I'm pretty sure we can all agree that after enduring the latter half of the RP dungeon maps, that there's been a problem wherein mobs can repeatedly spam knockdown ensuring you won't get a single attack off. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or was left unintentionally because it was either unfinished but functional, or that the mods didn't see a reason to improve it.
Possible solutions-
1) - Just add a short timer (between 3-5 seconds) which renders the player immune to further knock-back, permitting at least 1 counter attack.
2) - Or just reduce the frequency which mobs use it.
Now I don't wanna hear anything about it this being a good Idea, it's poor game design, plain and simple. It allows the computer to inadvertently punish a player for what amounts to rng. And This system is based on rng, the mobs aren't obligated to use it 100% of the time. Sometimes they do it more often than others, but either way it prevents a strategic counter-attack. It's one thing for a game to punish bad play, but another entirely if it prevents the player from strategically attacking due to lack of ability (not all players have aoe), or due to poor mob placement (mobs alert others for help, and sometimes this is unavoidable). Lag also plays a role in this (especially for me lol, but I don't wanna make that the focal point of the issue).
All in all, it's a pretty glaring issue, that's trivially easy to fix. And by fixing it, it rewards the player for thinking strategically, instead of making them suffer due to a myriad of unpredictable factors.