Hi there community ,blue dogs, purple people and Daneos.
I'm here to bring up an old position that hasnt been filled leaving a void in the community.
4-5 months ago there was a guy named arubaru or aru whatever the heck his name is. He used to be a major go between as a Community Manager talking to the community on the forums and discord answering tickets and hosting some very unique events.
Since his promotion to Game Master there been no one to be appointed the Community Manager position. Leaving the forums in a disarray somewhat and a dividing line between the community and dbog team.
To those who are new to the Community
The community manager is a dbog team member;
whos main role is to better the relationship between the dbog team and the dbog community by hosting forum events, answering and representing the dbog teams opinions on key thread issues, and communicating and expressing concerns form the community to the team.
Im here to give my 5 recommendations For who should be the community manager. Please understand that this is my personal opinion so any filthy kur that wants a flame war go flame with somewhere else. But your recommendations are welcome below keep it civil
Heres my list Not in any order:
- This guys has been pretty active in the forums and discord helping many players in both mediums and in game with his guild pride warriors teaching the basics of the game to those who want to listen. He is a former moderator so he is familiar with the Team's System and how to communicate to the community and the team when issues arise .etc
- This guy with his patch notes is unreal. Hes probably the best spokes person of the people im going to list (his messages are clear concise and informative), sadly he doesn't grace the forums alot but when he does he makes an great impact! I think he would do well in the position If he communicates more with the community in the forums and discord.
- This guy has his own unique way of communicating with the community via his weekly live streams. He is very vocal, excellent at answering questions and dealing with critcism when it comes his way. he constantly gives away free stuff and pretends that mod boxbox gives him stuff to give away as well*yea ok i dont believe that boxbox isnt that nice*
- This guy is a forum favorite even to this day even thou he has been banned for 3-4 months (players still asking for unban @dbogteam.) hes not afraid to speak his mind about any issue and isnt afriad of anyone including team members. He would add spice and flavor to the community guaranteed! (actually he is better suited as the title community destroyer but meh this position would suit him nicely as he would have the community support behind him!)
- Yes i have to include my brother on this list. He so far is the only team member constantly hosting events *something all the others i listed hasn't done* he is using his own cash shop points to do so I can 100% confirm this. He is active on the forums but not alot on discord. the only thing holding him up in my opinion on this position is he makes a fair bit of stupid mistakes and doesnt communicate the best with forum users sometimes confusing them, also he bans me alot that filthy kur!