Hallo guys,
where i can find this earings?
increase attack and defense properties by 9 [lvl 46 -50]
Reduces skill cooldown time by 17 [lvl 46]
Hallo guys,
where i can find this earings?
increase attack and defense properties by 9 [lvl 46 -50]
Reduces skill cooldown time by 17 [lvl 46]
Think they are ctafted with a recepie from ccbd. You need to grt to f70 for the material though.
Or you can also box some legendary earrings until you get that.
The only two ways to get that
Display MoreHallo guys,
where i can find this earings?
increase attack and defense properties by 9 [lvl 46 -50]
Reduces skill cooldown time by 17 [lvl 46]
i thiink at tmq4 - tmq 6 , or u can boxe cc battel ... u won't get 9 but not bad
From TMQ bro.
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