Well I'm Kiziro.
Any questions?
Well I'm Kiziro.
Any questions?
Welcome to DBOG and have a nice time!
Welcome to DBOG and have a nice time!
Welcome to DBOG Community Forum.
Welcome Kiziro, don't hesitate to join our discord server too!
Thanks but I'm already in.
Welcome. I'd recommend u to learn spanish so u can communicate in the global language
Welcome. I'd recommend u to learn spanish so u can communicate in the global language
Thanks but I humbly decline learning spanish.
Welcome to dbog.
you have came at a great time to play the level cap was just raised recently to 55!
There is many English guilds in the game pridewarriors, popohaven, ryosai, undisputed, expendables and many more. Although the egnlish community isn't as vast as the Spanish one it does support a large community in its own right.
we also have a discord Discord Join Link: discord.gg/pMcV7sm I recommend joining so u can have questions answered instantly from moderators and gms who are online.
regards boxbox
Hmm thanks I've been here since the cap was 45 tho haha It's just a late introduction .3.
Welcome to DBOG
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