give dende atack speed buff xd
Give Poko a party EP heal like Dende
give fighter kamehameha like turtle.
give sword dot buff like crane.
give grand lp% buff like ultimate.
give plasma lock like karma have.
give sk heal like dende have.
There is no question about that poko need a upgrade, but not a ep buff like dende.
If they fix the soul will be great because for now u have to expend a lot of points to get 84 of Soul (92.4 dmg+) for 12 points trow away when turtle with 2 points you get 51 energy bonus dmg, soul should give 2x dmg for poko at least by this way you increase poko dmg made him a better dps to solo pvp.
give fighter kamehameha like turtle.
give sword dot buff like crane.
give grand lp% buff like ultimate.
give plasma lock like karma have.
give sk heal like dende have.
u r making joke because u play with class that need to be nerfed we all now that poko,
GC,sword,dwand plasma need for up.Plasma more dmg and poko fix the soul could be a great start
what poko needs is more damage on the pets and possibility to buff the pets , and possibility to stack the 3 speed buffs on the pets i mean the karma buff and the 2 speed buffs of poko
Give crane violent slice
Give SK high speed needle
Give karma perma stun oh wait
Give Plasma Energy Siege xD
Give fighter special beam cannon.
Give fighter special beam cannon.
that wasn't funny -_- , give fighter something op i don't know 30 prop debuff 10k LP buff not special beam canonn --
that wasn't funny -_- , give fighter something op i don't know 30 prop nerf 10k LP buff not special beam canonn --
AoE speed would be an improvement, on par with karma
Poko needs an urgent buff, but on his pets, not his skills right now, i believe the pets need improvement, poko is a summoner meant class after all, not a support one. The EP heal is just no viable for him.
AoE speed would be an improvement, on par with karma
this will just confirm poko as a cc buffer you have to remember that poko is a summoner but to the summon became viable they need to be update and some buffer needs to be reduced the number of point skill to put on the pet
u r making joke because u play with class that need to be nerfed we all now that poko,
GC,sword,dwand plasma need for up.Plasma more dmg and poko fix the soul could be a great start
Dw still need physical skill and aggro improvements
Loool worst idea ever, poko is not a healer lol he is a summoner... and he is already a beast in end game content as a speed meta party and can even tank well given the gear.... so no worst idea ever. Buff their pets so they can actually be usefull
Give SK LP%, Con% and prop buffs
I'm glad this amused so many of you
Valid point is that he's a summoner so maybe a step into buffing the pets is the right choice. Right now nobody builds him as a summoner.
Give SK high speed needle
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