Achievement System Ideas

  • achievements will make the game has a taste making people not just stick on arena plat all time bored but will make them hooked with that system.

    making the game active,players on every UDs, TMQ, CC..etc. trying to clear every achievement to get the passive stats.

    so make achievement give passive skills which stays forever giving you stats that makes your character stronger. this way people will work hard to become stronger and stronger.

  • the titles must give some attribute so that they are worth getting, or it would not make sense...

    Clearly you haven't played games such as gw2. Titles are purely cosmetic there, so it would make sense if titles didn't provide any bonus for your character. Although something small that wouldn't affect character's status like extra zeni gain from mobs, more chances of dropping a higher tier item and lots of similar stuff would be nice, I'm just not going to share any more of it for nothing.

  • achievements will make the game has a taste making people not just stick on arena plat all time bored but will make them hooked with that system.

    making the game active,players on every UDs, TMQ, CC..etc. trying to clear every achievement to get the passive stats.

    so make achievement give passive skills which stays forever giving you stats that makes your character stronger. this way people will work hard to become stronger and stronger.

    Exacly. This'll make the game more intresting :)

  • It would be great getting tradeables cc special battle coin & recipes for other characters in the same account.


    - can equip your main characters. all classes.

    - players will not spend obligatory tickets for go ccdungeon to get equiped.

    - reduce lag because only use 1 account at the momment.

    -people will come back knowing that can equip his own character without use permanent party (karma-poko-turtle-dende-ultimate).

  • Luck Wheel

    An event in which the player collects special items (chips / coins) dropped from the mobs of 5 levels down or above (like the Dragon balls) and then use these coins to spin a "Dragon Wheel", and receive temporary and permanent prizes in the game, such as: Dogi's (permanent / temporary, Upgrade Stones, Exp Boost, consumable items)

    Access to luck wheel could be by the site itself. The player collects the "coins" that are deposited as if they were the cash, then the player will come to the site, rotate the Roulette in search of the prizes.


    with this could also add a new title "Big Luck" that could be obvios after winning a special item of the wheel.

    -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------

    Bonus when completing a set "x"

    When you complete in equipment set you get a bonus attribute for each added piece,

    Example: (Armor x) + (Pants x) + (Boot x) = 4% physical defense (Attribute may vary with Set)

    (Gloves x) + (sub-weapon x) = 3% En.attack or phy.Attack

    Title: when completing a certain set the player gains a title referring to the equipment used, Example: "Dragon skin" "The indestructible"


    More Titles

    Important date title event, for example: 1 year DBOG, 2 years ...


    Conquest with prizes: When accomplishing an achievement the player can receive consumable / temporary items, such as: Zeni's, accessories, automatic healing potion ...



    and finally, an event in which a special mob appears randomly, and when the player kills it has a chance to drop rings, earrings, temporary collars and also cards that can be exchanged for chests with random rewards, including titles.

    I apologize for any errors in English, I'm using a translator

  • implementation of achievement system and removal of token shop will help the game to turn from passive to active. Instead of spending whole day afk grinding for tokens, people will play everyday everywhere to fulfil their achievements and gain different rewards.

    This idea is brilliant and worthy of being applied.

    Some ideas:

    1. Kill specific number of mobs to achieve etc

    2. Enter ranked battle 5 times to achieve etc

    3. Enter ranked 10 times to achieve etc

    4. Finish UD1 once to achieve etc

    5. Reach floor number... in CC.. to achieve...

    6. Complete number of quests to achieve..

    7. Start a party to achieve...

    8. Join a guild to achieve....

    9. Donate to your guild specific amount of money to gain...

    10. Participate in budokai to achieve...

    There are plenty of ideas to make of achievements based on what we can do everyday to make the players active, not just sitting there in arena doing nothing all day.

    Thanks for reading.

  • just like everyone else stated,

    achievements would be rewarding you for doing content in and outside the game.

    Easy ones being things like get to lvl 10-20-30 and higher, kill x amount of mobs, complete x amount of quests, complete your adult/masterclass quest,...

    Medium ones being complete every quest in an area, take down x amount of bosses in UD,/TMQ (easy), complete UD/TMQ x amount of times.

    Hard ones being to take down enemies in ranked or mudosa, getting to a certain place in budokai, doing CC and getting to a certain stage or lvl.

    Rewards for the achievements can vary between zenni, special titles, special dogis,...

    Perhaps also a small permanent buff if you have taken down over 10k mobs of the same property, granting you +1% or +2% attack/defence property against that type of mob. A new accesory which gives you a certain stat of your own choosing (+5) and can be upgraded (+10 or +5 for another extra stat) to a certain limit by doing more achievements. A new aura (like the dragon one from winning budokai) for completing all the achievements.

    Or just rewards as listed in this post:

    • :)
    • :(
    • ;)
    • :P
    • ^^
    • xD
    • ;(
    • X(
    • :*
    • :|
    • 8o
    • D:
    • <X
    • ||
    • :/
    • :S
    • X/
    • 8)
    • ?(
    • :huh:
    • :rolleyes:
    • <3
    • 8|
    • :cursing:
    • :thumbdown:
    • :thumbup:
    • :sleeping:
    • :whistling:
    • :evil:
    • :saint:
    • =O
    • :!:
    • :?:
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