• I do not know what you guys think, but I see the fact of modifying or "updating" the "skill calculator" that the server has.

    Due to all the updates that have made the skills, it would be very useful to add these modifications to this simulator so that we players can create new "builds" based on the changes made.

    My suggestion is that, every time a change is made to any "skill" in the maintenance, the "Skill Calculator" is modified so that it is already updated with the latest adjustments.


  • to be honest, I don't think this is a suggestion. This must be done! They don't have much of a choice.

    1. Fixing Duration Increase RP and Cooldown RP (they pictures are switched, whoever did it must have forgotten how the 2 rp effects looked like and didn't bother to fix it later).

    2. All updates need to be put in.

    3. Both the actual skill tree ingame and skill calculator: change MA range to 28m, it's the only ski that has green glowing range and for absolutely no reason. It has always been 28 meters.

    4. Skill changes need new pictures when necessary. ( DW foc passive still has the ep picture when it should be different )

  • That Duration Increase RP and Cooldown RP is wrong since the old dbocom days. And since the took it from there it is wrong here too of course.

    Would be a real nice move, if someone from DEV-Server could write down the real stats RP effects and skill/HTB names so it could be fixed.

  • 3. Both the actual skill tree ingame and skill calculator: change MA range to 28m, it's the only ski that has green glowing range and for absolutely no reason. It has always been 28 meters.

    Ultra speed attack from mighties and Charging fist from warriors also have wrong range in skill calc, but they dont have that green in game.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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