Clarification with reporting a player (Player Harassment)

  • Greetings Dragon Ball Online Global Community,

    The DBO G Team would like to bring the attention of the community of reporting other players, and this thread should help clarify with members of the community when action should be taken to prevent negative and toxic behavior.

    If you feel that another player is impacting your experience while playing Dragon Ball Online Global, we strongly recommend you to block that player.

    If that course of action does not work, and the player continues to persist to negatively effect your experience, only then is when you should report that player who is causing you grief.

    The DBO G Team receives many reports on a daily basis of players harassing other players, but in order for the DBO G Team to take action, the following criteria must be met:

    • A screenshot or video must be captured of the incident.
    • The whole conversation must be shown to the DBO G Staff member (snippets of conversations that do not display the whole conversation will be ignored - The DBO G Team must know the full context behind the image in order to take action). Images must have a stretched out text box or there must be multiple images submitted for the report to be valid.
    • Reports must contain conversations in which rude behavior, obscene/sexual remarks, racism, cursing or aggressive, harassing behavior including derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious or related to gender/creed are evident. If the report does not not contain conversations such as this violate DBO G's Game Policy, it will be declined.
    • The image/video must not be altered or tampered with in any way, shape or form. You must submit the image/video containing all character names that are present. If the image or video blurs or cuts out players names to protect others, then it will be ignored.
    • The DBO G Team do not consider mob stealing - in relation to farm areas as an act of harassment. Please remember Dragon Ball Online Global is an MMO and you are not the only player, and the environment is to be shared.

    The incident will be forwarded to a GM (or a member of Staff who has the authority to take action) and the situation will be reviewed. If the player who is causing grief is found guilty, they will be muted or banned (depending if they are a constant re-offender).

    The DBO G Team would like every player to have a positive, safe experience while playing Dragon Ball Online Global.



    DBO G Staff

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