Display More2- Keep players in game
give them reason for stay longer, today when player finish his equip or when he is bored of his class or he want take a break from it, he think about another class, but when he think that he will have to start everything from 0 and spend months on making same shlt again he give up)# Add item for change subclass, item should avaiable from tokens and cash shop, dont force ppl to cash for have fun, item should be used once per month or permanently.
#Change bind system from character to account - Upgrade/change system of Yardat watrehosue key: your bank should be shared between characters where you have used Yardat watrehosue key
thanks to this players will be able to share thier cc rewards between characters on the same account for example they can go to cc as dende put reward to bank and use in on fighter, same with accesory from dragon/cc etc.. With this they will have reason for make another character and continue playing, Yardat watrehosue key should be also added to token shop, and work permanently after use. would be nice if daneos would also let players buy more bank capsules in bank.#add life skills, fishing is not hard to made at start but will help players who can't cash or grind for all days.
#add more events/activities at weekend.
i want use other character for share items ccdungeon with my main character. and good idea remove bind in all items, its very boring start from 0.