We Need More players in the server !!!

  • Hi dbog community we have to open our eyes this game is currently dying http://prntscr.com/jxd3ri we used to have in early 45 cap days almost all ch fulls look now , old updates made peopole charge back others did the same and peopole keep charging back other are leaving cuz of the level CAP's cap's that are supposed to make the game live longer but it's not we are killing the game currently , we need new players i have 2 suggestion !

    1-daneos must pay advertising on facebook , web site's , maybe Youtuber's so the game will have more visibility

    2-create a referral link for everyone , for each person that log in the game and reah X level you will win X gifts if this person will invite someone you and the person both will have gifts ..ect gifts distribution should bee at lvl 20 -30 - 40 - 50 - 55 60 70

    pleas guys let mee know what you think about this

    NOTE : even trade and LFP chat are dead

  • to 1: I can agree with this.

    to 2: Meh. This could end bad. People could use different IP's or whatever to make it look like a "person" started thanks to them although it's them xD

    Also feels like we turn into Jehovah's Witnesses....online game style...

    Asking ppl here to share DBOG seems good. Pretty sure ppl here are in lots of Forums about Dragonball/Naruto/One Piece or whatever anime sh*t etc. Would be cool to make a Thread there to introduce this Project.

    I think it's actually the game itself. I mean compared to other Games these days, DBO has nothing to offer that would make it more interesting. This Game was made 10 years ago after all....different times back then. It's a boring game. I play it cuz i liked it back then. A DB based online game...was a dream that came true. Also nostalgia...

    This is a Signature. Thanks for reading.

    You learned nothing.

    Wasted your time.

    Also thanks for reading all the way

    down here.

    Enjoy the emoticon.


    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • i'am kinda sure that the guy that use a different IP once he will forget to use he's vpn and then Perma Ban ! gifts will bee small random things .. nothing that will affect econnomy ..

  • A big percentage of the community has jobs. They can't be on the game 24/7 to make it full. Theres alot of players when everyone is off work and have free time during the weekend. Not to mention different time zones, theres more players at one time than the other. Aswell as alot of the ppl just don't play cuz theres nothing to do in the game, no exciting content in the game just the usual shit, cash or farm and gear up. And when u do that theres nothing else to do besides budokai

  • A big percentage of the community has jobs. They can't be on the game 24/7 to make it full. Theres alot of players when everyone is off work and have free time during the weekend. Not to mention different time zones, theres more players at one time than the other. Aswell as alot of the ppl just don't play cuz theres nothing to do in the game, no exciting content in the game just the usual shit, cash or farm and gear up. And when u do that theres nothing else to do besides budokai

    you played early OB ?

  • Please member that this time of year is exam time for players who attend school (most of them) so alot of the playerbase will be busy for the following week or so before the summer spike. But other than that, as SumTingWong said, its a boring game, not even gonna lie...i tried to bring some friends to it and only then i realised that i play the game for nostalgia and the community way more than for the game itself.

    Not much we can do about it just continue making it better for those that play. Btw 70 cap is the same grindfest that 60 cap is, but with a few more dungeons to grind. Like it sounds super hype and exciting, but give it 1-2 months and the same people that complain "hurry with 70 cap" will beg for 80 cap.

    Another thing is that alot of those 70 cap complainers are making the boredom themselves by refusing to experience the current cap to the fullest as preparing for 70 is no longer possible.

    Its true that rn game is a bit empty, but i can't come up with any suggestions to help that, but i don't think rushing 70 asap is the answer. Maybe introduce a new PvP event? Idk man. We need something to keep new players hooked. UD1 doesnt do much and tmq2-3 is rarely done anymore

  • DBOG's community is 95% Retail DBO's community , that means that 90% or less of them already reached lvl 70 in retail DBO and they know everything about the game so it will bother them to go 70 all over again.

    2nd point is the fact that there's only the possibility of bringing Hispanic and English community, you'll tell me why not the French too ? Lemme tell you that the french community is the only one I heard saying that they quit the game because it sucks and boring (while they were less than lvl 30 and I don't think there's a solution for that, we can't satisfy everyone) , which means that we can only hope for English and Hispanic Dragon Ball Youtubers

    3rd point is that the majority of the community are people who have jobs , and that in the current situation , people have alot of exams, while kids mostly prefer spending time on "non-boring" games like Fortnite.

    I agree with the advertisement part , I already made that proposition in the Discord chat but none listened and look where are we now. Daneos must advertise the game via Facebook by putting money, and we should help by making videos about it , I know it's extremely hard because there's already Flexarot,Hardlock etc as DBO Youtubers but they're subs are not enough because it's full current DBOG community , none new.

    Perfection is not attainable, but if you chase perfection you can catch excellence :thumbup::thumbup:


    11_small.png Fighter - RednakZ

  • You also have to think about the fact some people live in different time zones, so the channels capacity is gonna fluctuate, sometimes I feel them a bit more full in the afternoon, sometimes its not that full in the morning, depends on timing although im still sure the population isn't as large as it once was.

  • You also have to think about the fact some people live in different time zones, so the channels capacity is gonna fluctuate, sometimes I feel them a bit more full in the afternoon, sometimes its not that full in the morning, depends on timing although im still sure the population isn't as large as it once was.

    That moment when people don't read the comments and just repeats the same thing one person said over and over. Lmao.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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