 70lvl armor if I'm able to do it and also pay the price for it? What's stopping me from crafting the gear I want and sink my zeni to help the economy stabiize? Where's the proper "patch (hahaha) notes" that explain the reason of this huge change in one of the game's core mechanics? Oh yeah, the "explanation" if you can call that an explanation and not an excuse of mutilating the crafting system, came in 8 hours ago, stating that it was just "unfair".
You know what's unfair though? That you keep redoing the same mistakes and then undoing them. Like it was back in PoB. Oh yeah, I was there leveling, hitting 70, having fun, reporting the aspects of the game that I found wrong, doing the same old thing Vall does, going with the flow, but I come in Open Beta expecting things to be better and what I find is just a humorous bad face of the PoB that we left behind.
If you want to make things better, you have to start listening to the people who support the server and keep it alive. And no, I'm not talking about cashers. I'm talking about the whole community which stood and is still standing beside you all these years. All you have to do, is order an open discussion about how we should proceed and make this a better game for us and the people to come.
Thanks for reading my thoughts on this. I would be glad to discuss anything related to the issues I've mentioned.